Chereads / Missing Uchiha / Chapter 28 - Chapter 27

Chapter 28 - Chapter 27

"YAYY we're officially Carla and Wendy Uchiha!!" Squealed Wendy as she tackled Yuki to the ground.

Yuki laughs as she tilted her head and motioned for Carla to join Wendy in which she did with pleasure.

"I love you both" Yuki whispers as she hugged them. "But you need to let me up so we can get some more clothes."

Carla sat up as Wendy did "Why?"

Yuki deadpanned "You two haven't realized they dont dress like we do? And they're staring at us, so if we want to fit in we got t-"

"Change our clothes?" Both Wendy and Carla asked together as they all got up and dusted themselves off ready to get new clothing. Yuki nods in agreement as they were walking, Carla and Wendy just now noticed when they were walking down the streets they were being stared at..looked wierd at because of their strange attire. When they notice this they unconsciously moved closer to their new mother Yuki as they headed into a clothing shop.

When they walked in the lady behind the counter looked at them with curiosity as she began speaking "Hello Welcome you three look like strangers."

Yuki nodded "Yes, we came from far away. I was wondering if you have anything in our sizes...preferably dresses for my daughters Carla and Wendy but they must be efficent to move and train in" The lady nods "And if you have can I get baggy dark blue ANBU style pants, Tight Mesh shirt, with a regular dark blue shirt same as these two it must be efficent to move and train it."

Yuki pondered for a few moments looking at Wendy and Carla "We need three black cloaks." As she looked back up at the lady who is nodding writing the things down as she headed in the back.

Wendy tugged on Yuki's hand "We will be training?"

Yuki nods as she bent down so we will be level with Wendy and Carla. "Yes, as I said we use chakra within this world, I dont know how fast magic refills or even if it does."

"That's why you asked us not to use it?" Carla exclaimed

Yuki nods once again "So I will be teaching you how yo unlock your chakra and use i-" Just as she was about to finish her sentence the lady walked back in with clothing in her hands.

"I think this is all you asked for." As she handed to Yuki who then sat up from where she was, inspected it and gave her the money for it "Is there a room for us to change in?"

The lady nods as she pointed towards a room not far from where they stood.


"Where are we going now? We already got clothing, adopted, a hotel, and the history book you wanted." Wendy said as Carla tapped her on the shoulder "A lady shouldn't complain as much."

In which caused Yuki to roll her eyes as she turned towards Carla "You know you dont really have to act like a lady, I will till love you either way." With an eyebrow quirked up.

Carla mouth dropped opened as she flushed in a deep red which would rival Erzas hair. "I-I I know but..." She mumbles "I'm just so used to.." Her voice fades out as Yuki sighs

"Carla you dont have to stop it..just watch who you say it to people here will take offence and kill you. This isn't like Fairytail where we are forbidden to kill, this is Shinobi World where we got to kill to live." At that both Wendy and Carla eyes widen in fear as they both started shivering.

Yuki drops down on her knees and hugs them while whispering "I know you guys might not like killing and I dont either now that I've been in fairytail for so many years. So this will be a three way process." She then looks up at them noticing tears streaming down their faces as she hugged them again letting them cry on her.


I looked up at the sky figuring it's about noon "Let's head out to the forest." I said as I turned around heading off into it while Wendy and Carla was trailing behind me.


"We are going to scout around" I then looked at Wendy "What you smell?"

She furrowed her brows sniffing the air before she exclaimed "Blood, You smelled it Mother?" Carla looked between us both as her face held a worried expression.

I shook my head "I heard it and my Sharingan seen it." As I took off running with them two following. Soon we came upon a fight, Three kids, a Sensei from Konoha and a Rouge nin from the looks of it .