Chapter 9 - 9

He was skimming through the headlines in the Daily Prophet, frowning. Rubbish, this daily informer published nothing but nonsense. Lucius strolled into the dining room, his blond hair, a dishevelled mess, eyes still puffy from sleep.

"Dobby, coffee, strong. Now!" Lucius flopped on the chair, yawning without even trying to cover his mouth. "It is so hard to find good help these days."

"Yes," he mumbled absentmindedly. In a way, he felt honoured because not many had seen Lucius in this state. Suddenly, he froze, his heart pounding in his chest, climbing his slow painful way up to his throat.

"Anything interesting?" Snape enquired.

"Nothing," Lucius replied, closing the papers and folding them. The title of the article was still floating in front of his eyes. It read- 'POTTER HEIR TO BE WED AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR – SCHOOL SWEETHEARTS'. He focused on the food in front, his porridge was overly cold while Lucius nursed and hugged the cup of coffee like his life depended on it.

"I have to congratulate you, it is a rare honour…"

"I am well aware of that." He cut off his friend, cold emptiness settled in his chest, he slammed his second occlumency wall hard, locking any thought behind that might try to evoke positive emotion or remorse. Snape really had nothing more to lose, so now he would only take care of himself, and that's all he was intending to do.

"You can use my potions lab, all the ingredients are there." Lucius offered. "The instructions are in the family Grimoire. I admit, I never thanked you for returning the book to me." The blonde haired wizard spoke, mulling over his coffee.

"It should be your inheritance, Lucius. Besides, I already offered you to return all the books he left me. It was only to anger you, surely he never meant for me to have them?"

"As adequate brewer as I am," Lucius intoned, "My strengths lie in diplomacy. Therefore, I had no interest in potions. With you, these very books have more purpose. Surely Severus, allowing my children and their heirs' access to your library we will be fine and sufficient in itself."

"No granting is necessary and you know it," Snape replied. Seeing that Lucius was casting him an odd glance. "Shall we? I have a poison to brew."

"I knew you had it in you, but honestly I never thought that you would admit to it."

"You underestimated me, Lucius." Snape offered, eyebrow quirked, teasing.

"Yes, it appears I did." Lucius stood and motioned Snape to follow. "If you will…"

Why? Why did I brew that poison? Why after learning its name?

No more memories, I know what I did. I already know. Darkness was silent, floating all around him.

I know… I know why. They saw me. They recognized my potential. They saw what I could be instead of how I didn't fit. Was it, was it that wrong that I had wished to be recognized?

Ah, but it was. Lily!

The flutter of ice touched his insides like a butterfly wing when he read the name of the poison. He was familiar with it, given that it was one of the potions from the Malfoy family Grimoire, and he'd already read it more than once.

"Lucius, The Dark Lord said you have all the ingredients." He turned to his friend, seeing that Lucius had produced a minuscule flask.

"What can I do to help?"

"Do not distract me, prevent any distraction." He ordered. Knowing inside that it wasn't smart to order one Lucius Malfoy around but he was already focused on the potion. And this one was incredibly…challenging.

What many potioneers failed to see was that potions, even if the intricate art of blending ingredients demanded no wand or spells. It did, however, necessitate a considerable amount of magic and knowledge of the liquids. The intent played a great part in potion making, but not an intent as such rather it was in a form of a potioneers focus on the effectiveness of said potion while making it.

The potion he had to brew was not difficult on its own, ingredients wise, though some were rare and illegal. Brewing rhythm was another matter altogether. This was the Unforgivable poison among potions, Avada Kedavra in liquid form and as such asked a lot from the brewer. He took the knife and started to peel…Seven hours later he gave Lucius a flask with clear, water-like, liquid. And with pride swelling in his chest, Snape could breathe a sigh of relief. He had made it perfectly.

"It is poetry, my friend," Lucius smiled. "Truly remarkable watching you work."

"It is not hard to be a poet in your lab Lucius." He returned the smile.

Darkness fluttered around him. Caressing his non-existing face with the silkiest of touches. Why was he so prideful then? It was just the potion. Accepted! Maybe he wanted to be accepted, recognised and that potion was the ticket in, that's why. Fool!

He was a fool back then…was still a fool now and this, this was his punishment.

Mild April evening, he was next to Lucius in an unfamiliar Manor.

So many faces known and unknown to him were gathered. Annoyingly, some of the faces were partially masked and some were not. Snape wasn't nervous, he knew he should have been but he wasn't. The respect he'd received in those four months helped to steel his resolve.

Whispers followed him wherever he went and he knew of the words spoken. 'A half-blood' recruited directly to the inner circle, one reserved for the Sacred 28. There were other half-bloods among the ranks, of course, but they never saw the Dark Lord, little less talked to him. Then there was Bellatrix, she simply sneered at him. And to annoy her further, Snape ignored her.

Finally, The Dark Lord entered the room, his radiant beauty and the aura of his power was captivating not just Snape but the masses gathered here this night.

"My Lord, there is an intruder among us, allow me to get rid of him before he sours you with his presence." Shrieked Bellatrix.

Almost immediately, his red eyes were directed to her face. "Intruder?" He repeated.

"The half-blood filth my Lord," She spat. "Brought here by none than my brother-in-law."

"Severus is here on my personal invitation, Bella." Dark Lord's voice was sharp and condemning, almost angry at her insult. "Why would my wards let anyone in who was uninvited? Do you doubt my skills that much?" The tone was silky but deadly nonetheless.

"No, never my Lord." She fell to her knees, head lowered in embarrassment. "I-I beg for your forgiveness."

"I admire your loyalty, Bella," he looked down at her, where she remained in a crouching position. "And your wiliness to follow my wishes. Rise!" He ordered.

As expected, Bellatrix rose from the ground like an unwelcome weed in a flower garden. Her beautiful shining eyes bore adoringly into the Dark Lord. "For your eagerness to please me, Bella, I will…reward you, if I don't change my mind."

He shivered, whatever Dark Lord had in store for Bellatrix was not likely to be pleasant. Specifically for her or anyone who would be there to witness it.

The Dark Lord silenced the room with a flick of his wrist. It was apparent that he wanted to speak to the group. "We are gathered here with one purpose." He said clearly. "There are rare ones among us who qualify to sit at the same table with me, and those I see as such, I test vigorously. In light of this, we are here tonight to witness the completion or failure of one such recruit. The one I see worthy of such position." He glared at the gathered group and Severus felt his chest swell with pride.

"His initial task was executed perfectly. He surpassed all of you in his first duty." The Dark Lord turned to him. "Come, Severus, join me."

Snape walked to the Dark Lord and fell to his knees, head bowed down, even when he yearned to raise it. Hand patted his head, he was shaking, this was too much honour, more than he dared hope to receive.

"Bella, as your reward, Severus will duel your husband. I will rule the victor as well as how far the duel will go. Should you become a widow, I will personally find another suitable husband for you. Rodolphus, approach me. Raise Severus."

He stood up. Rodolphus was an experienced dueler, he'd been in the Dark Lord's inner circle for years, leading the raids. Snape only saw him as a dangerous foe, not the type to duel with. The man looked at him with hatred in his expression, a look of contempt on his face.

Snape was calm, emotionless.

And then the duel began. Curses were flying but they weren't touching Severus. He was so focused on the man's eyes and he easily dodged and parried all attacks. He played with him. Dark Lord never told him that he could kill, so when he cast a spell, one of his own making, he aimed it so that it would inflict maximum damage, not a kill shot.

Rodolphus was on the ground, bleeding profusely. Snape stood above the body, empty, winded, and waiting.

"Marvelous fight! Severus, you please me once again! Can anyone heal…" The Dark Lord waved his hand, motioning to the bleeding man in his midst. "Him?" The word seemed to come out as more of a hiss.

"My Lord," he intoned respectfully. "If I may?"

"Go on Severus." He ordered, standing back to observe.

"They won't know how to heal him from this wound. If my Lord wishes him dead I can finish him off, but if my Lord wishes him to survive, only I know how to heal him."

An eyebrow rose at Snape's words. "Explain Severus."

"The curse that cut him was of my own making, it will bleed until I stop it."

"You surpassed all the others, Severus." The Dark Lord sounded pleased. "Heal him."

He knelt and with his wand, he cut the man's clothes. Slowly and purposefully, he dragged his wand over the wounds, softly chanting an almost song-like incantation. The scar will stay, no magic will be able to remove it. For enemies, to be marked for eternity.

"Raise Severus, walk with me."

Severus obeyed, flattered by the attention he was receiving. He cautiously took a stroll with the Dark Lord, half a pace behind with his head bowed.

"That was an interesting and very powerful spell. I am truly intrigued to learn of it."

"Of course my Lord." Snape had made it, he'd made a name for himself, a status. He was truly elated.

The darkness caressed his cheeks. It cooed to him, creating a completely different sensation. Mixing and blending with a feeling of elation. No, that was wrong! Even after all those years, a single uttered praise was enough to feel that way. Even after death. Stop! Stop it! This was wrong! He was a sick and twisted fuck, but this was around the bend, even for him.

Don't, please! Please! Especially because he knew what would come next. He lost his mind, but not in a way he hoped. Hell! Ice gathered in the pit of his non-existent stomach.

~ S ~ S ~ S ~

Hermione blinked at the Matron, she was holding a bowl full of water and several flannel rags in her hands.

"How is our patient this morning?" She asked cheerfully.

"The same. Well, not quite the same but…" Hermione mumbled.

"He's started to sweat a lot, he needs a bath, charms just won't do it anymore."

She jumps on her feet, standing next to the bed, protectively. "I'll do it."

"Child, it is not…"

Matron was cut off with Hermione's insistence to be heard. "I've seen him before, and I don't think he would appreciate if more people see him in his current state of undress."

"If you think that is the way to convince me, you are sorely mistaken." Matron's voice was sharp. "What were you doing, lifting his sheets?"

"I had to." She almost cried out. It wasn't like she had a choice, not really. "He gets in that…state, as of late and…it doesn't go away on its own, so…"

"And you had no brains to call me, handling a situation on your own?" Hermione noted that Matron seemed really quite angry.

"I didn't think he would want many people to see…" She really wanted to say more but she refrained.

"He is my patient, even from before you were born, don't you think I've seen him by now? And on top of that, what do you think, how it would reflect on me if it gets known that I left you to attend to the grown man's needs?"

"But I didn't touch him, I swear, I didn't."

"What did you do then?" She inquired.

"I used the charm, ice cold air…on that part…until it goes away."

"Good grief girl! Are you trying to help him or add to his misery?"


"Fine, if you want to help, then ask. I will teach you the spell."

"There is a spell?" She gaped.

"What do you think? He is not the only male patient to have an erection while hospitalised. Of course, there is a spell."

Hermione gasped at Matron's words.

"If you want to handle the situation, then you have to get used to naming it properly. Did you even ever…?"

"Yes, of course, I did. I am not a virgin. Through, I'd say that professors…equipment is far more advanced than Ron's is." She wrinkled her nose and the Matron chuckled.

"And you say you know your stuff, you do not demonstrate that knowledge well. He is a grown man and well within the parameters of normal dimensions. Mr Weasley is still a boy."

She sighed, digging through her medical knowledge, normal dimensions…how much is that? If he was, he was surely at the upper line for sure. She took the bowl and Matron left, still chuckling to herself.

So far she'd managed not to touch him too much. Just his face and hands, but now she would have to. Not that she wanted to, but… She'd sort of developed a possessive, protective streak towards him. And now, she wouldn't allow anyone, not even Matron, to witness him in his weakened, helpless state. She wouldn't.