Advance warning : - This next chapter is a little harder to deal with, please skip it if you can not deal with reading about violence. Reader discretion is advised....
I woke up gasping for air that's the 8th nightmare for last night, it's gotten worse a whole lot worse. It's been ten days since they started, I've been to the hospital many times now, and they given me every pill in the book to try and help me sleep. I can't tell Steven what they're about I usually tell him he kills be before he gets to. Steven slept in the spare room so I wouldn't wake him up anymore. I offered our room when I told him it would be best to get rest and that I would go into the spare room but he said he would go so I could have the comfy bed. Since I am awake all the time all I've been doing is packing. We pretty much had everything in all the boxes. My hands were still shaking as I was waking up. The lights started flickering. I started getting a head ache and I went to the bathroom to get the Advil which was still out because I pop them like candy. I splashed cold water on my face and then went to go see if I had accidentally woken up Steven.
I walked to the spare bedroom to check on Steven who was still fast asleep. I went over gave him a kiss on the head and left the room to go to the kitchen. I made breakfast and then by the time it was done and coffee was done, Steven had woken up and moved to the kitchen table.
How'd you sleep last night..? he asked reluctantly.
Like shit. please kill me I said half jokingly.
He didn't find it funny. I have to go to work early for a little bit then we will drop off some stuff at the new place.
Okay, I'll try to get a nap in before we go.
He went to the bathroom to shower. I went to go get him a clean pare of clothes. I went to the bedroom and got him everything he needed and I walked back over to the bathroom and went in. Steven was facing the other way in the shower with his forehead against the wall just letting the water hit him.
Thank you Allis he said as I was leaving.
Anytime, I love you I smiled but I don't think he was looking.
I went to the bedroom to get his cellphone and keys and wallet for him. As I was searching I heard Steven come out of the bathroom. but I was busy looking for his wallet when he came in and threw me on the bed. Babe? I turned my head half way to look back at him. Steven smiled just having a little bit of fun with you.
I started to shake, and panic set in. In my head I was screaming, I couldn't do it. I wasn't ready but at the same time I couldn't live like this.
Steven saw that scared look in my eyes and saw that I was shaking and got up. I am sorry baby, I didn't mean to push you that far he said with a sad look.
I am sorry, I just having a hard time now, we will definitely try at the new place I gave a forced smile after I said it.
He kissed me then walked to the chair where his old pare of pants were and took his wallet out of it. I handed him his cellphone and keys and walked him to the door. I gave him a kiss goodbye and I went back in to lie down.
I lay there with the TV on I watched a streaming service and put something on as background noise.
I liked to watch horror movies normally but I mean lately my life has been enough of a horror film that I decided to put on a boring documentary about oceans. The sounds alone from the show starting making me pass out.
I started closing my eyes as I was closing them I saw someone approach. I wanted to get up but my eyes were to heavy. As they got closer and I fluttered my eyes trying to keep them open as long as I could but that was only couple of seconds at a time. David leaned in and whispered sweet dreams my love.
I shot back up I looked around the room, no one was there, everything seemed normal till I got up. Nothing was in boxes. everything laid out like it was before we were moving. It's a dream? I was passing out.....
David walked into the bedroom door, is everything okay my love?
Don't call me that.
You are my love though and with that he walked over to me and pushed me back against the bed. He started kissing me and I started to scream, he covered my mouth with his free hand. Can you stop screaming, this is pretty much a dream no one can hear you. If it's a dream then I can control it I thought, but not in this case, I tried thinking up things to try and change stuff but nothing changed. Sorry love, it's more of a coma then a sleep he smiled.
He put his hand under my shirt and unhooked my bra and he pulled me forward and tossed me around to my have my stomach on the bed, he pulled my ass to the air and held my hand behind my back as he took me doggy style, as I look down I see the blood running down my leg, I stopped resisting and gave up. He couldn't finish though, like normal he would get frustrated and then choke me awake. I started to gag as he wrapped his hand around my neck and I woke up.
Blood on my sheets like normal. Normally I ware a pad but I forgot this time.
I was and am just to tired of everything.