Chereads / Core Evolution. / Chapter 7 - A weird symbol

Chapter 7 - A weird symbol

"I know!! Their name is-.." Before he could finish his sentence, a notification popped up in his face.

[Your dungeon has leveled up!]

'What?! Open Experience!'


Exp Gained: 1000

Ratman -500

Ratman -500

Dungeon Level 1.

New!!—> Dungeon Level 2

1350/2000 (+ 750)

New!!—> 100/5000

Core Level 1

450/1000 (+ 250)


'Wait.. so what happens when the dungeon levels up?'

{Your dungeon's power is based on your monster's power, so it's really the monster's leveling up. The dungeon doesn't change.}

'Then how do I get more floors?'

{You get a new floor after each battle game event, so the most you can ever have is 7}

'That's a bit dumb'

{Hey, I'm not the creator}

He sighs and looks back at the experience page feeling something odd. 'Hey, Pics is something missing on here?'

{What do you mean? What could be missing?}

He scratches his head 'I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like something is missing'

Pics examines the experience page and takes a moment to answer until she finally figured it out.


The gray micell is calming his breathing from running into the hole. "It was a good idea to hide in here"

He lays his hand on his chest and close his eyes. "Everyone, I promise I will avenge you and destroy this cursed dungeon!" He was whispering, but the volume of his voice suddenly rose when thinking about his family. Realizing he was loud, he quickly covered his mouth.

The 2 horned monster's ear twitched.

"Did you hear something?" he asks jumping from his pillar.

"No? What did you hear?" The monster with 2 opposite horns sits down on the edge of her pillar and leans back a bit.

"I heard a voice.." He walks closer over to the micell's hole.

"Maybe you misheard.."He smirks slightly.

"You're probably right" He smiles and starts to walk away.

The micell chuckles quietly, 'What a bunch of morons. They should've been paying attention and now they can't find me'


The micell jumps 'What was that?!'

The two horned monster had slammed his hands in the hole next to him. "Hm, I thought someone would be in here... Oh well, I give up"

The Micell looks down and sighs of relief. 'Phew. How dare he scare me like that! I knew it, they can't find me!' Is what the micell thought. However, once the micell looked back up, he saw an eerily smiling face look at him.

"That's what you thought I would say!" The two horned monster, cracks his knuckles and takes the Micell out the hole by grabbing hold of his neck.

"H-how?" The Micell tries to grasp for air.

He laughs, "Are you an idiot? Have you never heard of playing dumb?"

The micell starts to tear up.

"Aw, don't cry. Since I was entertained a bit... i'll let you have a painless death. How's that?" he grins and puts his finger in a flicking position to the micell's forehead.

Then, he looks up at the other 2 horned monster "Hey, what do people say when they cut down a tree?"


"Oh yea! TIM-..." He didn't finish saying the word because the micell was already dead before he could use a special move on him.

"What? Why did you die? You were supposed to wait!" he shakes him back and forth.

"Well, you are still choking him to death" The monster with 2 opposite horns laughs and gets up to leave.

"Noooo!" He drops down on his feet.


Cyrus and Pics are still in the core room examining the experience page and new information appeared on it.


Exp Gained: 1000 (+200)

Ratman -500

Ratman -500

(added) Micell -200

New!!—> Dungeon Level 2

New!!—> 100/5000 (+150)

Core Level 1

450/1000 (+ 250) (+50)


He smiles, 'Ah! There it is. Looks like they found him. Now, take us to the first floor so we can give the news"

{Teleporting Now}

Cyrus arrives on the first floor and heads to the center of the arena. Without having to call them, the 5 monsters summoned themselves in front of him and bowed.

"Rise, I just came to say congrats on your level up" He grins

"Thank you boss / sir/ m'lord/my king /...."

"So to congratulate you, I will give you all a name!"

The monster's faces are filled with shock. They never thought about receiving a name because their only duty was just protect the dungeon and not worry about anything else.

{I hope you know you're the first to do this. No one gives names to their monsters because there's no purpose. Why are you doing this?}

'I just want to' He laughs. 'As weird as this may sound, every time they fight I get this strange feeling like I should do something and this was one of them. Also, i'm sure the author is tired of calling everyone 'the crowned horned monster or the monster with two horns facing opposite directions.

His levitation device moves up to the one horned monster. "I may not know much about you, but I do know that you're a very intelligent and skilled warrior. May you continue to protect this dungeon! You're name will be Lou"

Unexpectedly, Cyrus started to glow and pink energy shot from him into Lou. A symbol started to form on her right shoulder. The symbol was of a heart on top of a triangle and it was same color of her hair.

'Pics, what just happened?'

[I'm unsure]

Lou bows "Thank you for bestowing this honor, sir Cyrus! I'll forever remember this!"

"You're welcome" he smiles and moves over to the no horned monster.

'I'm quite concerned Pics'

{Keep doing what you're doing and i'll figure it out}

Cyrus nods and does the same for the no horned monster. "I noticed that you don't speak much or show much emotion. You have a very calm aura, but when you fight you're wild. Your name is Clovis."

Again, Cyrus shined brightly and power went from him to Clovis. The symbol started to form on him, but instead of his right shoulder, it was on the left. He bowed to Cyrus.

In the middle, was the crowned horned monster. "Your motherly aura cools anyone's temperament down. You may have done little, but I know that you will do a lot to lead the group thus your name will be Diona"

When it was time for the symbol to appear on Diona, Cyrus couldn't see it anywhere until he saw her back shine a bit. 'Oh, there it is'

"I won't let you down my king" she bows and smiles

Next, was the monster with 2 horns facing upwards. "I can already tell you have spirit, ambition and guts. I haven't seen you fight yet, but i'm pretty excited. Your name is Tyr."

Tyr's symbol appeared on top of his right hand."Thanks Boss!" He smiles happily

Lastly, is the monster with 2 horns facing opposite directions. "You are the smarts and counselor of this group. Whenever someone asks a question they will go to you first. I have high expectations of you, your name is Quinn"

Quinn's symbol appeared on top of his left hand. "I will do my utmost best m'lord"

"Now that's finished, I still have one thing left to tell you and that is your group name"

Everyone spoke,"Group Name?"

"Yes, this will help all 5 of you to work and bond better" He smiles.

"You are the 5 Royal Tarots and these are your names:

Diona your are the Empress

Tyr you are the king of wands

Clovis you are the king of cups

Lou you are the queen of swords

lastly, Quinn you are the king of coins

Do your best to protect our dungeon!"

"Yes boss!/m'lord!/sir!/.../my king!" Everyone bows and goes onto their pillars.

He sighs ' find o-..' A message abruptly showed up interrupting Cyrus's thoughts.

[Congratulations!! You have unlocked 1 out of 3 requirements to receive your second element!]