Chapter 15 - Chapter 15



👑Another ~ World👑

Lora went inside the door. A lot of sounds,voices,screams,cryings went through her head. She felt an unbearable pain for a while. Next thing She saw, It was a forest. Lora was lying on the ground. Her head aches after opening eyes.

The place was quite different. There were a lot of big trees around. It was a deep forest. But she could hear, Peoples chatting and gossips around the corner. There was a market in edge of forest.

She slowly stands up. Steps forward to the crowded place. Suddenly, Two women passed her. Lora quickly hid herself behind a tree. Their Cloths were far different from her. They wore big skirt and a small top.

Lora thought to herself, ("I cant stand out in their eyes. Look for some simillar cloths~")

She saw a house near them. Outside, Few cloths were speaded to dry.

without anyone noticing, She stole the dress and wears them. The cloths also had a hat and face-covering mask.

After wearing them, She entered the market. The villagers were chatting and walking all around. Their cloths and tradition were from old generations.

Lora kept walking while hiding her face.

Suddenly,  people starts shouting and screaming. The crowd spreads. They made a clear path for two wild horse running toward the market. The horse had their owner sitting on top of them. They were running fast as lightning. Observing the others, Lora stood in the line.

The horse owner were royal. Both were wearing mask. One of them had the prince-getup. The other had soldier-getup. The horses suddenly stopped infront of a certain person.

The person couldnt notice the horse. He was turned backwards. The prince took out his sword and points it at that person. As soon as he Turned, The sword already reached his throat.

Villagers from two sides crowded at the scene. That person wasnt even shock. He moved the sword edge with his hand. Slightly smiles at the owner. Even if he had his face covered, Everyone knew who he is.

Some of the villager's faces were like, 'not again'.

The prince again moves his sword at that person, "It's my Last warning. Stay away from her!"

The person replies while smilling, "I thought your highness has already gaven me the 'last warning' before."

The prince unshethes his sword. He grabs the horse chain tightly, "Im sparing you another life. There wont be any next time."

Both horse owner went back the way they came. Lora was standing there observing. She couldnt bother to ask anyone about the situation. But the villagers has already started their gossips.

"The prince lost his cool again~"

"Why cant he just give up on the princess~"

"What a trouble maker~"

Lora heard every word and looked at the person. He was tall,Handsome. His outfit tells that he is nothing but a poor villager. But he made the prince angry. That person is odviously not someone ordinary.

An old man came and hits him with a stick.

The person whines, "It hurts...~"

Old man shouts, "Why cant you leave the princess alone! You're troubling both the prince and our villagers!"

-"An old man cant understand. It's call- "

Four bundle of grasses were thrown at his arms.He was ordered to feed the cows. He shows an sad face and turns around.

Lora stared at him and thought to herself, "If he has any connection with the Princess, I can use him and make things easy for myself..."

Lora stepped toward the person,

{Clears throat}

He looked back and ignored.

Lora kept doing it.

He finally looked back, "How can a broadlight beauty be so eager to get my attention~"

Lora, (What a flirty -_-||)

"Hello...Nice to meet you...Im-"

Ren, "How come I've never seen you before. Are you new in this Village?"

Lora, (should i tell him that.....)

"Im a passer by. I would like to know about the kingdom here..."

Ren, "You've came to the right place. I'm close with the royal family."

L, "Okay then. Can you take me to the princess?"

Ren, (She looks like an outsider. Dont have any clue about the royals here. Should i Play with her?= ̄ω ̄=)

"You see...It's a lot of hard work. I want something in return."

L, (I chose the wrong person. He would surely ask for money...I cant even tell how it looks like in the generation...)

Ren, "You wanna pay for that?"

L, "Forget it...I'll just leave-"

Ren, "Wait!

I can help you get to the princess. How about you give me the necklace in return?

(I need excuse to see the princess. The necklace isnt that expensive. She cant reject me.)"

L, "Never!"

(How dare he ask for the necklace Leo gave me. I can find someone else for sure.)

Lora left the scene and kept walking.

⚡The other way⚡

The horse owners reaches the Palace gate. The gate opened with a single sound of their foot. A person standing in the middle shouts, "THE PRINCE HAS RETURNED!"

They came down from the horse and took off their mask. The prince started running toward the door. The other person reached out to him and calls, "Rao!"

The prince looks back. "Colt...Sorry...I forgot-"

C, "The king...You need me up there?"

R, "Dont worry. I'll handle Father.You can leave now."

C, "This is the 8th time you broke royal rules.Dont be so-"

R, "Fine. I wont do it again. Now leave or else, Father will take you with me". He ran inside the palace leaving Colt alone outside.

Colt walked a few step backwards. Someone was standing at the door staring at him. When he got out of the palace, The person came toward him.

Aide, "trouble again? Cant he just leave you alone for once."

C, "Your master is not even here. Who gave you the permission to step in!"

A, "Dont worry. He's always here to see the princess."  

He came closer, "and Im here for you.

Colt ignored him, "nonsense".

❗Inside the palace❗

Prince Rao walked to the palace hall. He saw few kings and princes having a gathering. Without getting caught, He slowly walks to the chair from back door.

The king already noticed him. After the gathering ends, Only one king and prince stays at the hall.

King Rowan, "We'll see other soon in the ceremony. Until then please enjoy your stay here."

King Nolan, "Dont bother. We're about to be a big family soon."

Both of the kings and princes bows at each other. The other king and prince left.

King Rowan's expression changes. He turns around and gave a angry look at Prince Rao.

R, "I apologies for the late present. It wont happen again."

The king was about to burst in anger.A queen standing behind him came forward,

Queen Elena, "Forgive him . He wont repeat it again."

R, "I would appreciate if an outsider like you wont talk between us."

The king slaps Rao.

K, "Is this how you behave infront the queen! That's It. I wont allow this things 9th time. The prince is officially grounded. For 1 week, You cant leave the castle."

Rao had nothing to say. He bows and walks away.

Q, "He's just a child. Dont be so harsh on him. Let's focus on our Ellie's wedding Now."

⚡The other way⚡

Flora asked a person, "Can you tell me the library location please...?"

He shows Flora the way.

She quietly enters the library. The shelves were old. The cellings were made of woods.

She took a random book from the shelf.

Without anyone noticing, Lora puts the clock inside the book. Book changed it's color and shape. She took out the clock.

(I hope the book can tell me about our positions in this life...)

Flips the first page, It was the chapter Esmay read out infront of her.

The next few pages were still about the time travelar.

The topic she looked for was something else but, Suddenly a rule got her attention.

{Except the one who traveled in last life, Everyone else would forget everything.

As for the 'the chosen one', Their memories will also start fading away}

L, (If my memory fades away...I wont remember him anymore...)

She gently took out the necklace and placed the middle part in her hand,"You'll always be with me."

⚡The other way⚡

Rao went to his room with an anger face. Starts slaming off the objects in his table.

(What does that old man think of himself!!!)

A princess followed by her few servent came running. She signaled the others to leave & Quietly sits down beside Rao,

"Brother! You came back~(^V^)"

R,  "Leave me alone~"

S, "Look at you~. Father shouldnt be this hard on you...How about I cook you something...Something your favourite~"

R, "Fine.

What do you want?"

S, "NO- no...- I dont...."

R, "Everytime you do this ,is because You need something right?"

S, "I...Wanna request....

Dont bother Ren anymore. Even if i dont know him...I heard we used to be good friends in childhood. YoU shouldnt treat him like an poor villager. His father used be on of our soldiers. Leave him alone..."

R, "I will If he stops waiting for you outside the castle everyday."

S, "…"

R, "Make some friends.

But...not with those villagers."

Stilla nods and hugs Rao.

A servent came inside their room,

"The king has called Prince Rao and Princess Stilla in his Room."

They went up to king's room. They entered and stood in line. After a few seconds, Princess Elly joins them.

The king was quiet for a while.

"I'm arranging a big ceremony Next week. Many of our neighbour kingdoms will join.

I dont want anything to go wrong this time. Make sure not to dissappoint me."

Three of them bows in sync.

"Yes, Your majesty"

⚡The other way⚡

Lora finished reading the book. She went out on the street.After walking for half an hour,

(I need a place to stay. The sun is about to set. I wonder where 'I' live right now...)

the path leads to an empty field beside a river. When Lora was walking carelessly, She heard a voice shouting,

"Help! help me-"

She turnes around and saw a girl drowning.

Lora runs at her, "I ...dont to swim. What should I do..."

the girl was almost in her last breath. Lora found a rope and throws it at her. She reched the rope. Slowly she swims back to the land.

The girl kept taking deep breaths while Lora tried to throw out the water. "You okay...?"

(I thought it would be hard  to pull her was it so easy...?)

Olive, "thanks...for saving me" *coughs*

" did you do it?"

L, "Do what?"

O, "You pulled me up so easily like my weight is nothing. Are you superwoman?"

L, (she felt it too...?)

"Here, I'll help you get up-"

O, "Thanks.

I'm Olive. I havent seen you before. Are you new here?"

L, "yea...Im just passing by."

O, "I owe you my life.Is there any way i can pay you back?"

L, (I cant directly ask ...She's still young...around 16?)

"Well, Can you tell me where to find the closest inn."

O, "You dont have a place to stay?!?

Since you're new here let me tell you that this place isnt safe for beautiful girls to walk around at night.

The inns arent safe eighter...

How about you stay at my place!

I can pay you back this way."

L, "Really? You'll let me stay at your place?

That's so kind of you. Thanks."

O, "This way please."

They started walking.

O, "What's your name ?"

L, (is it necessary...?)

"Im....L- ....Im ORA!"

O, "Ora?"

L, "(are you gonna judge me on my name?)"

O, "Thats a cute name. Can i call you that?"

L, "sure."

In Olive's house,

L, "How many members are there in your family?"

O, "Its just me and my brother. He'll come back soon."

L, "Olive, I want to know something..."

O, "What is it?"

L, "Can you give me some information about the royal family?"

O, "As an outsider, You look curious.

Dont worry. My father was a soldier. I know everything about the royals here."