I'm already impressed with this Etta Harris. I'm not going to judge her on earlier I understand she thinks we are all snakes. I would definitely do my best to prove her wrong. that's not what's impressive to me it's the fact that I told her how I like to have lunch and not talk to nobody. she has not said one word to me since the food has gotten here. I know she probably doing the same thing I'm doing thinking but just not as light. I can tell by her facial expressions. I'm glad I offered her to go to lunch with me. It's definitely obvious she hasn't sat down and eat a nourishing meal in a long time. I have actually been done and ready to go for a good 30min but I saw the pain in her face before she ever spoke a word. Etta is definitely dealing with a real life heartbreak. I can tell she holding it together for them babies. I guarantee that she will be fine and her ex will be the one in discomfort.