Yuki slowly opened her eyes to the clear blue sky. 'Was it a dream or did..' She thought to herself as she stiffly sat up and viewed the destruction she caused within the forest.
She then slowly got up to her feet and walked around getting the stiffness out of her bones.
'Valley of the End.' She thought mentally as she contined to walk out the stiffness. 'That's where father died. Konoha is a great vilage now, which to do first revenge or visit father....revenge.' She concluded as she then turned around and headed towards the direction Konoha was located knowing Wendy and Carla would be safe her in this village.
--kakashi POV
"Kakashi-Senei!" Yelled Sakura as she stood up on the tree proving she mastered tree walking.
I looked up at her noting that she has the best chakra control out of all three of his Genin. But I can't help but think of yesterday....'Is it her? Will she want revenge? Or will she rejoin the village? Who are the other two? Her children? Followers? Friends? Where was she all these years?' These thoughts just kept going through and rebounding in my mind. I want answers but I know I cant get them.
I sighed as I watched Naruto and Sasuke tried to walk up the tree again one putting to much chakra and the other putting very little, it's actually quite embarrassing seeing them struggle like that.
'Rustle' I heard some movement from the trees north of me. I turned pulled out a Kunai while Sasuke and Naruto also did and Sakura hid behind the tree.
We waited until two figures came out of the woods. 'The two from yesterday!' I exclaimed trying to keep myself from showing shock. 'Speak of th-' Before I could finish that thought the tallest one of them two spoke.
"Have you seen our Moth-"
"Other partner" The shortest one finished slapping a hand over the other ones mouth.
I raised a brow 'She was going to say Mother.'
I put the Kunai away and motioned for Sasuke and Naruto to do the same as I walked towards them stopping 15 feet away from them.
"What's your name?" I asked as I gave them my famous one eyed smile.
The shortest one scoffed "Porn reading, silver haired, sweet talking, idiot that deserves a beating."
Naruto bursted out laughing as My eyes widen 'Porn?' As I then realized she could see it peeking out of my pocket where I was going to pull it out in boredom.
I gave a slight chuckle as I rubbed a hand on the back of the neck embarrased.
The tallest one of the two seemed confused as she whispered to the other one. But only got a sentence back that caused her to clearly fidget.
"I'm Kakashi Hatake" I said holding out my hand, the girl scoffed again "Why should we tell you our names" only for the tallest one of the two to talk "You shouldn't be so rude Carla mother said you need to try and not be rude."
'Mother, so shes a mother ' I thought as Sakura left her coverage from behind the tree "Mother?! Your mother left you?" She shrieked causing the tallest one to cover her ears while Carla snapped at Sakura "Shut up you banshee" as she went back to the girl whispering and hugging her.
---3rd Person
Wendy finally got her ears to quit ringing as she looked up at the four people and fearfully at the pink haired girl.
"My name is Wendy Uchiha." She said as she saw shock, horror, and more looks shine threw these four people.
Sasuke stood there rooted in the ground in shock. 'All Uchihas are dead all are dead.' He thought as he kept thinking or options in his mind.
Naruto was in horror at the thought of more egotistical Uchihas with sticks up their asses.
Kakashis face was blank with worry, thoughtfulness, and with a blank stare.
Sakura was full of confusion thinking that all Uchihas were dead and here was one..maybe two...er three.
Silence rung loudly in the air as Carla coughed "I'm Carla Uchiha." She pauses before she began speaking again "We were adopted by Yuki Uchiha" Kakashi eyes widen even more with recognition.
Sasuke looks up "Yuki Uchiha? Who is she? Why would she adopt you?"
Carla looked at Sasuke with a skeptical eye "Shes our mother, she raised all of us for many years even after...." She let her words drift off as she remember the Tenrou island incident.
Kakashi looked at them feeling sadness radiating from them.
"Come on Carla we better go she left a note saying she will be back soon so all we can do it wait on her....after all she did for all of us." Wendy whispered as she turned around dragging Carla with her while blocking/Covering their magic signature.
Even though Kakashi wanted to reach out, he just didnt he felt like he wasnt suppose to like he just couldn't.