Chapter 16
Aurelius passes beneath the doorway leading into Phlemming's office, a large arch wide enough to fit the barrghest through. The barrghest notices that Aurelius' footfalls lighten as they approach this individual, and he looks across the room to a large wooden desk covered with paperwork, reminding him of Aurelius' lab.
"Long time no see. Hows life been treating you over here?" Aurelius asks in a friendly tone, opening his arms wide as a sign of warm affection.
A woman's face brightens, and paperwork scatters as she leaps over the desk to wrap her dainty arms around Aurelius' torso. A loud crack resounds from Aurelius back. "Alright alright. Take it easy. I'm not in the best of states right now." Aurelius says desperately as he tries to pry the vice-grip of this woman open.
"A friend of yours, I take it?" The Barrghest asks aloud, quite amused at the reaction this woman has for Aurelius.
Standing before them is a woman of dainty stature; slim, long limbs lacking in much of the pigment that most people contain. Her skin pale, yet nearly perfect. Her eyes fierce with an insatiable hunger hidden beneath them.
"Indeed. Zoah Phlemming. We have known each other for at least twenty years, but since she lives here, we do not see each other as much as we have in the past." Aurelius explains.
"You really do seclude yourself when getting into those fits of experimentation. Last time we spoke was five years ago, who is this that you've brought here with you?" Zoah asks curiously, turning her attention to The Barrghest.
"This is Barrghest. He is my newest friend, and traveling companion. I would be more than happy to discuss personal matters in depth someone more private. I do not trust wandering ears, especially after this meeting with you." Aurelius cautions.
Zoah steps past the pair and runs her hand over the archway. Glowing runes appear in the wake of her recent touch, causing the arch to seal away and magic to emanate from where they stand.
"Now nobody will be able to eavesdrop and this inner sanctum is cut off from the rest of the building. The lord does not spare any expense in the construction of his civil service buildings." Zoah warmly reassures her old friend, treading across the floor back to her desk and swiftly sorting through all of the papers on her desk in nearly an instant.
"That speed! What are you?" The Barrghest exclaims suddenly. "Aurelius has shown me what vampires are, which you fit the profile of, but that speed is something that i was not expecting."
"A vampire is only a small portion of my identity, and most definitely not the definition of my race. I am what most call a Swiftling, capable of moving faster than any other race for short bursts. Though here i am the cities Social Services Director." Phlemming explains before motioning for Aurelius to take a seat.
"Right right. We are looking for information as to why the gates have closed and the swiftest means to reopening them in order to return home." Aurelius explains, sitting himself down in the chair as the cloak on his back shrinks enough to settle in properly. The Barrghest watches his equipment and is amused, wondering what sort of enchantments he has on the rest of his garments.
"Ah. That has been going on for the better part of two weeks now. We are restricting information to prevent a panic, but we currently have no leads as to what might be causing the situation. Thus far we have had several victims and a few deaths." Zoah begins to explain, shifting papers around on her desk to retrieve notes on the current open investigations.
"The incidents have been ongoing for a few weeks now. There is one case of memory loss, where a bartender was attacked by someone and lost the majority of his memory from the day of the attack. The attack was late in the day, after sunset. We are not certain if this incident ties into the other cases." Zoah flips to another sheet with more notes.
"Another report is of a large spiderweb that terrified a red light district worker. The worker reported that she was frozen with fear as the creature approached, but managed to rush away before it could get to her." Zoah flips to another page.
"There have been three missing persons that have turned up as zombies. The guards dealt with the undead swiftly enough, but afterwards were identified as someone on the missing persons list." Zoah finishes her explanation and places all of the reports into a folder, before returning it beneath her desk.
"With the incidents, we are uncertain if there are multiple culprits, but at the very least we are certain that a necromancer is at work with the presence of the zombies. If you're interested in helping with the case, we are offing a gold reward for any information that will help in the capture of whoever is behind the attacks." Zoah finishes.
"It is possible that it is a necromancer, but there are also many monsters that can spawn undead naturally with their abilities. Where have the attacks been centered?" Aurelius asks as he begins to hypothesize on what might be behind the attacks.
"They have been scattered throughout the city, and in the lesser populated districts. I can give you a list of the locations where the two attacks took place and where the zombies were encountered. I am also going to encourage you to check the bounty board before you leave, as there are other missing persons that have yet to be located." Zoah says as she retrieves a slip of paper and begins making a list for Aurelius.
"If you are in need of a place to stay you are welcome to the spare room in my home. Seeing as how the gates will not be reopened until this case is solved, you might be here for awhile." Zoah continues, sliding the paper over to Aurelius and making sure her hand brushes up against his own during the exchange.
"Thank you. The list will help us get a start. I will be sure to report back to you with any concrete findings." Aurelius replies, taking hold of her hand and lifting it to his lips to kiss gently.
"Now if you will excuse us." Aurelius says with a smile, waiting for Zoah to release the spacial lock on her office.
"Of course." Zoah replies, moving from her desk and wrapping her arms around Aurelius once more in a tight hug. "Do not be a stranger while you are here." She says with a smile, releasing the spatial lock on the office and bidding them farewell as both Aurelius and the Barrghest disappear down the hall and towards the exit.