Chereads / Amaya In Another World / Chapter 29 - "You did what?!"

Chapter 29 - "You did what?!"

Shinya was surprised as he was not expecting Amaya to show up.

Almost Immediately after seeing her, he noticed that something was different.

"Amaya? When did you get here?"

She then replied.

"Well, I got here less than an hour ago, I think."

He looked at Amaya as her powerlevel came into view.

(Amaya: Overall: 18,184,211)

Shinya could not believe his eyes. He knew that Amaya was capable of becoming a Legendary-rank adventurer in just a short amount of time, but she had gone beyond his expectations.

Atsuya who was standing next to Shinya was surprised as he saw Amaya. He too, knew her level of power. They both approached her.

"Did you come out to help with the dungeon raid?" Atsuya asked.

Amaya was somewhat surprised to see him, the feeling was mutual.

"Yeah, I did. I even took out one of the bosses."

Atsuya was immediately shocked to hear those words.

"You did What?!"

"I took out one of the bosses. It was a Shadow Dragon, stronger than I expected but I mean, I'm still alive."

Shinya looked at Amaya as he spoke.

"Thank you, for showing up. Will you assist us with the rest of the bosses?"

Amaya smiled then replied to his question.

"Yep. Don't worry, I got this."

At that moment, Alision and the rest of her group walked out of the dungeon, followed by Kioshi, Gaku and Ginji.

As Shinya turned around, he noticed Kioshi's injuries.

"What happened?"

Kioshi let out a sigh as he replied.

"I'm sorry. We came across three mini bosses and the rest of our team was wiped out. As he left the tunnel, we came across Alison's group. They healed us up a little. Anyway, my point is that we need more adventurers if there are more monsters like that."

Shinya then put his hand on Amaya's shoulder.

"Well, there's no need to worry. Meet the newest Legendary-rank adventurer. Her name is Amaya."

Kioshi was surprised as the rise of Legendary-rankers was a rare occurrence.

"S-She's a Legendary ranker? You mind if I test out her strength?"

Atsuya turned his head and glared at him.

"If I was able to easily mop the floor with you, Amaya might severely Injure you."

Kioshi then recalled his fight with Atsuya as he turned to face a tree.

"That's right. I'm sorry, I now know my place."

Atsuya was surprised, mainly because Kioshi was usually not the type to admit he's wrong or weaker than someone.

"Wow, I guess the kid can learn." Atsuya thought to himself.

Shinya then decided that it was time to discuss their next move on the dungeon.

"Adventurers, gather!"

All the adventurers all walked over to him and stood in groups.

Shinya then continued.

"Okay, we have underestimated this dungeon a little. It has cost us the lives of some of our adventurers. Only Legendary and Platinum-rankers will go back in. I will give you all a 30 minute break until we head back in. That is all."

Amaya turned around to face the rest of the forest as she thought to herself.

"Since we'll have a 30 minute break, I can go check something out."

She then walked behind the trees where no one would notice her.

['Gate' has been activated]

A yellow glowing portal appeared and Amaya walked in.

As she walked back out, she was now in a different place.

(Town: Feaca)

She stood in front of a small place with a sign next to it. It was the weapon shop that Amaya would always go to back when she lived in this town. Most of the other small houses and shops were still destroyed.

"Well, I guess the shop survived."

As she walked in, she was greeted by an older looking man, Hikaru.

"Amaya? It's been awhile."

She then walked over to the counter and replied.

"It really has been awhile. I came to buy some good equipment, I'll be able to afford the most expensive stuff you got."

Hikaru was shocked. Back when Amaya first came to his shop, she used to only buy the cheap and least expensive stuff, with a couple exceptions.

"Really What happened while you were gone? Did you become a high ranker or something?"

"Actually, I did." Amaya replied.

"What rank did they give you?"

"When I first started, I was at a low ranking. Now, I'm at Legendary-rank."

Hikaru wore a shocked look on his face. Legendary-rankers get paid a large amount of money so he was surprised that Amaya came to a small shop like his. People of her rank were able to have special weapons made with the rarest and most strong resources.

"Why come to a small shop like mine? You can have stronger equipment made for you at better weapon shops."

Amaya replied as she began examining the tip of a sword that was on one of the shelves.

"Well, you always have what I'm looking for."

She then turned back to look at him.

"I want the strongest weapon your shop has. Also, I want a mana recovery potion."

"I got just what you need." He then went down behind the counter. As he stood back up, he placed a shiny blue bladed dagger on top of the counter. This specific weapon had come from a high rank dungeon long ago. Hikaru began explaining the weapons quality.

"It's a dagger. It has a couple unique things about it. It can penetrate armor and it has three sets of powerful attacks. One is called slash. As you swing the dagger and call out the moves name, a burst of lightning will shoot out from the blade stunning your opponent. You can only use this twice every day. It's second move is called payback. When you hit your enemy while calling the moves name, they will take the same amount of damage that your last attack did to you. If their attack had an effect then that same effect will be casted upon them. You can only use it twice every day. Now, the final attack. It's name is Sacrifice. In exchange for 50% of your life, violent bursts of lighting will appear and shoot towards your enemies around taking 50% of their total life with a 50% chance of killing them. Be careful with that one because once it is used back to back your life will be fully drained, killing you."

Amaya was surprised. It was just the type of weapon that she needed.

"What's the price?"

With a serious look on his face he replied.

"No price. You can have it under one condition, never use Sacrifice more than once unless you need to save the world or something important like that."

Amaya nodded.

"I understand."

Hikaru then pushed the dagger aside towards Amaya.

"It's all yours now. And for the mana recovery potion you asked for, that'll be 250 honor."

He then placed a bottle of a blue liquid on the counter as Amaya placed 5 silver coins on the table.

['Storage' has been activated]

A glowing blue portal appeared as Amaya placed the bottle and dagger inside.

['Storage' has been deactivated]

The shining portal then disappeared. Amaya turned and faced the entrance as she said her goodbye.

"I'll try to come by sometime so that way we can talk more, okay?"

Hikaru smiled as he replied.

"Sounds like a plan, kid."

['Gate' has been activated]

A yellow glowing portal appeared as Amaya walked inside it. The portale suddenly disappeared and she was nowhere to be seen.

Hikaru knew exactly what skill he just used. It was rare skill called 'Gate'

"That girl is always showing off her skills."


(Inside the Legendary-Rank Dungeon)

A glowing yellow portal appeared in the forest inside the dungeon at the entrances to the tunnels.

Amaya stepped out from it. She held out as a shiny blue dagger appeared and gripped it.

"I never actually did hear what this weapons attack power was."

Amaya looked down at the dagger, examining it.

['Analyze' has been activated]

(Weapon: Atk: 50% of holders Atk. Moves: Slash, Payback, Sacrifice.

Weapon abilities: Armor penetration)

"I guess the weapons strength depends on the holder. Weapons, return to storage."

The blue dagger then disappeared, going back to Amaya's 'Storage' skill.

She then looked at all the tunnels.

"Which one tunnel should I take? I already cleared tunnel 3."

The longer she stared, the harder it was for her to make a decision.

After taking nearly forever, she finally came to a decision.

"I'll just take the fourth one."

She then began walking inside. Amaya walked and walked and walked as there seemed to be no end to the tunnel.

The wind inside began blowing harder. Her walking came to a stop as she stared ahead in the dimly lit dungeon.

['Night Vision' has been activated]

She stared ahead and saw a creature running in her direction. The creature has red skin and glowing yellow eyes. It ran on all fours and had great white horns coming out of the top of its head.

['Analyze' has been activated]

(Elite Rampaging Demon: Level:987 Hp: 700,000 Mp:322,000

Atk: 150,000 Speed:422 Endurance:432)

"Oh, so it's one of those types of monsters."

The creature got closer and closer. It then jumped towards her and swung it's claws as Amaya disappeared from sight. She now stood behind the creature as it turned around to face her.

Amaya then began talking.

"I can tell that you're a strong kind of monster. Strong enough to give any other adventurer at least a little bit of a hard time."

[New skill learned 'Taunt']

Amaya then held out her hand as a blue bladed dagger appeared then gripped it.

The creature began charging at her as she shot forward. A blue light followed the swing of her dagger as the monster's head came clean off.

"I guess you're no more than a level 1 type of monster to me."

Amaya let go of her dagger as it disappeared.

She then turned to look further ahead.

"I can sense something powerful from the other end of this tunnel. It gives me a feeling that almost no other monster has made me feel before. Is it the boss?"

She then continued walking.

After nearly twenty minutes, she had arrived at a pair of giant gold doors.

Amaya approached, walked over and placed her hand on them.

"This room has to belong to the boss. Why else would I get such a bad feeling about being right here."

Amaya had gotten way stronger than she used to be and was now a Legendary-rank adventurer. Even so, the room's presence was enough to even make her somewhat hesitant to open the doors.

She then took a deep breath. As she let it out, her hands shoved both doors wide open. The room was dark at first but as she walked in, the room lit up and the doors closed behind her. That's when she saw it.

The 'Mega Boss'