Chapter 14 - 14

"Hades, can you find Hogwarts and deliver this?" he asks the bird, Hades ruffle his feathers, insulted at his question "Fine, then give this to Dumbledore, no one else. He has to be alone. Wait for his reply."

The bird flies away, and he goes to the laboratory. This potion is demanding, but he thrives on challenge. Cutting, crushing, stirring…a flaw. There is a way to make this potion better, more effective. Should he do it? Maybe if he makes two versions, one original and one his. Yes, that is what he will do. Just couple more hours today and then he can return to the book he was reading. Peace. Among the potions and written knowledge, he found his peace. He tests his walls. They are strong but behind them, there is too much pain, there is guilt…he fortifies them. He has no time for that kind of nonsense.

Hades returns. He reads the note and finishes up quickly. He does not try to change his robes. There is no point in impressing the old man. Tossing a handful of floo he calls the address. It is a forest clearing, and only torn, half destroyed cottage, but it has a fireplace. Good enough for him. He finds a rickety chair and sits on it. It is not like he is in hurry to meet with the old man, he can wait. Wind swirls and Dumbledore apparates near the thorn cottage wall. He does not rise from the chair.

"That was an unusual request, Mr Snape."

"Master." He corrects dryly

"What was that."

"It is Master Snape, Headmaster."

"Ah yes, I remember, I read about it in the Prophet. You took your Mastery. What can I do for you, Master Snape? Is there any reason for secrecy?"

"You can't do anything for me. However, I do have a task." He stands, hands the letter and sits back "I am but a messenger."

Dumbledore looks confused. He opens the letter and reads. He raises his head and looking at him

"Are you privy to the content of this letter."

"No." and that is the truth, even if the letter was open he didn't read it, it is not his concern

"Did you join him?"

"What do you think Headmaster?"

"I am hoping that maybe there is still hope for you."

"Hope is for fools and idiots. I'm building my own path."

"You chose the wrong path, Mr Snape."

"I chose the only path given to me, Headmaster. One where I am not Imperioed to take an oath, threatened or bullied, one where no one turns its head from me."

"So much resentment Mr Snape, it is sad." Dumbledore looked sad at his word almost wounded

"The truth Headmaster is never pretty, but I do not turn my head from it."

"What is it that you are going to do?"

"Wait for your reply and take it to him." He watches as Dumbledore sighs. Acting, it all just an act. He doesn't care about him. Correction, Dumbledore couldn't care less about him. Why? Dumbledore scribbles a note and hands it to him

"I do hope that you will reconsider you position Master Snape." He says and vanishes in a swirl of air.

Hypocrite. Old goat. That's what it was! He did fear that Dark Lord could use his skills. He chuckles. It is a hollow sound. 'Your loss old man, you can have your werewolves and your bullies, you lost me.'

Lies! All lies! They both used him. And he let them, like the fool he is. Always an idiot. This is close, too close. He doesn't want to remember. Not anymore. Not ever. Walls he has to raise them. He has to. He has to raise his wall, he has to get rid of that unwanted presence in his mind. Floating sensation. Panic. What is going on? Something warm wraps around his senses. The same voice is cooing to him. Why he can't hear the words? Who. The fuck. Is. She? Peaches. Peaches and citrus. What is going on?

~ S ~ S ~ S ~

"I know you are angry at me and you have every right to be, I did just want to help." Her voice is thin and small but she still argues her case with very angry Matron "I promise, I won't do anything foolish this time. You can stand and watch."

"Hmh" huffs Matron

"What I propose is a Muggle method. It will help him. Maybe not to wake up but when he wakes up. I swear, no magic, save from one small charm. You can perform it."

"Miss Granger…"

"Use any connection you have in Muggle hospitals, make an enquiry. Don't just cut me out, please. It will help."

"Very well Miss Granger, give me a few minutes. I will check our request before I make my decision."

Matron leaves and she is breathing a breath of relief. She knows she is right about this. In her plan, there is no uncertainty. You cannot go wrong with what she is proposing. She glances at him. He is looking better, much better. He gained some weight and does not remind her of living corpse. His complexion is still pale, skin almost translucent, but that is more like him. The dark circles under his eyes are gone. She can't remember if she ever saw him without them. Cheeks are not hallowed anymore and more of her old professor returns by each day. She takes that as a good sign. Matron returns and she holds her breath.

"It appears that this time your idea has some merits, Miss Granger. I do believe that you will use decent and necessary measures. You may transfigure…"

"Yes! Yes! I will. Thank you, Matron!"

"It is alright, child, I know you want to help. Just no stuns. You can use one on the end of the hall." Maton huffs once more and turns.

She is happy. Swiftly she transfigures sheet into shorts and levitates his body, casting a disillusioning charm. She transports him to the end of the hall and enters a huge bathroom with a basin. Basin is waist high. She lowers him down and taps the pipes to fill it with warm water. She will have to ask Matron what potions she can use in the water and find some books on the subject, that was not something she researched so far.

Levitating hi into the water she casts a floating charm and then anchoring one. She watches almost fascinated as his hair fan around him like a black seaweed, reminding her of the Muggle saints, just in different colour. Casting another charm to create water's resistance against his body she tosses her wand on the edge of the basin. She walks around him and sighs taking one of his palms into hers

"Now, professor, I know you would be against this. And I do apologize, but imagine how nice it will be when you have a use of your muscles when you wake up. Surely, you would prefer that over being immobile. And there is nothing wrong with you, you know?"

She laces her fingers with his and gently pushes his palm up until he reaches its limit, then slowly returns it to normal position. His hand is like a claw against hers. Even if matron claims that he is almost returned to his state before he was bitten she doesn't like it. He is still abysmally thin. His rib care is a sharp arch over the too pulled back stomach. She can see contours of muscles but they are thin and crut. She remembers a flexing of his back and strength of his muscles.

"I think that you were into sports of sorts. Magic can't repair deep tissue laxness. It can but only up to an extent. Nothing can repair muscle density and flexibility like physical exercise. I don't know why wizards dismiss Muggle medicine, sure it is not perfect, but some of it is quite useful and advanced."

She pushes his whole hand against the water, up and back. She repeats it for ten times before she switches side and repeats exercises.

"We will start slow, we don't want for you to get muscle pains." She walks to his feet and takes one into her arms rolling it gently, then the other. "I dream about you. Ever since I tried to wake you up. Most bizarre dreams. Do you think those are not dreams but memories? Did I pick up some of your memories? They don't allow me to read more books on the Mind magic." She sighs "So I don't know what is going on. Gods professor, those dreams are horrible, I sincerely hope that they are not your memories."

She takes one of his legs and pushes it up and towards his chest, then the other. Finally, she summons her wand and dispels some of the charms and pushing him to the edge of the basin. She casts a spell again

"I modified a sticking charm, I use it when I do sit ups. Well, can't do sit ups by yourself but I will push you up for now. I bet that you hate it, me talking this much, but I need to talk to you in the hope you will wake up if nothing to yell at me."

She walks to his back and lowers until his head is resting on her shoulder, she encircles his torso with her hands. He is too thin. She walks straight until he is in a sitting position and then back. His skin is warm and unusually dry for someone submerged in water. When she is done she steps back and summons one cosmetic bag.

"I hope you won't be too much mad at me, I asked my mother to buy me something for you. It is a Muggle product, but it isn't bad, it might even help you. Your hair is not half bad, but it greases quite fast. Some say stress can cause that. Merlin knows you were under too much stress, more than it is healthy by far. This might help, to reduce the greasiness, citrus will prevent that, the peach will help with volume."

She was his hair with the shampoo and applies the conditioner. When she is done she gets out of the water and levitates him up. She pauses to release water from the basin and takes him back to his room. Lowers him gently to the bed, returning the shorts to the original state.

"I'm tired. You must be tired too, even if you are in a coma. They say that people in a coma can hear you, I hope you can hear me. Rest now, professor."

She yawns and goes to lay on the couch. She is fast asleep.