It was about 1 pm when July celebrated her Birthday in the big hall, where the stage for the concerts is. They had a funny karaoke party game build off and the whole walls of the hall were decorated with colorful paper flowers. Party music came from the huge speakers in the back. July was super excited and klapped her hands.
"Wow. Looks so beautiful, guys. Thank you so much", July said. There was a cake from Sugar on one of the bar tables and a table full of presents. "Oh my god, so much presents", July wondered. She handed to the table and the others stood around it. "Let's see", she began and opened a gift from Dark Dark. It was a band shirt. From Menace she got a landscape painting, from Numb some cool shoes and from Fade a CD with some acoustic songs. Phoenix bought her a fire lily for her room. Frosty got her a green scarf and Young Blood a red and green dress. Saturday and Trick had two books for July. From Thrill she got a nice notebook. Cherry Blossom had a girls magacine for her. Care gave her a romantic silver necklace and he turned red. July smiled and was very happy about each present.
Then they gattered around the other table with the cake and July blew out the candels. All ate cake and drank kakao. After they played karaoke and danced. They had a lot o fun.
Outside on the field at 2 pm Sugar and Cherry Blossom did a show fight for Julys Birthday. It was tense cause of the powerful skills of Sugar love and Cherry Blossom faught with light. They both stood there looking each other in the eye ready to fight. Sugar began with little love blasts but Cherry Blossom blocking them all easily. Then she ran towards her attacking her physically with her fists. Cherry Blossom was avoiding her quiet good but got punshed in the side then. She prepared for an attack but got cut off by Sugar.
Menace, Dark Dark and July, who were standing near the field screamed to give Cherry Blossom a chance so Sugar let her some space and stood at the side of the field breathing heavily. Cherry Blossom created a little light between her hands, slowly growing it bigger and formed a blast and sending it towards Sugar. She missed her closely and Sugar fell to the ground. Useing her opportunity Cherry Blossom ran to her and punshed her in the arm.
Sugar stagger a little but stayed on her feet and kicked back. Then she send a love blast at Cherry Blossom and she hit the ground. Slowly she tried to get up but Sugar suddenly was above her and pressed her hands down. She was done and gave up. Sugar helped her up and she knocked the dust off her red dress. Menace, Dark Dark, Phoenix and Frosty weren't surprised that Sugar won. She faught kinda aggressive and unfair but that's who she was, a young teenager and her love is strong. Cherry Blossom isn't that skilled or interested in fighting. Her light is powerful tho.
It was about 3 pm when Numb was crying and running from his room where he was to the station to Care, saying he can't feel anything. He felt so numb and empty "hey, don't worry. You are feeling fear and sadness and you are probably tired. Take a rest, don't do over thinking, don't stress yourself. You will be fine", he managed to calm him down and he stopped crying. "But I feel so passive. It's kinda like I can't feel anything. You know, normally I feel so much, I feel how everyone is like, cause of my skill. My skill is feelings. I know when someone is upset or angry or fearful or happy or whatever. I feel it. But now. Now I can't feel anything", Numb said nervously.
Care answered:"You gonna be okay, don't worry. Everyone has some trouble with their skills lately." "But that's dangerous. Menace lost control and hurt Trick. Who else had trouble with their skills? What are you not telling me?", Numb wondered. "Nothing. Fade came to me and said something about coordination problems while flying, but that it is no big deal and he would figue it out. He was just tired" Care replied. "Who else?", Numb asked. Care shook his head "Noone."
"Really? Phoenix, Frosty?" "Yeah. No. Noone else", Care said.