Chapter 9 - Chapter 9



She kept walking backwards to appreciate the decorations more widely.

Suddenly her beck bumps into someone.

both collapsed and fell on the bed. The person fell over her. Aspen overcame the fall and opened her eyes. "…A...Aron?"

Both stared into each other's eyes. Aron's hand slips as they came more closer.

Aspen came back to her senses. She pushed him away from the bed. "what ...are you!" Aron hurts his arm from the fall, "ouch...I was-"

Aspen started panicking, "NO! Please dont tell me...yOu're The...Doctor..."

Aron stood up , "I am. I was hired by this school. What are you doing here?"

Aspen, "Its my school camp! " She fell on her knees. "This cant be...what am i gonna do!"

Aron was quiet after seeing her like that.

He noticed the bag, "Get up. Thanks for the bag-"

Aspen, "There's so many doctor in this world! why is it you...!"


"…" Aron smiles, "maybe...we are meant to be with each other..." his words Made the whole situation awkward. Both went quiet for a long time. Suddenly, A teacher came in.

Aspen bowed, "If you need anything kindly tell us." She left. The teacher felt suspisious, "Is everything okay?" Aron turned around and Nods.

In Emma , Flora & Aspens room,

Aspen was stressed out.

She kept walking from on side to another.

Suddenly lays on her bed

Starts crumbling

"Why him?!?

Why now?!?

I cant even enjoy the camp"

Emma, "Aron...The name sounds familliar."

Flora gave Emma a sign to not talk about it.

Flora, "Is he really the doctor they chose?"

Aspen was laying on her face.

She couldnt reply.

Emma, "If you want to avoid him then resign from the captain group."

Aspen jumped up,

"IT's not that easy. I dont want to lose my job avoiding that jerk."

Flora, "The sports starts from tomorrow.You can simply turn it into a Excuse.The teachers wont force you to be a captain."

Aspen was about to say something

suddenly, someone knocked at the door.

Emma got up to open the door.

Carson, "hi! Is Aspen here?"

Emma looked at Aspen.

She came out and closed the door.

Aspen leaned on the wall and sighs.

Carson, "Are you worried about tomorrow? Dont be. Everything is managed."

Aspen, "My own team is competing.

Its against my biggest enemy.

How do you expect me to be calm!

I cant lose!

Not to her!"

Carson gently pats her head.

"whatever it is.

Dont worry"

smiles and stares at each other.

He came closer, "You wanna...go out tonight."

The smile on her face dissappeared.


"I cant. Sorry...Im busy"

She quickly went inside the room.


Next day at the field, Everyone gathered to watch three big teams on the sports. Games are divided into three levels.

First was the Leg thread game. Two members has to bind their leg with each other and reach the finish line.

In one Corner, Teams are getting ready for their turn. In another place, Students and Teachers are gathered to see them.

Skyv was in the red team. The color red has won these sports for two years straight. Even if the members are different, Red team are known as the strongest one.

Many different teams were present.

Emma, Leo, Aspen and Flora were in the Team blue.

They all gathered.tieing their shoelaches. Each gave different powers and expression.

At the starting line, Every couple had their leg binded with each other.

In the blue team, It was Leo and Flora. Both of them were shocked with the sudden announcement.

It was suppose to be Leo and the other girl from the team blue.

Flora couldnt even practise. All stood on the starting line.

The whistle blows.

Every couple starts walking.

Some of them barely moved due to not practising. While some other already crossed some bounderies.

At first It was hard for Flora since she couldnt practise and the decision was suddenly announced.

They stopped on the way.

She started taking deep breaths.

The red team was far away.

Leo looked at Flora. He could easily guess that it was hard for her. Without forcing, he puts his arm around her.

Lora looked up.

With a kind voice, "Dont worry. Its easy. Do as I say.", He showed her how to do it. "Its okay to give up. but not without trying"

The words seemed to affect her.

Flora did what he mentioned.

Both kept walking and reached the  finish line.

As expected, The red team won the first level.

Skyv kept jumping around, calpping and screaming.

She looked at the team blue and starts laughing.

Aspen didnt take her action to heart. Since she knows really well that Flora tried her best.

The break before the second level started.

Flora sat on the bench.

Emma sat beside her.

"It's okay. We still have two more rounds. Im sure we can win."

Flora nods.

She noticed Leo.

He was standing a little far away from them.

The sun shined on his face.

He slowly moved away his hair from the forehead.

Looked like the most beautiful person standing.

Few girls already noticed and started fangirling over him at the corner.

Flora was different.

She kept staring at his beauty.

It wasnt actually fangirling over his looks.

It was more than that.

She started feeling weird.

It felt like, falling for every single thing he has.

Personality, his sweet voice, his existence.

Leo Looked back at her.

Flora quickly moved away her eyes.

He came forward.

She tried to look but something was holding her back.

He spoke up ,

"Next game is ours.

You ready?"

Flora slowly looked at him and nods.

The break finished.

Everyone gethered at the Basketball Ground.

After a few teams playing,

It was finnaly Red VS Blue.

First round was won by Red team.

Second round was won by Blue team.

Now, everything lays on the Final round.

Both team stood in line and stared at each other.

The whistle blows.

First, One of the red team member took the ball.

In a second, he was surrounded.

Passed the ball to another red.

The other red couldnt run longer eighter.

Leo came and took the ball.

Running and hitting the ball hard on the ground, He passed it to Flora.

Flora started running.

She was almost close to throw the ball.

Suddenly, Skyv appeared and hits her leg.

She fell on the ground.Unable to get up.

Leo quickly ran to her.

Skyv tossed the ball to the goal.

It was only a second before the ball went inside,

Someone blocked the ball.

No one could clearly see what was happening due to her speed.

She was from the blue team.

For the unexpected appearence, No red team member could stop her.

After passing a few red teams.

she throws the ball on the goal post.


Flora was hopeless.

But after hearing the cheers from blue team, she looked up.

Leo gently carried her to a bench.

The girl came running,

"are you okay?"

Flora looked up to her face,


Leo was also surprised, "We won because of you.


Emma, "You guys were so busy thinking about winning that you forgot Im on the team too."

Flora hugs her tightly.

"Thank you so much.

It means so much to us."

Aspen came running,

"We won!!"

While they were celebrating,

In other way,

Skyv almost tore her uniform apart in anger.

They took Flora to a room.

She was badly hurt.

That seemed to effect Leo a lot.

The anger was visible in his face.

He shouts, "How dare she!!"

Aspen, "That was totally expected from her.

Im sorry...I've put you guys in this mess."

Flora, "Its okay.

I'll be fine.

We won. Thats enough for her to suffer."

Emma came inside the room With Aron.

Everyone became quiet.

Aspen shows a hand sign to Emma without anyone noticing. Both came outside.

Emma, "Im sorry...but the teacher insisted to treat Flora for her leg injury"

Aspen, "…"

Emma, "we can stay outside right?"

Aspen opened the door and went inside.

Emma was shocked with her courage. She followed her inside.

In the room,

Aron doing his treatment on Flora

Leo staring, "Is everything okay?

She's fine right?"

Aron smiled, "She'll be fine.

Please rest for a while."

He stood up,

"I saw you guys playing.Your team was amazing."

Flora, "which side are you on?"

Aron replied, "I cheered for Team blue since the beginning.

Even If Im a junior doctor, Im around your age."

Leo, "Thats surprising. You dont look like that. Your appearence is somehow like a Senior doctor."

Aron, "Enough about me.

Would you mind if i ask your name?"

Reached out his hand to Flora.

"Im Lora...", she replied.

As he moved his eyes, they all introduced themselves.

But, Aspen was standing quietly all along.

IN THE Teacher room,Skyv was called out by a Teacher.

"Team blue complained against you."

Skyv, "they are lying. I didnt-"

"After seeing the evidence its clear that you purposely hurted miss Lora"

skyv, "What evidence?!"

"the whole video record of the game."

skyv thought to herself, "i thought recording is forbidden. Thats why i planned to break her leg. Who made this video!"

t,"This is a last warning.

I wont accept any kind of complain next time.

Or else, I have to suspend you."

Skyv went to her room.

Slams the door.

Two girls was in her room.


One of the girl,

"Calm down..."

But she kept screaming in anger,


Where is that thing i told you to steal!"

The girl gave her a map.

,"Next game is to look for cards in the jungle. We can win following the map."

skyv gave an evil smile, "Win? There's no winner other than us.

Winning is not what im trying to do.

I want to teach her a lesson.

I want to see her suffer.

She has so pay for everything that happened to me.

Someone  doesnt know with whom they are messing with."

At night,

The Room was empty.

Flora woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Leo was infront of her.

With a sweet voice He said,

"you're awake?"

Only two of them were in the room.

F, "where are the others?"

L, "Out for dinner.

You hungry?"

F, "no..."

her tumny growls.


L, "I'll cook something for you."

Flora pulls his arm. "I have something to say..."

Leo calmly sat beside her.

"what is it?

arent you hungry?

Let me make something first"

His movements and the tone of speaking was almost like flirting to win her heart.

She started blushing. Her face turned red.

F, "stop it..."

L, "Fine.

what is it?"

F, "Do"

L, "…"

Flora started panicking.

"Im not trying to hurt you. But ...thats the reason why you came to me right? You liked Emma. You said she appears in your dreams...But  i feel like Thats not what we're trying to do lately-"

He slowly puts his finger on her lips


Both went quite for a long time.

He came closer.

They stared in to each others eyes.

No words were needed. It felt like the whole conversation was over in a stare.

He started coming more close to her.

Both of their lips were one inch away from each others.

Flora pushed him away,

"what are you doing?!? Answer my question."

He started acting like nothing happened.

"I already told you my answer."


AT that moment, Aspen and Emma entered.

Leo got off the bed and stood far away from her. Thats what The others saw.

Aspen, "Thanks for Helping Leo.

you're such a gentlemen."

Emma puts down a bag beside Him "we brought you some. Have it if you're hungry"

Aspen, "Are you both ready for tomorrow?"

Flora, "what is it tomorrow?"

Aspen replied, "Next task, Its to find some cards in the jungle."

Flora, "Isnt it dangerous?

what if we get lost in there!"

Emma, "There's bounderies.

You cant be lost.

Worry about your leg first.

Can you walk?"

Flora nods.

Looks at Leo.

He was also staring at her.
