That pipe dream didn't last long... I was killed, once this idealistic dream started to come to flourishen. I was shocked to find the person that took my life... Was the only person I had ever trusted... Well that's all just history now.
I've been staring at this ceiling for so long... Where even am I..? The ceiling sort of resembles the formation of a cave... That would explain why it's so dark and humid here. Where could this be..?
'Wait! I think I heard someone...'
Ivory hair trickles down into the crib whisking over my cheeks. 'Who is this lady!?' Those gentle eyes stared at me. Delicate, porcelain fingers, that looked as thought they could have been carved by a renowned artist, brushed over my cheeks. The lady lightly pinched as she gave me a beaming smile.
'OW! Wait... That small little pinch hurt that much!? What the hell!? What the hell is she!?' The lady released her fingers. Noticing that my delicate cheeks were a little red, she panicked, she used to much force. The flustered lady reaches down towards me, causing me to flinch back. This action made her hesitate but in the end she picked me up gently. 'What is happening... This isn't normal... Something is wrong how can she pick me up so effortlessly... Why is she so huge compared to me... What happened to me... Did I shrink..? Wait so I wasn't being confined..? then why can't I move..?'
The lady brought me over to a bed, sitting down lightly, She started talking gibberish. I couldn't understand a single word she was saying. "Your daddy isn't home right now Serenity. Dont worry though! Mommy will take great care of you!" Athelia said to Serenity as she removed her top. "You must be famished Serenity. Here why don't you have something to eat sweetie" Athelia said bringing Serenity over for feeding.
'What is this lady doing!? Why is she taking her clothes off!? What the hell is wrong with her!? W-wait stop bringing me towards your breast!!! Lady I don't swing that way!!! H-Help!!!' I thought as my stomach growled loudly. My body started moving on it's own as my, tiny fisted, hands held her breast and my mouth encircled them sucking. 'WHAT!!? I-I can't control my body!!! It's like I'm moving on instincts. This is terrible! I've never done anything like this before! T-these hands... why are they so small... They look like chubby baby hands... What in the world happened to me!!?'
The feeding ended shortly after my mini break down and the lady pulled her top back up. Raising me up to lay against her shoulder, she started patting my back until I burped... "There we go! All fed now! Let's clean you up, then lay you back down for a nap Serenity!" Athelia said with a small giggle. Bringing Serenity to a table; Athelia lays her down gently on her back. Taking her diaper like cloth off, Athelia wipes Serenity's bottom clean. Putting on a new clean diaper Serenity is taken back to the crib to rest.
Serenity closes her eyes acting as if she fell asleep to make Athelia go away. After a while Athelia walks away sitting down on the bed. Realizing Athelia had walked away Serenity opens her eyes to the ceiling once again. Right when Serenity opens her eyes she hears a set of footsteps from the entrance. 'Who is that..?'
Naga Enters the room seeing his wife placing her index finger on her lips then pointing to Serenity. Naga relises what she means immediately. Placing some wood and water on the table he walks over to the crib quietly.