I hate southern Hospitality
I hate it because you have to say hey to someone you don't know when you walk in a room full of strangers
This is especially embarrassing for shy people
You have to give everyone at your church a hug
Even the old women who wanna kiss you with their sticky red lipstick
When you enter a kitchen to make yourself something to eat you have to ask the whole house if they want anything
Now you're stuck in the kitchen making sandwiches for 5 other people when it only takes you 1 minute to make a PB&J
you have to be respectful to older people
Even when they're dogging you and fussing at you about something you did
This is especially irritating when it comes from family members at a family reunion that only happens every two years or so
Southern Hospitality
You have to move over on the road when a funeral line
No literally an entire line of about 20 cars
Goes by and you have to wait on them for 20 minutes
If you don't you will be fined
You must always say please, thank you, yes ma'am and no ma'am or yes sir and no sir
Even when they are talking about how you should or shouldn't act
Or when they're judging you
Which happens all the time
Southern Hospitality can kiss my ass