Chereads / Amaya In Another World / Chapter 26 - Let The Raid Begin

Chapter 26 - Let The Raid Begin

Only five days had passed, and in that short amount of time, Amaya had cleared two three-ranked dungeons and two Gold-ranked dungeons all on her own.

However, it has been no easy task for her as she has come close to death a couple times. She now stood in front of a Platinum ranked dungeon entrance. Normally, no-one should have been allowed to head to a dungeon of such a high rank but she had lied about having a team.

"Time to go in, I should be able to handle a dungeon like this now."

(Amaya: Level: 410 Hp:1,471,896 Mp: 386,184 Atk:383,184

Speed: 678 Endurance: 877)

She began walking In as she thought to herself.

"I have changed so much since I first came here to this world. Lately I've been getting stronger at a rapid rate. I can't even remember the last time I was scared. It feels like Legendary-rank isn't too far out of reach now."

She reached her hand out as her katana appeared.

At that moment three monsters began running out from the shadows.

(Elite Rampaging Demon: Hp:425,000 Mp:167,000 Atk: 287,000 Speed: 456 Endurance: 457)

['Burst has been activated]

Amaya shot forward ward as she swung her sword. The monsters instantly fell apart over on the ground.

"If I'm really this strong then these monsters won't stand a chance."

She continued further into the cave as her sword disappeared back to her storage.


Shinya picked up the magic communicator and held it up to his ear.

"Have you made your decision?"

"Yes, I have. I will let you borrow two of my legendary-rankers, some of my gold-ranks, and some of my platinum rankers."

On the other end was Daizen (Guild Master of the Slasher's guild)

"Under what conditions?" Shinya asked.

"Bring me back one of the bosses corpses."

"What? Why do you want that?"

"That's irrelevant, will you do it or not?"

Shinya then let out a sigh.

"Have it your way, I'll do it."

"Then you have yourself a deal."

"Send them over to the dungeon entrance, we're beginning the raid today, I'll be waiting."

He then put the communicator on the table and leaned back in his office chair.

"Hopefully, Amaya comes back before the raid. As much as I want to, I can't wait for her. Daizen only lent me some of his adventurers for only six hours. I have no time to waste."

He then stood up and walked out of office. As he walked down the hall, his assistant began walking next to him. She was a lady with long blue hair and blue eyes. She had somewhat of a shy-looking face and was dressed in a suit.

"You're heading to the raid already?"

"Yeah, once the adventurers from the Slasher's guild arrive, we'll start entering."

She wore a concerned look on her face.

"Will that really be okay. We don't nearly have as many members as the raid on the other dungeon."

"It'll be alright. It's still a Legendary-rank dungeon but it's not as dangerous as the other two. We'll also have 4 Legendary-rankers with us. Not to mention, we have Atsuya, the man who's rare skill put him on the same power level as the strongest adventurer."


Amaya stood in front of the giant doors to the giant boss room.

"I've never cleared a dungeon this fast before. Well, I can't really call it cleared because I still haven't beat the boss."

She then took a deep breath and let it out.

"I never fought a Platinum-rank boss before, I kind of have a bad feeling but….I have to get stronger, to save lives. There's so many people I could've saved if I had just been stronger."

She then lifted her head and glared at the doors up ahead.

"I can do this."

She walked over and easily shoved the doors open then began walking in."

There seemed to be nothing there but Amaya had a feeling that something had to be there. She turned her head and looked around as the doors shut behind her.

"Where's the boss?" Amaya thought to herself.

A sluggish creepy voice came from behind.

"We've been watching you."

She quickly turned around. It was a group of people wearing dark-colored hoods. Each one of them had big white eyes.

"What are you supposed to be."

One of them stepped forward. His hood was different from the other ones. It was black with thick white stripes. All you were able to see of his face was his eyes and his big white devilish grin.

"Ever since you killed Katsuroooo, we have been watching you. We have kept a close eye on you and noticed your rapid growth in power.

Instead of killing you and feeding our weapon, we have an offer."

Amaya wore a confused expression on her face as she questioned what they meant.

"An offer?"

"Yessssss, that's right. Join us, the dark mage organization and become a tier five member, the highest rank among us. I am also a tier five member. We gain special access to forbidden magic and curses."

"What's the point of this group?" Amaya asked.

"Wellllll, we wish to create the strongest weapon and strongest organization so we can rule above all. We will make the world better, we don't care how many lives we have to take, or what we have to do. We will rule and maintain orderrrrrrr, once we reach the top."

Amaya the thought to herself.

"At first they seemed like a pretty decent group but now, I realize they're pretty evil."

She then replied.

"No thanks, I only came here to clear the dungeon, nothing else."

"Well then, I guesssss, we'll just have to…...kill you and turn you into food for our weapon."

They all grinned and turned their heads.

Amaya let out a sigh.

"Why can't my bad luck just go away?"

They all held out their hands and chanted together.

"Mighty barrier, dissemble."

There was a bright flash of light from behind. Amaya quickly turned around to see what had just happened.

Up ahead, there stood a giant creature with long horns sticking out of its head. It had long sharp claws and it's eyes were glowing red. It held out it's hand and and and a great big sword appeared in it's hand.

[Enemy has activated 'Electric Body']

Red electricity was pulsing through the creature's body and sword.

The man with the black hood with white stripes began speaking.

"You said you only came here to clear the dungeon. This is the boss. We only placed a barrier around to separate us from the outside so we can talk to you. Now, that barrier is gone."

Amaya turned to face the group as they slowly backed off into a cloud of smoke.

She let out a sigh and faced back towards the monster.

(Demon General: Hp: 5,789,000 Mp: 378,000 Atk: 479,000

Speed: 423 Endurance:579)

(Weapon: 111,000 Effects: 50% Chance for critical hit, 10% Chance for Stun)

She then began walking towards the demon.

['Speed Boost' has activated] Amaya shot forward and struck it many times in a single second.

(Demon General: Hp:3,614,432/5,789,000)

"He's pretty strong." Amaya thought to herself.

[Enemy has activated 'Damage Resistance']

[Enemy has activated 'Speed Boost']

The demon began swinging its sword at her as she easily dodged every strike.

"Dash!" Amaya quickly steped forward and slammed her fist into the demon's


The creature didn't move an inch. It then reached out to grab her as she quickly weaved to the side and swung her palm into its face.

"Attack Amplifier!"

(Demon General: Hp: 0/5,789,000)

The wind shook violently as the demon flew through the air and landed against a wall.

"That was pretty easy. I guess I was worried for nothing. It's strange though, why didn't I level up?"

[Enemy skill has activated 'Second Chance']

The Demon slowly stood up as it tightly gripped it's sword.

"I was not expecting the boss to have a skill like that. I guess I'll have to kill it again."

[Enemy has activated ' Godly Speed Boost']

Suddenly, the monster ran towards her. Amaya's eyes widened right before she was struck nearly 100 Times in a single second.

(Amaya: Hp: 0/1,487,896 Al: 0/743,948)

Seconds passed as the demon would breath heavily.

['Awaken' has activated]

['Second Chance' has activated]

(Amaya: Hp: 2,975,792)

She slowly stood up and glared at the monster.

['Rage 2' has activated]

Her eyes glowed purple and her skin darkened.

"Nice try, I have the same skill. Also, you made me stronger."

She then began walking closer and closer towards the demon.

The monster then held its palm out towards Amaya.

[Enemy has activated 'Shock wave']

A violent burst of wind shot out and pushed her back.

[You have been stunned]

Amaya was in a somewhat dazed state as the demon ran up to her and swung it's sword across her chest.

[You have been stunned]

It then slammed it's knee into her face, sending Amaya into the air.

The demon jumped up into the air and swung his sword once more, hitting her.

At that moment, she went back to her senses and smoothly landed on her feet.

['Rage 2' has deactivated]

She stared at the demon as they thought to herself.

"I over estimated him. Looks like I'll have to put in effort during this fight….."

['Fast Tracking' has been activated]

[Enemy has activated 'Speed Double']

[Enemy has activated 'Strengthen']


Shinya had been waiting at the dungeon entrance for quite some time already. Atsuya walked over to him.

"When did the others say they would be here?"

Shinya then replied.

"They said they would be here as fast as they could. I wonder where they are."

A large crowd of footsteps then came walking from the forest.

All the adventurers guarding the cave turned and looked.

The crowd was the group of other adventurers that would be attending the dungeon raid.

In front of the crowd, stood a man with spiky blue hair and black eyes. He wore silver armor and a white cape.

His weapon of choice was a long blue colored sword.

(Slasher's Guild Legendary-Rank Adventurer, Seiya. Class: Fighter)

Next to him, stood a woman with long black hair and red eyes. Her eyelashes were dark and she wore a nice purple cloak with shiny black boots. On her side, she carried a sharp purple bladed dagger.

(Slasher's Guild Legendary-Rank Adventurer, Alison. Class: Mage/Assassin)

As they approached the entrance, they all stopped walking.

Shinya stood in front of everybody and spoke.

"As you already know, I am Shinya, the guild master of the Defender's guild. Today we will be raiding this legendary-rank dungeon. Dungeons of this rank are known for having multiple bosses and mini bosses. They are also known for having around eight different paths to take. We will all split up into groups. If your group does not have a legendary-rank in it, then do not enter the boss room when you find it. Any questions?"

Seiya then stepped forward.

"If you're in a group that has a Legendary ranker then will you be able to enter one of the boss rooms?"

Shinya then replied.

"No. If you find a boss room then you have permission to leave the dungeon and wait outside. Once we all regroup, we will discuss what to do next. Any other questions.?"

Shinya stared at the crowd as no-one stepped forward in question.

He then turned to face the entrance.

"No questions, huh? Alright, let the raid begin."

They all began walking in as the adventurers that were guarding the cave followed.