Chereads / Core Evolution. / Chapter 5 - Visitors

Chapter 5 - Visitors

"Hey, Rick... I don't know if this is a good idea." A gray Micell, of weak stature, walks into the dungeon nervously looking left and right carrying a staff.

"This dungeon appeared out of no where! Shouldn't we tell the others then come back?"

"Shut up Larry! Don't be such a b*tch, this is why they call us the weakest race" A white Micell assumed to be Rick, attentively heads inside while holding his sword.

"Don't be so hard on Larry, this is his first time doing a big task like this." The dark brown Micell tries to calm Rick down and readies his spear.

"Thanks, Lee" He smiles

Lee heads over to Rick, "Man, what are you doing? You know it's the number one rule to not offend your healer!" He whispers

"I know, but i'm getting tired of his 'iM sCArEd' Act. We should have waited for another healer to finish their quest." Rick grunts

"You know chances like this don't come often! We have to be the first to finish this dungeon so we can get the rewards first"

He sighs, "Fine, I'll bear with it for now"

"Thank You"

They were about to enter the first floor until a question suddenly pops up in front of all 3 Micells.

[Once you walk in, you can't get out until you finish the dungeon. Enter? Yes or No]

Larry jumps "Ah! What is that??"

"It seems that the dungeon is talking to us? Neat." Lee puts his spear over his shoulder.

"Let's just say yes and move on" Ricks groans

[-Welcome In-]

They enter the first floor full of black and pink crystals on the walls with pink orbs floating about.

"Wow" Larry is in awe with the view of the dungeon.

"Hey, Rick how much money do you think we could get from the these crystals?" Lee grins

"Focus Lee"

"Alright" He was about to head over to where Rick and larry are, but Lee turns back around and tries to take a couple of crystals. As soon as he touched them, without Lee realizing it, the crystals started to absorb his Energy.

Every second, the crystal will drain physical energy from lee making him physically weaker while the dungeon gains strength. The worst part about the crystals is that it won't stop draining your energy until it's destroyed and they're pretty strong.

"Lee, come on and leave the crystals alone!"

"Okay Okay..." He walks over to rick staggering a bit


The two horned monster looks over his pillar.

"Guys, looks like the boss finally decided to open up the dungeon" He grins. "I call dibs!"

The monster with 2 horns facing opposite directions releases a hostile aura "Ugh, look at those dirty Micells dirtying m'lord's dungeon. I'll gladly remove them"

The one horned monster creates a psychic energy sword from her empty sheathe. "I'll wipe out the intruders since sir Cyrus wishes for it"

The no horned monster stayed silent but he started to form pink energy spikes around him.

The monster with a horned crown cools down the atmosphere "Calm down everyone, I know we all want to kill, destroy and remove them the off the face of the planet. However, we all can't go. Let's all play rock, paper, scissors and whoever wins can get rid of those diseases from our king's home" She smiles

"Ok!" Everyone yells.


"Lee, you good? You look a bit skinnier than usual" Rick looks concerned

"What? I'm fine?" He smiles

"If you say so"

The 3 micells finally encounter the arena and proceeds to walk towards the center.

"Woah, is this an arena? I wonder who we have to fight?" Rick smiles

"f-fight?" Larry makes a huge gulp.

"These pillars are huge! I wonder what they're for?" Lee looks left to right in astonishment at the pillars, but when he looked behind him there was someone unfamiliar standing towards the 3 of them.

"Rick, Larry six o'clock"

Rick turns behind him while Larry turns to the left.

"I don't see anything"

Rick mumbles in fustration and yells "Larry turn towards the back!"

"O-oh!" he quickly turn towards the monster and jumps a little.

"D*mn, he's weird looking" Lee laughs

"Lee... lets not anger him"

"He only has one e-..." Out of no where, a pink spike of psychic energy was shot towards Lee. If Lee hadn't touched those crystals he would have easily defended that, but at the moment 50% of his physical power is gone.

He tried to raise his spear to protect himself but he wasn't quick enough and the spike went straight through his arm.

"AaAAa! You son of a..."

The no horned monster becomes confused, 'Why are Micells so weak? All I did was hurt his arm. I should end this quick.'

"Larry heal me!"

"Oh y-yeah" Larry starts to cast a spell, but the no horned monster impaled his staff multiple times making it impossible to use.

"Well, that's f*ckin great! You had one job Larry! Now you're useless" Rick shouted.

The monster stays still quite amused by the Micells bickering.

"Ugh, why can't I get up? My body feels so weak... I didn't feel like this before I came here. Only after.. The crystals!"

"What are you talking about Lee! Don't die!" Larry starts to tear up.

"It's the crystals!! Rick you must avenge me!!"

"Great I have to do everything myself! Everyone is useless" Rick readies his sword and points it towards the monster. He dashes straight for him, raising his weapon for a chance to strike.

"I know that you're a hundred times stronger than me, but i'm not giving up without a fight!."

'Ooo a man of honor! I'll let the fight last longer.' The monster nods satisfied.

Rick slashes at the monsters neck, hoping to get in contact with his skin, but he easily dodges.

The monster then summons 30 spikes around around himself, making Rick drop his jaw in disbelief.

'C'mon, give me all you got!' The monsters face is emotionless but in his thought he's grinning.

Rick who was in a ready position, dropped his weapon and started running towards the exit. "I was wrong! I give up! Please let me leave! I won't come back" He starts pounding on the exit and a message from the dungeon constantly comes up.

[You can't leave until you finish the dungeon]

[You can't leave until you finish the dungeon]

'Oy! What happened to honor!?' The no horned monster stared in shock and quickly impaled him with the 30 spikes. Filled with disappointment, he quickly killed the other two Micell and went back on his pillar.

"Wow, I didn't know you were like that. You play with them and then kill them?! My Man!" The 2 horned monster eyes shined bright towards him.

"I see a new side to you! Good Job" The monster with 2 horns facing opposite directions pats his back and gives him a thumbs up.

"I applaud you" The one horned monster bows

"You did good, for our king" The monster with a horned crown smiles at him

The no horned monster is a man of many words, but only in his thoughts. 'No, I was just trying to get a good fight...' However, no one knew what he was really thinking.


Back in the core room, Cyrus is laughing his butt off. 'My warriors are very interesting!'

It's only a thought, but maybe I should give them names... I'll sleep on it'


Exp Gained: 600xp

Micell- 200

Micell- 200

Micell- 200.

Dungeon Level 1


Core Level 1

