15 Years ago.
Anne was 2 years old, she lived with her, mother, father and two brothers. They led a happy life until her father came back drunk one night. He had gambled away all of their money to a man named Morris Cantabile.
Every week men came to their home and destroyed everything they have, and they had to pay them 3 silvers each time.
This was a problem, her father had a alcohol addiction and couldn't work, so her mother and 2 brothers went to work everyday and night.
Her brothers were 8 and 10 years old, this meant that they weren't able to go to school.
One day their father went outside and cursed at the people who had put in debt. They beat him up so bad that he wasn't able to walk the next day.
A week after Anne's father got beat up, he was found dead in a alleyway with the word 'karma' carved on his forehead. The day that happened Anne's mother tried to flee into the countryside, but their cart was droved off a cliff.
Anne's Grandma Penny found her near the accident and saved her, until she went missing 2 years later. That's because the bad men found her and tried to take her until she ran into the Ghost territory. They didn't chase after her and thought that the ghost territory would kill her.
Present Day.
Ace tried to break the silence, "Grandma, do you any room we can stay the day in."
Penny turned to Ace and smiled, "Of course I do honey, let me just give you room keys."
They both got room keys, the rooms were right next to each other, room 134 and 135.
"These are the cleanest rooms." said Grandma Penny.
Ace and Xenon went to rooms and opened it, she was right these rooms are certainty clean. They went in the rooms, cleaned up after themselves and then went to sleep.
It was night-time already. Ace stared at the ceiling, thinking about when Penny asked about Xenon family name. While thinking about it, he suddenly got the idea that maybe Penny thought Xenon was similar to Anne.
He went deep into thought, 'They do look similar and act the same, maybe they are siblings.' Ace got a headache, he didn't want to think about Anne.
He went out of his room to go wake up Xenon. Ace knocked on his door and no one responded, so he opened the door and walked in. Ace saw Xenon sleeping peacefully. He stroked his head. Xenon looked just like Anne when she slept. Ace wanted to know if they were related but Xenon had a completely different last.
Ace thought that there was only one way to see if they were related and that is to go to Phantom, the capital of Ghost territory. They have many black markets their, and some secret witches that can make any type of potion. Ace always carried Anne's hair band with him and they could see if they were related by testing DNA.
But what would Ace tell Xenon? Let's go to the capital where so many ghost residents are just to see if you are related to Anne?
To be honest Xenon would probably do anything Ace asks him cause he's so scary.