Chereads / The Phoenix and The Alpha / Chapter 3 - First Day of School

Chapter 3 - First Day of School

After all the difficult things she finished, she finally registered into the school. This will be here first time going back to school again, she was excited to experience new things, but also to gather information. She would say herself that she was pretty smart and even if she did struggle, she would learn things pretty fast. She should probably start sleeping.

The next morning An Rong woke up early, she only bought necessary things like a bed, toiletry things, clothes, shoes, kitchen utensils, and food. She will slowly buy things later on but right now she should focus on the important things. An Rong got up and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and took a quick shower. After her quick shower she got her outfit ready, for the past day she was doing research on how to be a normal teenager, trends, and things she didn't know much about.

She should start calling herself Alice and getting used to that name, she chose a sweater with blue ripped jeans and white shoes like how they show on the internet. She dried and combed her hair, it was 5:30 by the time she was done meaning she had time to cook herself some food. She made herself some rice with some eggs and vegetable, oh how she misses her mothers cooking.

When Alice was done with her food she grabbed her phone and backpack with all the required things and headed out the door. By now it was already 6:12 and she was walking and that meant that it would take her at least a 30-40 minute walk, so once she got there she had to get her schedule and find her locker. School wouldn't start until 7:45, were things supposed to be this tough? Alice looked up at the sky as the sun was still rising from its sleep, the sky was truly beautiful.

She put in her earbuds and started to listen to songs that were trendy nowadays, she didn't expect it to be loud the other day she tried it. The music was interesting but she preferred to listen to K-pop, C-pop, J-pop, regular pop, and traditional music.

Back in the village there were no other forms of music beside when they were playing the traditional instruments such as the Guzheng, Erhu, and Dizi. Those days were so peaceful and she lived happily with everyone but that time only lasted for a second before it was forcibly taken away from her.

"How may I help you?" the office lady asked.

"I'm a new student here and came here to grab my schedule," Alice answered.

"You must be Alice Wang, there are very few Asians going to this school but I hope you enjoy it here, and my name is Mrs. O'Quinn I'll be glad to help you if you need any assistance," she said.

"Thank you," Alice smiled.

"You're welcome, you'll find your lockers on the second floor since you are a 3rd year," she informed.

Mrs. O'Quinn gave her, her schedule and a map of the school. Alice bowed and left the office. She looked at the map and felt like her head was going to explode, there were 4 floors in the school. How much students were there for it to have 4 floor!?

Alice walked and walked and finally found her locker, she did her locker combo. She took her school supplies and put her backpack in there, by now more and more students flooded the halls so she decided to walk to class. Her first class was AP Psychology in Ms. Kim's class. The bell was going to ring soon in 5 minutes, Alice walked to Ms. Kim's desk and introduced herself. She told her to wait and to introduce herself when the bell ranged.

"Okay everyone we have a new student today, she'll introduce herself," Ms. Kim said.

Alice walked up to the class and introduced herself:

"Hello, my name is Alice Wang and I am 16 years old, I hope we all get along."

"Does anyone have questions for Miss Alice?" she asked.

A few hands rose up.

"That was unexpected you guys usually don't care, okay then we'll go left to right," she said.

"Where are you from?"

"I lived not too far from here," Alice answered.

"Can I have your phone number?"

"...Please refrain from asking questions like that," Ms. Kim sighed.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, I do I have 1 brother," she answered.

Fake it till you make it was what she told herself. Make up a story for people to hear so in the end she won't be hurt and deepen her wounds. The questions went on for a few minutes and finally class started and she finally could stop answering irrelevant questions. The teacher directed her to sit in the back by some boys.

'Ugh this is gonna be a pain in the ass'