Chereads / Love of the different worlds / Chapter 16 - New Species.

Chapter 16 - New Species.

The girl looked at Ace, "So what happened?"

"We were being chases by the government men."

"Because of him?" She said in a concerning voice, while looking at Xenon.

"Flora, it's not his fault, it's mine for being too headstrong."

"What we're you trying to do?"

"Find something out." Ace said in a calm tone.

"Oo I wonder what?"

"Shut up." Ace got annoyed. He looked over towards Xenon, he was opening his eyes! Ace ran towards him, "Are you okay?" He said in a worried voice.

"Where am I?" Said Xenon while he was trying to sit up, Ace held his back, and helped him get up.

Xenon saw the other person in the room, so he hid under the covers, Ace saw this, "You don't have to worry, she is good, and if she would say anything, I would never let her see the outside world ever again." He said while staring intensely at Flora.

Xenon lifted his face from out of the covers and looked at Flora, "Who is she?"

"She's Flora, someone with a very interesting personality." Ace was obviously taking about the different experiments she does.

Flora was walking closer to Xenon ,she was right next to him and to Xenon she looked a bit intimidating, that's when she put her hand out and smiled, "Hello, I am Flora, want me to tell you a secret?" Xenon looked at her in confusion, well of course he wanted to know a secret but they just met, so what could she tell him? With some hesitation Xenon nodded his head.

"I am a fairy."

Xenon laughed, fairies aren't real, how could she be a fairy? Xenon was about to speak when Ace interrupted him, "You probably won't believe it but she's not lying."

Xenon thought this was just a bad dream and pinched himself, while saying, "This is just a dream, it'll be over when I wake up." Xenon started pinching himself harder when a voice next to him said, "Are you done pinching me?" He was pinching Ace!

Xenon glared at Ace and shook his head, "This is a very bad dream I better lay back down and when I wake up this will all be gone." Xenon turned away from they and put his head on the pillow, trying to get out of this 'bad dream.'

"Get up." Said Ace in an annoyed tone, he wasn't happy seeing Xenon look at him in such a disgusted way. Was he that mean to him? Ace has always been nice to Xenon.

"Go away I'm trying to get out of this nightmare."

"I'll show you a nightmare." Whispered Ace in Xenon's ear.

Ace suddenly hovered over Xenon, and he turned Xenon, so that they we're facing each other. Xenon opened his eyes, when he did they we're staring at each other.

Xenon covered his mouth and said, "Not again, please."

Ace looked at Xenon strangely, "What are you talking about?"

Xenon just then realized he wasn't in a dream, and he accidently gave away the secret he was keeping. "Uh, I didn't say anything, it must've just been a fly."

Ace got in closer and was right infront of Xenon's face, and whispered, "Have you come out of your nightmare?"

Flora was watching the whole time and felt embarrassed, she was covering her eye's while trying to peak at them. She felt like she was a mother walking in on her son and daughter-in-law.