Chapter 15
The streets of the citadel weave around the natural stone landscape, some paths leading up to buildings carved into the natural layered stone terrain, while others encircle elaborate stone walls separating elegantly designed masonry structures. Nearly every building, street, and wall in the city seems to be made from some form of stone.
Aurelius leads the barrghest down the middle of one such street, the crowd parting before them at the sight of the large creature following behind the mage. While magical beasts are not a completely foreign sight in the citadel, a barrghest is not a creature that is typically seen on other planes, so his presence seems to strike unease into the denizens of this place.
'I'm going to try and get us out of here as quickly as possible, but if we happen to come across any enemies on the way out I'm going to have to rely on you for any combat, unless it becomes an emergency. The curse that has been inflicted upon me will quickly ravage my min, body, and soul if I begin to use high tier magic.' Aurelius explains as the pair walks through the bustling street.
'I understand. We are in this together, I have no qualms in working with you.' The barrghest replies over the mind-link as the pair approaches a massive gleaming white marble staircase leading up a few dozen feet. The stonework changes as well, an air of refined taste and expense can be seen in all of the paths and buildings of the district they have just arrived within.
'I am more curious as to what you might be able to tell me about where we are and where we are going. The more details you can provide me with, the better help i will be.' The Barrghest communicates.
'I have only been to this place once, and that was a number of years ago. I can say that they are unused to a creature such as yourself moving outside of its home plane. If my memory serves, we are passing through the merchant and noble district, on our way to higher ground to where the portals are kept. If at all possible i plan to be out of here before the town guard comes looking for me to make me sign in at the town hall. The fewer that know of our presence here, the better.' Aurelius explains.
The pair make their way past a number of large elegant structures, ranging from white marble mansions to obsidian and granite guild halls. Banners flying in the wind hold numerous house names and affiliations to them, everything from planar traders to old family crests that date back hundreds of years. Though to Aurelius, they are all irrelevant, as he has no business with any of them at the moment.
After about five minutes of walking the pair comes to a checkpoint. A set of four militia stand at a large white marble gate, which looks clearly closed off to the public.
"Hold there! What business do you have at the planar gateways?" One of the soldiers calls out. Aurelius stops a few feet away and gives his own salute to the militia as a sign of respect. The barrghest settles in up next to him and observes the scene in silence.
"We seek departure from this place. Why is the path to the gateway's blocked? I have planeswalker papers granting me clearance." Aurelius explains, though the militia shakes her head. Now that Aurelius is closer the one that has decided to speak on behalf of the city is female in voice, though her appearance is shrouded by her armor.
"Papers or not. The gates have been closed until the creature responsible for the murders have been caught. You can speak with Captain Remus at the barracks or Phlemming at the townhall for more information." She explains.
"What information is available to the public?" Aurelius asks.
"All i can say is that there are a number of missing people and that the Lord is handling the situation. Information has been restricted to prevent a panic. Please move along." The woman explains calmly.
Aurelius nods in acknoledgtement and then bids the quartet a farewell. "It looks like we will be heading to the town hall to investigate further." He chuckles. "I guess there will be more of a trace of our presence here than anticipated."
'Are your personal spells to return home too high tier to cast?' The Barrghest ponders over the mind link.
'The planar travel spell might work without too much of a cost, but if i were to cast planar gateway the repercussion might rid me of any further casting. We will have to check the local shops to see if there are any supplies for either spell.' Aurelius explains.
Aurelius spends the next hour searching through the local shops and finds out that they have run out of components for the planar shift spell, and the component for the planar gateway spell he is looking for has but one salesman that is currently out of contact.
'I could risk casting planar gateway without the material component, but i fear it would fuel the curse far too much. The ingredients to cure the curse may not even be on this plane, so our only option is to solve this case and to have the planar gateways reopened.' Aurelius explains as the pair make their way to the town hall.
The town hall is a structure made of a regal looking red / white diaspro stone. Something that princes and kings search for to construct their palaces. Large pillars dot the exterior of the structure, and a wide arc signifies an entrance in each of the four cardinal directions.
Aurelius and the barrghest make their way inside the structure, making note that even the interior walls are constructed of the same pristine red diaspro stone.
'They didn't spare a dime in the construction of the building.' The Barrghest comments.
'Most likely its that the material in this plane is readily available, reducing the market cost. Especially if the local Lord has crews working mines and a monopoly of the planar gateways.' Aurelius explains.
Aurelius enters into a large room with numerous people standing around with various forms. An older man sitting behind a circular stone kiosk blatantly denotes the clerk for the location they have entered through. Aurelius approaches and waves politely to the elderly man, whose eyes have been growing paler with age, dart with unnatural life.
"State your business. If you do not have the appropriate forms, please return once you have them." The clerk speaks in a hoarse voice and curt tone.
"I am Mage Aurelius, requesting to speak with Phlemming and intending to check in with the planar travel registry." Aurelius communicates.
"Your arrival has been marked as late, the commander has already been notified of your tardiness. You will be issued a warning, as standard, which will remain for your current stay. After you have checked in, you can report to Phlemming on the third floor if he so decides to meet with you." the Clerk replies.
"Understood." Aurelius replies and accepts the slip of paper with his case ID and directions to the planar registry department.
Aurelius leads the barrghest away from the clerks station, through a winding maze of hallways, a staircase, and to a large room on the second floor. "This will only take a moment." Aurelius explains as he heads up to another clerk, hands over the document and signs some paperwork before returning to the barrghest.
"Why do your kind have such prolonged rituals?" The Barrghest asks aloud, letting out a deep sigh of frustration at the entire process.
"Many of us are drawn to order, as chaos breeds disorganization and suffering. They are akin to the rules followed by the natural world, where the strong control the flow of life in their territory. Since most intelligent races consider themselves to be above the baser instincts, they strive to create rules to dictate various aspects of life. Some get it right, and others go horribly wrong." Aurelius hypothesizes as their pair makes their way to the third floor in search of Phlemming.