It was pitch black at night, it started to rain and thunder.
Xenon got scared so he hugged Ace tightly.
"Are you scared of thunder?"
"Of course not, I am a man." Xenon leg go of Ace and tired tried to sit up, until lightning struck and Xenon quickly grabbed Ace again.
"We don't have that long so just hang in there."
Xenon and Ace were almost at the capital, this was in step closer in finding out if they were related.
3 hours had passed, it was starting to become day time. Ace had stopped outside a cabin. This is where they were going to stay until it was the evening. Xenon wore his cloak which would look suspicious to anyone who walked by.
When they went inside Ace asked for 1 room. The worker looked at Xenon, he wasn't able to see his face. The worker narrowed his eyes and knew something was going on. Hesitantly he gave the room key to Ace.
After Xenon and Ace walked upstairs, the worker had called someone using a talisman,
As soon as they went in the room Xenon removed the cloak and stretched while yawning. He laid down on the bed and started to get comfortable. He sat up and looked at Ace who was sitting down on a chair.
"Aren't you going to come to bed?"
"No, you can sleep on it."
Xenon felt bad as Ace was previously sick, so to get him to sleep on the bed he knew he had to tease him.
"Are you sure, this bed is so comfy, so much better then you're bed, I can almost feel heaven from here."
Ace was intrigued, but stayed with a poker face.
"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to sleep here, I wish someone could share this with me."
Ace got up and laid on the bed, Xenon smiled, "Your highness, thank you for joining me." They both laid down next to each other, without touching. They were drifting to sleep when loud bang came from the door. "OPEN UP!" Someone shouted from the other side.
Ace was the first to get up, he looked through the peep hole and saw the government men standing there! Oh no Xenon would not be able to hide in time!
Xenon was about to speak when Ace shushed him. Quickly Ace gathered their stuff and held Xenon by the arm. He looked him in the eye and jumped out the window. Xenon left his cloak in the room so he was exposed to the sun!
The men busted through the door and saw no one was in it. They looked out the window and saw someone and a puff of smoke running! The men jumped out the window and started following them. This led Xenon and Ace to escape in the forest, but they were still being followed by the men.
They were running until they stopped and found a cave. This was better then running forever and being exposed to the sun.
Ace knew that Xenon was in pain so he laid him against a rock. The men ran passed the cave heading in the opposite direction to them. Ace knew they wouldn't be able to return back there. So how were they supposed to get to the capital? There was more important things to think about then that and that is how does he stop Xenon from hurting.