At 4 pm Trick, Care and Young Blood were at the station. Trick's leg was finally healed and he was able to walk and eat with the others again. What a relieve. Trick was so happy he ran outside to the garten to see all the colorful flowers again. Carefully he smelled the lilies and lilacs, Roses and violetts. He felt more alive then. All Time in bed felt like a dark sell. Like he was caged but free now, like a young little bird. Carefully he ran around the building to the back entrance to get back in and up in his room. Trick missed playing piano so much.
Saturday and July were practising fighting indoor on the second floor at about 5 pm. July actually wanted outside on the field to feel the nature around her but Saturday was against it. He liked the savety of the building more. Standing towards each other they made them self ready to fight. July started with big leaves coming out of her hands like a sword and tried to hit Saturday. He time skipped and she missed him. Next there were growing climbing plants out of her back und she moved to him quickly. Sadly Saturday was too slowly to avoid her attack and the plants pinted his leg to the ground.
He tried to pull free and was strong enough to break them. Luckily July managed to through a terrible looking insect-eating plant against him and Saturday hit the ground out of surprise. Quickly she ran to him but he time skipped a few meters away. Saturday prepared himself to cage July in time but she was too strong and faster then him. He failed again but July hit him with another attack towards his legs.
This time it was too difficult to even pull off the vines with both hands. He tried to time skip but it was impossible. July came closer and closer while Saturday struggled to stand on his feet. Finally another climbing plant reached his legs to and he capitulated. July let another climbing plant grow out of her hand towards him but Saturday already know he lost. Fear spreed in his eyes and he couldn't help but feel the plant covering his chest. It pulled tighter and tighter and Saturday started to black out, so July let go of him and he sayed at the ground heavily breathing. July smiled and Saturdays heartbeat got faster but he surrended. Kindly she wanted to help him back up but he shock his head. Saturday needed more time. He turned himself around and slowly and shaky stood up.
Thrill was suddently standing aside laughing and clapping but Saturday gave him an evil look, trying to clean his jeans from the dirty floor. With one last look from July, checking if he was okay, she left the room. Saturday desided to go get a drink from the bar maybe Frosty was there too. Later he will be outside for a while. Taking a little walk or something.
For dinner at 6 pm they had soup. Tomato, vegetables, pumpkin and cream soup. Something for everyone. For desert they ate cookies Sugar made before.
It was about 7 pm when Menace was painting in her atelier and Phoenix played violine in her room. Dark Dark, Fade and Numb went on writing music in the studio. July was in her room creating some new plants with her magic and Frosty was alone sitting at the bar trinking whiskey.
She was mostly alone because noone is such an alcoholic then her. Normally she had a drinking buddy like her sister Menace or Numb. Even Fade joined her sometimes, but this time she was alone starring at her drink thinking about life. Why did it make no sence? All the power and nobody to fight with but themselfes.