[???: Help… Somebody… Help….]
It was on that day, I felt like I might as well have been deaf. Thunder, rain, gunshots, explosions, screaming, death. Somebody, turn it down. I'm so tired. My throat's gone dry, that I can barely talk. I don't know where to go. I'm crawling on the ground. A ground covered in blood. I'm crawling. Hopelessly. My leg. It hurts. It hurts like hell.
[???: Injured soldier. Call a medic now.]
I hear someone. Could it be? Someone's come to rescue me? Am I…. saved?
[???: Aww, it's another one of those Varean peasants. It looks like he's as good as dead though. C'mon, let's end his misery.]
Crap. Henaeans. They're going to kill me. I need to get out of here. Somehow. I can't die here. I need to find a way out of this situation. I need to… survive.
[???: What are you talking about? Captain, we have to help him—]
[Soldier: No sir. We are taking him out of here. Right. Now.]
I look up. I see the two soldiers. Struggling. For a gun. Crap. This is getting bad. They're must be something here.
[Captain: *kicks the soldier to the ground* This. Argument. Is. Over.]
He grins. He looks at me. He points the gun. He loads it. Is this… it?
[???: WAIT—]
I hear someone. A woman's voice. Might be a medic for them. She's come between us. The captain holds his fire. Looks like she's saving me. Is it not over after all?
[Girl: There's a cabin down there. Help me take him there and I'll treat him as quickly as I can. Please. Let me do my job.]
His face. He's pissed off. If things go wrong, both me and her would stay here with a bullet in our heads. Crap. I'm terrified. It feels like an hour has passed, and it's so silent.
[Captain: *puts gun back* Soldier, carry this wounded scum to the cabin.]
I exhale a breath of relief. I've never froze that long before. It felt like an eternity. The fact that I could've been dead and the fact that I'm not makes me… sleepy… I'm so… tired…
I wake up in a bed with my leg all bandaged up. I still hear the rain outside the window. I'm still nervous of what might happen next, but at least, I'm alive. I survived. I think I'm still so tired…
I hear someone screaming. Outside. Crap. I thought I was safe. What in the world could it be this time? This can't be the end, right?
Someone's opening the door. It's…. the girl. With a knife. Covered in blood.
[Girl: Can you move? Hurry. I took care of the soldiers outside. Corkeep is nearby. I'll explain everything later, but for now, hold onto my shoulders and let's go.]
I grabbed onto her soldiers, and she carried me all the way back to Corkeep in this heavy rain. As we arrive, the medics carried me, and I saw a glimpse of her passing out. She must've been really exhausted after all of that. I'm so relieved. We're safe. I'm safe.