Phoenix, Cherry Blossom, Menace and Dark Dark were sitting in the living room at the big table, where Saturday, Thrill and Fade normally play cards, and worked at a poster for the concert the next day.
It was pretty normal that some people with Menace, who was quite creative and crafty, design the posters.
This one should be blue like the sky with a white guitar with wings and stars. Together they painted the blue background and Menace wrote the name of the band Fly Up Guy and the date. Phoenix took care of the guitar with wings. Dark Dark and Cherry Blossom got the stars on the poster.
The design turned out very nice. They will copy it and hang it on some walls in the building.
"Will you guys perform the new song you were writing on?", Menace wanted to know. "Oh shit, I completely forgot about that", Dark Dark mumbled to himself, but replied:"Yeah, yeah" and run one hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and asked: "When will Rise In Girl play a new concert by the way?" "Soon", Phoenix answered. "When soon?" Cherry Blossom questioned. "Soon enough", Phoenix replied. "Oh come on, you know when", Cherry Blossom said but Phoenix shock her head. "Do a band meeting", Dark Dark suggested. Phoenix sighed. "Right now?", Menace asked." What? No, not now", Phoenix responded. Menance went on: "Why not? We are finished with the posters and hanged them up." For a second Phoenix covered her face in her hands but answered then:"Alright. Band meeting. In the studio", and stood up to leave. Menance followed her. Cherry Blossom left too to work at her company again. Dark Dark stayed.
After a while Frosty, July, Sugar, Phoenix and Menace were in the studio looking at the old setlist Phoenix put at the table. "This list is so old and shitty, we should make a complete new one", she said. Frosty agreed and suggested Pain to gain instead of Jump out and Can't stop instead of Big boat. Phoenix wanted Magical you for and Menace meant Savior and Worth it then So far and Never Ever. For the opener and last song they decided on Stay icy and Limits. July suggested Power instead of Wild. "Nice. We have all 14 songs. How long do we need to practise? A week? 5 days?", Phoenix questioned" Menace answered: "3 days?" and the others agreed. "Alright. 4 days, okay?" They nooded and stood up to leave the studio.
July went outside to take care of the plants in the garden. Frosty left to get to the bar. Menace got on the second floor to the atelier and paint something. Phoenix and Sugar stayed to play a little and practise.