My new dwelling was small. Unmarried females were given one room, one bathroom, and one living space. The living space included a kitchen and dining area. It was a part of an apartment complex that held other unmarried women with the Major status. There were not many.
Thankfully everything was furnished. A gift from my generous boss. Although the card, that sat next to two dozen red roses, was signed, "Congratulations, Adamanthe."
His silver eyes crept into my thoughts as I showered before work. They were haunting yet beautiful. I shook my head back and forth. My wet hair slapping my face.
Quickly, I got ready. Putting on the same black pants and white blouse I always wore to work.
The bell rang. I was not expecting a ride to work for another 45 minutes. I still had to make breakfast.
"Door speaker," the light blinked letting me know I was now talking to the person outside, "Who is it?"
A female voice responded, "Messenger with three large packages for Major Calypso."
I opened the door in my robe. They were rather large packages carried by three burly men.
"From who?" I ask breathlessly.
The men deposit them in the living space as the woman responds. "Major Clothing and Accessories."
They were really creative with their names for stores. My mouth dropped open.
"Curtesy of the government and your new status." She smiles curtly as they all depart my small dwelling.
Opening a box I recognized the colors that prominent Majors wore. Everyone wore white, black, brown, and grey. As a minor we were allowed to add orange and red. Majors are allowed the same as minors plus green and yellow. While Elite have access to all the colors including purple and blue.
Tears formed at the corner of my eyes. I was overcome with emotions. The generosity, my new status, leaving my family, my new work assignment, and my new home, all felt like a lot.
When I went to work in a green dress, all my coworkers smiled at me in the hallways. I felt like I was someone new and important.
Noah and I worked in tandem. We began designing the containers that would house all the plants, animal, and human DNA. In addition to a colony of citizens who would accompany the journey to another planet.
"What do you think of leaving some plants behind?" Noah approached me as we were finishing the catalog of DNA for the day.
"Well, depends on the plant. Plants play an important role in prosperous ecosystems. We do not know what biomes the planet we inhabit will have. I think it is best we bring everything then decide what gets to be planted when the time comes."
He nods at my response, "We are going to need one large ship."
"Let us meet with the architects and engineers next week so they can start designing the ship." I suggest.
"Honestly," He smiles, "I have already had it designed."
"You thought I would vote for your option before I had any knowledge, did you not?"
"I had high hopes. Your proposal was wise though. I am glad it was accepted."
I grab my bag to leave.
"Do you want to see the ship?" He lifts a hologram up to me.
I tap the monitor and the ship fills the room. It was the smallest model they could make. Otherwise we would not get to see the intricate details of all the nooks and crannies in the ship. It really was phenomenal.
"I have so many questions," I whispered, "where to begin…"
"We can talk more about it tomorrow." He shut off the hologram and I close my mouth. "May I escort you to your ride?"
"Yes, thank you."
I studied Noah from the corner of my eye. He was tall, pale complected, and had golden blonde hair. His eyes were a warm brown that reminded me of a puppy. I had never really noticed Noah with this amount of detail before. Maybe with the fact that this weekend I would be of marrying age had me evaluating my options. Noah was an Elite though, just like Adamanthe. Before leaving Noah smiled at me. He turned on his heels and left me alone on the platform.
"Major Calypso." Adamanthe was walking toward his personal craft. Already summoned, it hovered near us, ready to be boarded.
"Hello, Elitist Adamanthe. Please, no formalities." I smile.
"Just Calypso then?" He moved closer to make conversation easier. I nod quickly. "Then you must call me Adam."
A blush heated my cheeks and I hoped he could not see in the fading sunlight. "I think that would be highly inappropriate."
"Well, as long as you only call me Adam in private, I will be satisfied." He was referring to us being alone on the platform. "May I give you a lift?"
He gestures to his pod. It is sleek and a fast model. It shines jet black like his hair.
"Does it fit two?" I ask tentatively.
A huge smile breaks out over his face. "It does, comfortably."
"One moment." I canceled be transport and graciously accepted. "Thank you, Adam."