Chereads / destiny were you take me / Chapter 366 - everyone is here

Chapter 366 - everyone is here

me: who are you both!

shubhu: bae clam down

me: how can i clam down! why all are scilent! what you all are hiding from me!

jk: you should tell now

kai: are you going or i should? your scilence answer me i should

listen here dont be angry on me, well you guess right we aint normal we are-

he: we are from diffrent school were we lurn to use inner powers within us. (shubhu and jk rise head in shoke)

me: oh ok then....why you both hide this from me. you just scare me, for a moment i thought you were hiding something important from me

he: what if we have been someone else? which you dont wanted to meet?

me: well i dont think my answer is good. but does it matter you both are still normal,

kai: if someone in yout life is likr that then?

me: i unfollow that person in rral life.

everyone went scilent for minute.

me:yah why you all are scilent just chill... those bishes now unable to caught us. lets wakeup this both leadys and find a way out.


he:(as we planed we go out from place and our plan was fo8ng great but my powers not that strong here, and her cover broked luckily i release jk and kai so thry were helping us to fight Suddenly i hear her yrlp in pain and saw a gard hurting her with that spell my bloof boil. i attack on gard and release her bu5 then realisation hit me i used powers front of her! a fear developed inside mr loosing her. as they call we jumped from door.....after sometime i oprn my eyes and i try to grab her hand try to pretend like nothing happen. but she dig thr subject, when she ask who are you both my body frozed. a fear grow inside me.. what if she sstop approch me, i cant live without her, am scared to loose her just because am something. yes i was proud of myself always, i always saw fear in their eyes for me but when i stared into her i dont saw fear i saw hate, its first time when i eant someone to dont know about real me.... its first time monster king's eyes have fear in them.

i was in thoughts suddenly kai ask me to told or his ready to trlo truth my body feel numb. he start talk and only i know how bad i was in my heart was beating fast in fear i decide to lie again, and i lie all were staring at me. she turn normal but noe am curious to knoe what she will do if she get to know so i ask her indirect way. and her answer likr always unexpected. which Litrally make my fear reach to neck, answer wasnt good. she quickly changed subject, we nodded i am scared i hug her in fear i dont know but she's one who can clam me who make me feel peace not just home she's my paradise. and solution of mine. and all i knoe right now is i cant risk to lost her far from me. when its come to you i wanted to be so stubborn for you. i waited for you so long, and once i got you i never imagine loosing you. you are mine only, with request or with force i will be the only man who will stand beside you everytime, after deaths and before deaths.

she push me little back, broking hug. i stumblr little she move towards her friends and i was admiring her

jk: someday it will open front of her what will you do?

kai: again lie! are you scared she might choose me?

their questions making me more scared but i rise head staring into their eyes

she: its all depend on time. you what mr white paint she never choose you after scaring her like that. not in your dreams also.

she: boys what gossips you are doing come they are awake! we broke eyes contacts stoping smrink turn to her walking. thid both girls wakeup.

ashu: were are we?

she: in my domain... in my legacy! its hell babe. welcome to hell

they both stae stared at her scared but she laugh (as we all do. my angel always bring positive atmosphere around. i also feep positive incouraged always with her better version of myself)

she give them hsnd to getup and we start walk in this wierd world.

until we reach to a tower. we get inside tower suddenly it locked.

she: finally somone have nightmares whos nightmare not like others

me: dont act like that your nightmare had cockroaches

she: and yours gorila


we were making jokes of each others nightmare sit on sofa but a sound caught our attention we look up

beak: dont you miss me? my wife. i frozed as we see beak front of me!

our eyes wided!

me:ahhh! not again his dream! we run to door but i saw tan front of me i step back... as we make circle

from left side somone come in light.

that black creature

bc: wah your still grabing his hand.

rock: well you know that way broked for forever we were unable to build!

( i notice evryone id here with whom i messed with. i gulp, it was hard to handle onr and now everyone here at a time,🙃)

me: i were killed you beak, but am haooy to see you alive

beak: shut up! just shut up!

what a bartray i got loving you.

i look side tears in my eyes


he: yah you are happy to see him alive! why your eyes teary for that stupid frong huh! stop that cry his nothing okey!

Chapter 117, room fillded with water