Chapter 22
"Now then. We are going to need a large chunk of raw Turquoise. Would you happen to know of a place where we could procure one?" Aurelius asks, taking Zoah's hand in his own as he leads them down the street.
"There are gem peddlers in this district, though i would advise against purchasing from them. They do not hold themselves to the standards that the Quithe shop does. There have been many reports of fraud from those sellers, and they have been put out of business more than once." Zoah explains, pondering a moment for an answer to his question.
The pair causes the majority of the pedestrians on the streets to part for them, between the badge and dress of the town hall's commander, and the aura and demeanor of Aurelius, most of the petty criminals did not want anything to do with them.
"There is a metal smith in the market district that deals in bulk volume of gemstones. They tend to refine them for their weapons, armor, trinkets and such. Though they should have what you are looking for if we happen to catch them on a shipment day." Zoah explains and then motions for herself to lead the way.
The shop in question looked to be quite well off. The walls of their shop were very clearly made from the top of the line stone and laced with a pretty powerful enchantment. Without his magic Aurelius could say that he would not be able to get inside the building, so he could only imagine what sort of trouble would be thieves might have should they choose to target such a place.
Zion's Rage, the shop sign read. Aurelius led the way, opening the door to the shop and entering. Inside the walls are lined with equipment, gargoyles stationed along the walls in a very clear and abrupt deterrent to any would be thief.
"Good morning to the two of you. What brings you to my humble shop so early in the day, commander?" A short, stocky, drawf calls out from behind the counter.
"Morning Grummel. My friend here is in search for a large chunk of turquoise, would you happen to have any in stock?" Zoah says, leaning over to admire a scimitar that is being polished on the front counter.
"Unfortunately not. The last chunk was used in a piece we just sold. If you need an order, we can have it sent in next week when our stock is replenished. Your friend is welcome to place and order and he can either pick it up himself, or we can have it delivered to your manor once its in stock." Grummel explains.
"I'll come and pick it up myself." Aurelius smiles, and then proceeds to place the order for the amount he needs. After a brief conversation the pair leave the shop and step outside.
"It would seem that i shall have to put the rest of my plans on hold until the turquoise is in hand. Once it has arrived, i will need to procure some holy water and a blessing from any local holy church. Would you happen to know of any that are dedicated to life or the light?" Aurelius asks.
Zoah starts leading them back to her manor, taking a stroll through the market district to admire all of the works that were being put out for display in hopes that they would sell.
"I do know of a place, though you will have to make that trip on your own. Consecrated ground doesn't mix well with me, so I have no relations with the clergy." Zoah replies before giving him an explanation as to where and who would be the most likely to have what he is looking for.
One week later. Aurelius returns to Grummels shop to collect the turquoise before making his way over to the noble district in search for the church marked on a small list in his pocket. Zoah had prepared a small list for him of the most notable chapels, though the one he marked off would be the one most likely to have the blessing he is in need of and then holy water most likely to help out his case.
Soldra, the goddess of light and life, was the temple Aurelius settled him mind on. The heigh grade curse he had been afflicted with could be counteracted with enough magic, holy or otherwise. The alchemical concoction that he planned on brewing for himself required a blessing along the lines that he church could provide and holy water of a similar brew.
The church itself looks well off, nestled in the noble district, yet close enough to the market and slum district that either party could reach it without much hassle. Looking it over now, Aurelius can see that the temple's location was actually quite genius. The protection of the noble district was far better than the other two, but the physical location was close enough to be of use to any of the three districts. He could only hope that the denizens of such a faith were as pious as their location effective.
Stepping through the doors, Aurelius can now see that there is a massive gold statue of Soldra set atop a dias at the center of the church. There are smaller doorways scattered around the outer rim of the main room, likely places where the clergy can retreat to for one reason or another. The room set for meeting patrons and the needy was massive, akin to an atrium. Large glittering columns shimmered with light, and a massive light crystal provided illumination akin to daylight throughout the entire structure. Slits in the walls and some reflective material bounced the light all over the temple.
A woman dressed in white shimmering robes approaches Aurelius with a warm demeanor. "Light and life. What brings a lost soul such as yourself to the goddess' temple today my child?"
"Light and life." Aurelius replies and bows his head to the matron in front of him before continuing his explanation, "I am in need of a blessing, and a bit of holy water."
"One such as yourself seeks the light of the divine, oh master of the arcane. Your need must be great. The goddess will not turn a blind eye, even to those who practice in the dark. Though i must request that you pay for any services rendered, there are many that can benefit from the patronage of those who can return the favor of the goddess with coin." The matron explains.
"Fair enough. I can most certainly make a donation to your cause, especially if it will benefit those who cannot afford to save themselves in their most dire time of need. I do however request to see the state of your church, before any services are rendered." Aurelius explains.
"Oh? To what end?" The matron asks.
"I wish to see if you truly are as you say, and that there are those who can benefit from the light and life should their coin purse be empty." Aurelius says, retrieving a pair of glasses from his ring and placing them on his face.
Immediately the world around him begins to glow with a variety of colors. Auras dancing around him, revealing the true nature of those around him. Though his own glasses were further enchanted to filter away any magic that would attempt to shroud the genuine soul of those he lays eyes upon.
"You do hold up to your title as a master mage. The magic i can sense within you has indeed been put to good use. I pray that the curse upon your body can be removed." the matron responds before motioning for him to follow her.
Together, Aurelius and the Matron make their way through the compound. The matron checking in with her faithful and introducing Aurelius to those who live and learn within the walls dedicated to Soldra. All was going well until Aurelius laid his eyes upon a man robed in white and gold.
"Tell me matron. What is the story of this man?" Aurelius requests after introductions had been given.
"Young Thomas has come to us from a broken home. Having nowhere to return to, he has decided to dedicate himself to the goddess Soldra, and we hope that he may be able to turn his life around." The matron explains, curious as to why Aurelius had suddenly taken an interest in one of her students.
In Aurelius's eyes, through the glasses, he can see the dark strands of black that are harbored within this mans soul. From what he can see and the way he can interpret it, he is skating on thin ice. His soul is very clearly tainted, and dark in ways that this place need not be threatened by.
"Boy. What is your intention here? And i do not mean the charade you are putting on for the matron. I can see the darkness of your soul and i want to know what you are planning." Aurelius says aloud suddenly.
Both the Matron and Thomas are taken aback by Aurelius' brash nature and direct confrontation.
"I have no idea what you are talking about. Keep to yourself old man." Thomas snaps back, a look of fury crossing his face before fading to denial as quickly as it had crossed his face.
"Keep an eye on this one. He does not have good intentions, Matron." Is all Aurelius says before turning and walking away from Thomas. The boy wasn't his problem after all, so his warning to the matron is enough in this situation. After all, the boys soul might be blackening, but Aurelius had no evidence as to what he was planning.
Aurelius returns to the main room, and waits for the Matron to return.
"I do not know what you saw, but i thank you for the warning. I too could sense something amiss with Thomas, though i was uncertain. How did you have such a clear sign that he is not as he claims?" The matron asks.
"My glasses are enchanted with magic beyond the ken of most mortals, so any trinkets to hide his intention will be cut through. His soul is blackened and he may be plotting something sinister. I cannot say what, but keep an eye on him." Aurelius explains. The matron then thanks him.
The blessing and obtaining the holy water takes less than an hour, and Aurelius finds himself back to Zoah's manor before nightfall. With all the ingredients in hand and access to a lab, all he had to do was concoct the mixture and wait for his friend to wake up. Then they would finally be able to get back home.