Chapter 11 - 11

He'd just killed a man, but he didn't feel a thing inside, maybe just emptiness. Not one single emotion, whether that was good or bad he wasn't sure.

He could tell it had perhaps shocked Lucius because he was being led in near silence to where he assumed was a bedroom with an ensuite attached.

Severus knew from personal experience that the nearest was a floor up. Enough time for Lucius to attempt to talk, or console.

And as luck would have it, he caught a glimpse of his reflection and he stared, dumbfounded. So much blood coated him, but still nothing. The emotion was gone, the words and feelings wouldn't come.

"Gods Severus," Whispered a pale Lucius. He turned his light blue eyes to observe his friend. Apparently and quite noticeably to Severus, Lucius was shaken up under that usually fierce façade. "You know I have nothing against good torture," He shuddered again, struggling to rid it from memory without a penseive to hand. "But that was, Gods."

Awkward silence. Lucius had paled. More so than his usually colourless visage, Severus thought.

"They deserved it," he muttered in response.

"They?" Lucius questioned, picking up on the plural, as expected.

"My father, Albus, Pettigrew, Lupin-" His voice seemed hollow. "-Black, and Potter. All of them, they deserved it."

Lucius flinched, nodding in agreement. Severus knew it was all he could do because he figured for Lucius to say otherwise might exacerbate his mindset.

"I-I was wanting to ask you," Lucius started, nervously. "You are free to refuse, of course."

"Name it?" Severus muttered. His eyes still hollow and nearly lifeless.

"Would you become my brother?" He asked, an almost timid tone to his request.

"I will, in a matter of hours," Snape replied, coolly. "It was promised."

"No, not like that." Lucius smiled nervously. He quickly procured a silver dagger with an exquisitely ornamental handle from the folds of his robes. "My brother in blood?"

Suddenly quirking a brow, Severus looked at Lucius with a stare of curiosity. He had never been asked to do this before. It was certainly unusual, and quite possibly strange to have even been asked. "Why would you even consider to pollute your blood with mine?" he was at loss, confused but then honoured. Not entirely sure how he should answer the question.

"Nonsense! You are one of most powerful wizards of your age I know, and your power will only grow from here on out." Lucius reasoned. "Merlin's beard, Severus," He intoned. "You just held a man in the air wandlessly while you used your wand on him! If our power is in the blood, I would be the one at gain. Or perhaps, order your blood in litres, like a vampire."

They chuckled. "As it is not, I really want you on my side. And I pray to Salazar that I never to get on your wrong side nor be your foe in our later lives."

"You couldn't Lucius, even if you try." He nodded, a faint appearance of a smile graced his lips but as soon as it had come it had gone from his face.

Lucius wanted to tie himself to power, Snape could easily understand that.

He was honoured, truly. Lucius was his friend, the only one he had. Some would even say a best friend, but the term was always difficult to digest, he had no real things to base that on. Up until recently, specifically starting at Hogwarts, Lucius was all he had.

Without any further uttered word. Severus took the dagger and slashed across his right open palm before returning the dagger to Lucius who mimicked his motion. Simultaneously, they joined hands, slash to slash. The blood dripped from each clenched palm to settle on a thick rug beneath them. Neither one of them uttered a word, but the magic flared around them, shining brightly between their joined hands. Severus could feel it, the bond. It felt accepting, warm and caring.

And he figured that not many would have connected those feelings with Lucius Malfoy of all people, but then again, not many knew Lucius like he did, like he had learned to. Eventually, the light faded and instinctively they unclasped hands to see the identical wounds were sealed.

Lucius smiled. "Look at me, Severus."

"I have my shield, Lucius, no need for you to check."

"What are you going to do when you drop it?."

"Who says I will? Ever again."

"Severus,…what you did, they are all scared of you now."

"Good." He said, cocking his head to the side. "That was the point of the exercise. You know me better than that."

"I do." He nodded, imperceptibly. "That's why I wonder…how much of what you did was connected with the latest gossip column."

"I do not follow gossips, Lucius," he said, looking askance at his pale, verging on anaemic friend. "I have no use for them."

Lucius seemed largely dubious. "I see. So you do not care that she is marrying Potter?"

The name was said with such derision it almost made him smile. "That is an old news," he rebutted. "If you call that 'the latest' you need to catch up, fast."

Lucius could tell from the response. How else would he know of their engagement? "I am certain that this is fresh, they have published the date."


Severus could tell that his friend was perplexed. "Good?" He questioned. His blonde eyebrow quirked, remaining elevated as if hanging by an invisible string.

He nodded in agreement. "We are at war, but thankfully the Daily Prophet is doing a great job by keeping the public masses misinformed." He really did think that. He was more than aware that war was coming. But for Severus, it was more a matter of which side he would choose.

Finally, he made a choice that to Lucius made him breathe an audible sigh of relief. "Lucius, I am going to take a shower." He looked at the room, almost pure black ebony marble. White would be so hard to remove all the blood from, it would be a shame to taint the bathroom.

"It would be rude to show up like this again," he said, lifting his soggy bloodsoaked robes. The stench of iron filled his nostrils. "Would you please clean up my robes of blood?"

"You won't return in these," Lucius stated. "I have your Death Eater robes in here." He motioned to the bedroom and the robes laid on the made bed fit for Severus to wear..

"I'll be done fast," Severus replied.

~S ~ S ~ S ~

Five days. Five days had passed since Narcissa came in this room.

Matron was satisfied with his progress. Less and less he was looking like a living corpse. His skin, still translucent again, pale. Oddly, Matron saw this as progress compared to the parchment yellow of before. Even better was the undeniable fact that Snape was beginning to gain some weight. She had even begun to ponder about incorporating some exercises, to build him muscle strength. Though she had wondered if would still be able to withstand the exertion?

Hermione looked at him. Because his face wasn't so gaunt, she found herself able to study his features in more depth. Why had they ever talked about him as being ugly? He was surely not the epitome of beauty, but when relaxed, his face had an almost magnetic attraction. He was all sharp cheekbones, strong jawline and severe features that had all helped him with solidifying his seemingly stronger personality.

His vital signs were getting better by the day, that had to count for something surely?

And tonight, Hermione was more at peace. Harry had sent her an owl with the news that he had finally managed to persuade a curse-breaker at St. Mungo's to help Draco with his magical malady. The thing is, the War had taken so many lives, no one deserved to die, not anymore. Not even Draco.

She glanced at her notes, books surrounding her as always. Matron was completely against her idea, but she was adamant that she should at least try and help him. Waiting wasn't an option, they had waited for months now. Tonight was the night, tonight she would be putting her idea into practice, to see if it would work as she hoped.

She had carefully studied all the angles, all the possible implications. Sure that her magical skill would suffice.

With a trembling sigh, she made to stand and approached the bed.

"Right. Now, Professor, you may be mad at me for what I am about to do, but this is only for your good." She uttered to her non-responding Professor. "The Malfoys are free from charges, they didn't receive any awards, and they have to pay the hefty fine but they are free. You are free, the tribunal has pronounced you a war hero. And, you've received 'Order of Merlin First Class'. That is something to celebrate? But you can't celebrate it in this state." She sighed.

How would he accept what she was about to do, what she'd done? "Right. Here it goes, all or nothing. Don't fight me now, please."

She reached across and opened his eyes, but the moment she let go, they naturally fell closed. That wouldn't do, she needed him to have his eyes open. But, in order to do so, she'd need a better angle.

"I am so sorry, professor."

Climbing onto the bed, Hermione carefully straddled his thin frame. And once again, she gently opened his eyes with her cleansed fingers, gazing into the closed-off surface. All she could see were two obsidian mirrors staring back at her, empty. She could quite clearly see her reflection in them. She had continued to gaze, muttering…

…Darkness. She was surrounded by darkness.

Blank, his mind was completely blank. She was desperate. But then…a sliver of memory flickers and instinctively, she reached for it…

… He was kneeling. He was not the only one.

She desired to raise her eyes and observe the others, but his eyes were glued to the floor. Emptiness. No, not emptiness – pain. Pain so profound that she felt it as her own. It was so intense, the feeling of being choked. Hermione wondered why would he see pain as emptiness? This pain was more composed of bitterness, loneliness, heartbreak. If she was capable of it, she would have cried.

"These are our new recruits, the ones that satisfied my conditions. Only the most deserving ones will bear my mark, either by blood or by accomplishment. Bear in mind, that those of impure blood, are accomplished more to deserve this honour, and treat them as equals from now on." Pride, he felt pride! "Your hand, Avery!"

A scream broke through the space filled with a murmur. Another then another. A total of eight screams.

"Severus, your hand." Without a seconds notice he raised his hand. Severus raised his head and Hermione very nearly gasped. The man in front of her was good looking, blindingly so, but his eyes were inhuman. Apparently Voldemort, before he died and lost all the humanity from his appearance was a sight to behold.

Stunning. The man's beauty was seductive. He outstretched his left hand, looking in those inhuman eyes. "Your final test, Severus. Your loyalty and allegiance to me."

The man uttered the incantation, his eyes boring deeply into his.

A sharp jab of the wand into flesh. Pain! She felt his muscles tense, she could feel their strength and nimbleness. Teeth ground under the pressure, but he didn't release the sound, kept it inside. The reality of fighting pain dotted his skin in a fine smattering of sweat, it beaded, across his flesh. Then, was the pain, the searing of his skin. His muscles trembled. Was that?

Did she feel an erection forming? Gods, this wasn't good. Quickly realising she needed to break the contact…

Oh, Gods, the pain!

~ S ~ S ~ S ~

"Why did you wake us up in the middle of the night Poppy?" Harry asked, worried. He and Lucius were making their way to the improvised room. Poppy's face was scared, verging on anxious.

"I told her I oppose, I never even thought she would do it," she lamented, shaking her head.

The three had reached the entrance and froze at what they could see. Harry blinked. Hermione was on the bed, kneeling above Snape.

Oddly, she wasn't actually touching him, unless you counted the fact she was holding his eyes open. Harry thought that Hermione looked frozen, petrified. That didn't fill him with any relief, but then, neither did the sound of beeping and alarms that were echoing through the room. Naturally, Harry had stepped forward to help her, but a firm hand grabbed his shoulder.

Turning to face him, Harry noticed that Malfoy was pale, probably more so than usual but there was something else too. There was a definite anger flaring in his eyes

"You cannot break the contract now, Potter, or you've doomed them both."

"What?" Harry spat, confused.

"That is the reason I see mud…muggleborns as not deserving. They learn something and they just go to apply it, without thought or consideration of the consequences."

"Whatever she is doing," Harry seethed. "That's Hermione you are talking about…"

"Yes, 'the brightest witch of her age', the biggest idiot I had the misfortune to come across. You do not use Legilimency if you are not good at it. You do not attempt Legilimency on the unconscious person, little less if the person is in a coma." His voice was tight with restrained anger "Pray the Gods that she did not condemn them both. Pray the Gods that her foolish antics won't cause any damage to him, or I swear…no prison, no sentence would prevent me to exact my revenge on her."

Harry frowned. "So, what are we to do?" He gulped. This was the Malfoy he knew, dark, cold and deadly. Not an ounce of friendliness.

"We wait. I might have tried to interfere, but your friend is one strong witch. You see, if she managed to establish the contact without her wand, the best option would be to wait." He pointed to the sofa where Hermione's wand was stuck in a book, marking the page.

Malfoy hobbled to the sofa and sat heavily. His eyes angry and worried in equal measure, his posture rigid as he sits next to his ailing best friend.

He sat there, worried and waiting.