I had no more time to think as the beasts came running at me. One of the minitours swung its blade at me. I used my sword, catching the blade and sliding it along mine until it slammed to the ground. Its face was close to mine and I could smell its breath. I grab its snout with my hand as it burned into nothingness.
I jumped back as the Ogre made a swipe to grab me. It barely missed but I could feel its fingers just graze my clothes. The minitour swung as I dodged, preventing me from dodging again. I had to take the hit, or anyone else would have to take it. Heh. I vanished into thin air and the minitours sword crushed nothing but the ground.
I know what you're thinking. I used cloak, right? Well, yes, but no. I actually used teleport and cloak at the same time. Where did I teleport to? Simple.
I fell on the minitours shoulders, grabbing it by its horns as it started frantically swinging its body around, trying to fling me off. I put my hand to its skull and it instantly became consumed in flame. It let out its last roar as it burned to nothing.
"You're all that's left," I spoke to the Ogre as I looked at it, my right hand clenched and still on fire. It looked at me. I could see a hunger in its eyes, yet I also saw…fear?
"Don't yell in my head!" I raised my voice at annoyance to the voice in my head. "It gives me a damn headache."
"Who are you speaking to?" The voice in the dungeon asked. Dear Gods…voices in my head, a voice in the dungeon. Could I just be going crazy?
"None of your business," I sneered as my opened my hand and a small ball of flame began to form. "I'm sick of answering your questions, so it's time you started answering mine." I threw the ball of flame at the Ogre. The Ogre dodged and began charging at me, but little did it know my goal wasn't to hit it with the flame, it was to get it behind.
The ball exploded like a land mine, knocking the Ogre off balance, causing it to fall. As it fell, I drew my sword and let it fall, my sword sinking into its skull, killing it. All that was left was me and the empty room.
"This…can't be right. No one has ever completed this dungeon before. And for you to defeat all my pets…" A person appeared in front of me. A man that looked to be a warrior of some sort. "Who are you?" He asked.
"Didn't I say I was done answering your questions," I sneered as I drew my blade to his throat. He simply laughed and went to grab my sword, only to phase through it.
"I am already dead. What you see is just an illusion created by my dungeon."
"Illusion created by your dungeon? So that means you're one of the Gods chosen Hero's." So I'm right then, The dungeons were created by heroes of the God's.
"Indeed," he answered. "Although I'm not any Hero, I am the first. The first Hero ever chosen by the God of Nature."
"The God of Nat-"
"Be quiet," he interrupted me. "I know you have questions, but I don't have much time. After clearing the Dungeon, it will vanish along with me. So, let me give you my ability first." He raised his hand and a ball of light made its way towards me and into my chest. I felt a surge of power go through my body. So much so that a small shockwave went off around me, knocking dust into the air.
"So…it is as I assumed." The man smiled.
"What does that mean?"
"I knew you were special. The way you carried yourself. You are a true hero, Kichirou." I blushed softly in embarrassment as I scratched the back of my head. "You aren't who you think you are, Kichirou."
"You mean I'm not a Hero chosen by the weakest God?" I remarked sarcastically. It got a small chuckle from the man.
"No, that much is true. Though you are not weak. You are…different. Different from all the other Hero's. You have a power resonating in your body. One that will awaken when the time is right. You will bring hope to the world once more, at least I would hope so."
"Wait, what do you mean? What power?"
"I'm sorry. I cannot tell you any more than that. However, if you clear the next dungeon, you will find out more."
"Wait! What do you-" I found myself back at the entrance where the dungeon used to be, but was now gone. "Hey, gu-" I turned my head to see Sora and everyone else, but no one was there, just me. I looked around and noticed it was night. I was in there for about four hours. A menu appeared in my HUD, distracting me for a second as I read it.
New skill unlocked
Skill Name: Creature Manipulation
Description: The Hero Mercury's signature ability bestowed by his God. It allows the wielder of the ability to control Creatures, including monsters. The difficulty to control the creature is vastly dependent on the level of the creature and the level of the skill.
Creature manipulation. That's the skill I got? That seems…OP!
I mean, who wouldn't want this ability? I can literally just control weaker level enemies and make them kill each other or themselves. As for stronger, more intelligent creatures, I doubt that would work.
And speaking of creatures, I felt something watching me through the shrubs behind me. A feeling of bloodlust consumed me, and I knew whatever was watching me wanted to kill me. The bushes swooshed as the creature in it moved. I quickly turned around, raising my hand to what was coming at me, I ended up grabbing, not a creature, but a person by the face.
"How did you know I was there?" It was a girl dressed in all black. She looked to be an assassin, from my deduction of her light armor and dark colors. She seemed to be panicked at the fact I noticed her.
"Where are my friends?" I demanded. If my intuition is correct, these assassins or whatever they are, are the reason my party wasn't waiting for me by the dungeon.
"You mean the two girls and the guy? They're probably dead alre-" The hand that wasn't holding her caught fire instantly. I could feel a rage burning inside me.
"I'm sick of shit always happening to me. I just want to live a peaceful life as an adventurer, and you bastards are beginning to piss me off." The girl screamed in my hand and frantically began shaking, trying to break free from my grip. "Now I heard you say probably," I put the fire to her face. "So, tell me. Where are they?"
"W-we have a camp not far north from here. T-They're being held prisoner there until I was to bring you back." She wasn't lying.
"Okay. Now tell me, who are you? And why do your people want me and my friends."
"Y-You're the one that saved the Princess and ruined our leaders plan. S-so to get back to you, h-he was going to kill them all in front of you."
"Kill...them?" A small smile came to mt face. Not a happy one, a cold, evil one. "You think you can take my friends, and plan to kill them in front of me? You say that when your life lies in my hands!" These people make me sick! I bet now she'll beg for mercy.
"P-please. I-I'm sorry. Don't kill me. I'll…I'll do anything. I'll be your sex slave. Just please don't kill me!" The fear and panic in her eyes. It reminded me of the look I saw in theirs when I saved them in the cave. I bet they're feeling scared now. Waiting for me to rescue them.
"I don't need you to be my sex slave," I said coldly as I slowly reached my hand to her face. She screamed once more before I tossed her to the ground. I looked down on her, tears pouring from her eyes while fear consumed them.
"D-Demon King....," she whispered in fear. "Y-you're the Demon King."
"Yes! YES! The fear. I CAN SMELL IT! Make her yours!"
Be quiet! And who the hell are you!
"That's for you to find out later, hahahaha…." His laughed trailed off.
"I'm not going to kill you," I sneered as I snuffed the flame out on my hand. She sighed heavily in relief. "You're going to lead me to this camp of yours. And you'll take me the safest route, with no patrol guards."
"Y-yes!" She got on her hands and knees and bowed to me like a servant. "I'll do anything for you, Demon King."