Chapter 3 - Careers

It was the dawn of a new day. Birds were chirping, the sun was rising, and Tunir was teaching a player learn how to smith. Why is someone in his smithy at 5 in the morning? Why is this a 24 hour smithy with only 1 man on duty? Well it's simple! It's always been this way and that's why!

"Today we're going to be making armor." Tunir told the player.

The player simply continued to hammer at the nondescript object that he had been hitting for the past 5 minutes without moving a single muscle. Despite this, Tunir knew that the player had heard what he had said.

"Click on the armor icon and then click on the iron subsection. From there, click the 'Iron Chestplate' option and click craft!" Tunir could hear himself declaring. He didn't know what any of the gibberish that he had just spewed from his mouth meant, but he watched a brown screen appear in front of the player and a multitude of different menus, complete with dropdowns, appear and disappear. After a moment, Tunir began to speak once again automatically.

"Great! Now just click the craft button and your armor will be made! Crafting consumes materials, so make sure to get a lot of them, haha!" Tunir said. He wasn't sure why he laughed because what he said wasn't even funny.

As if magically, an iron chestplate appeared in front of the player and then disappeared. If Tunir hadn't seen something similar to this occur before then he would believe that he is going crazy, but this has become a common occurrence.

Suddenly, another brown screen appeared in front of the player that read out "Blacksmith: Level up!" on it.

The player stood up and disappeared from the forge only to appear in front of the counter once more.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith." The player stated in a monotone voice.

"Y-Yeah. Keep your tools and your mind sharp!" Tunir called out as the player sprinted out of the smithy.

"Haah…" Tunir let out. Ever since he educated that first player on how to forge items, upwards of one thousand other players had come to his smithy to learn how to forge items. Tunir has been busy repeating the same lines over and over again ad nauseum for each of these players. He has no idea why people are asking him specifically how to forge items since there are other smiths in town other than him.

While Tunir was thinking to himself, he could hear the crow of a rooster. This meant a new day had come. It's not as if new days really mean anything. The sun rises and sets at exact times every day and the temperature does not vary between days. Sometimes there is rain, but that usually only lasts 1 hour and even then it does not get his clothes wet.

With the crowing of a rooster, he could hear himself begin to shout. He doesn't know why he does this, but every day as soon as the rooster crows he shouts out the same line.

"Come get your smithing done here!" He shouted.

Out of all the lines Tunir says automatically, he was most thankful for this one. Free advertising that was sent out throughout the city was a nice thing to have. This might be why so many players come to him specifically.

Before Tunir could contemplate why he shouted this line every day, 3 players entered his smithy at the same time.

"Please teach us how to smith!" They all asked at the same time in the same voice. It was honestly fairly disturbing, but Tunir couldn't deny them.

Tunir merely nodded his head and the three players teleported to the seat at the forge.

...The same seat at the forge.

All three of the players are phasing into one another and are creating some odd mesh of each of them. It was as if they had all merged into the same entity as they were all swinging in perfect sync with one another into the nondescript red hot object. They were so in sync with one another that the sound of their hammering only amplified itself instead of being three distinct noises.

"Alright, now today we are going to be crafting iron daggers." Tunir could hear himself say. Today would be a day like any other it seems.

~A few hours later~

Several hundred players were crowded around inside of Tunir's shop. He was so frustrated at the sight that a vein was bulging out from his forehead.

Multiple speech bubbles appeared above the players heads.

"Ah… I hope the NPC doesn't get mad." "I read on the forums that this is the only way to get the 'smithing' career, is that true?" "Only 1 smith can teach smithing, that's dumb."

At that last comment, Tunir reached his limit.

"Alright! Get out, all of you! I don't want to teach any of you how to smith!" Tunir began. Before he stopped, Tunir decided to take this golden opportunity. "The only way I'll teach you how to smith is if you bring me a golden eagle egg!" Tunir declared. Golden eagle eggs are a very rare drop from golden eagle corpses. They are said to be one of the tastiest foods a man can hope to eat.

Many speech bubbles appeared above the players heads in response to this.

"Aw man! It's locked behind a fetch quest!" "lolwut? Golden eagle eggs only have a 1% drop rate!" "NOOOOO I JUST SOLD A GOLDEN EAGLE EGG AT THE AUCTION HOUSE!"

Slowly, the dejected players began to file out of Tunir's smithy and he was left to some blissful silence. Truly, this is ridiculous. Why can't these players just learn how to smith on their own? Did the great deity just decide to make them incapable of anything other than fighting?

One player from the group walked up to Tunir and handed him a small round golden object. It was a golden eagle egg. Tunir could not believe what he was looking at. One of these would get a man enough gold to pay for his family for a year!

Tunir took the egg from the player and cracked it open to eat the yolk raw. This is the best way to eat it after all!

"Ahh…" Tunir gluttonously let out. This was the most tasty thing he had ever eaten in his life, granted he hasn't had food for the past week and a half, but still the point stands.

"Alright, I'll teach you how to smith. We'll start you out with an iron dagger! Go fetch 5 iron ore!" Tunir declared to the player.