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The story of a dead man

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When two young boys explore a cave one discovered something that would change his life forever. A journal, so old it's amazing it hasn't turned to dust. Inside it tells a story, the story of a dead man. (Hey all this is Dead writing, I haven't had a lot of time to edit the chapters so be wary of the quality. non the less I hope you enjoy this novel)

Chapter 1 - A cave adventure

Walking along the dirt path two boys wandered the forests near their country home.

"Did You remember where the book said it was Ander?"

Picking up a stick the small boy whacked every tree they walked past.

"Of course, that's why were in the woods Travis. I'm not stupid."

The two boys wondered the woodland path in search of a cave. This cave was unlike any other. The cave went deep into the earth and if you go deep enough, you get to see crystal formations.

As the boys looked around Travis stopped in his tracks.

"Ander, Look!"

Pointing towards the brush on the left he smiled.

"Good job Travis! You found the cave, I'm so ready for an adventure!"

As they stood at the entrance to the cave Travis picked up a stick.

"Are you gonna cast your magic Travis?"

Ander smiled brightly as Travis snapped his finger.


A small ball of fire ignited above his finger tip. Waving it back and forth he lit one end of the stick on fire.

"This one is yours Ander, I don't need one."

Holding his hand open a slightly larger flame erupted in the palm of his hand.

"Your so cool Travis, does mother know you can use magic?"

Travis laughed.

"I think she does, if Father finds out I'll get sent to one of those magic academies. I don't wanna follow in his footsteps. I just wanna explore the world, and stuff like this."

Travis and Ander came from a family of mages that worked close with royalty. Some even say they have the same rank as Royalty. Mages of their family have high prestige, and even stronger magic. Fire is in their blood, some used to call their Father a demon.

Stepping into the cave the brothers looked at each other. You could tell immediately the cave was much older then the book said it was. It looked like was untouched for ages.

Inside of the entrance was a room big enough to fit a small concert, Or a battle between two mages. At the back of the room was two cave paths that almost looked carved by men. One was a straight path, and the other had a steep slope digging deeper into the earth.

"Ander, I'll take the sloping path, it would be safer for you to take the straightest one."

"Awww Travis! I wanna go deep inside the cave too, you take the boring one!"

Smirking he laughed.

"Maybe when your old enough to cast your very own magic Ander."

"Fine, but you owe me..."

Grumbling to himself Ander Left his older brother to adventure down the dark tunnel alone.

"That kid... He'll be a great magician probably a lot better than me."


Ander P.O.V.

He never takes me serious! Travis treats me like a baby! Father doesn't even talk to me... But I'm Strong.

I can even fight, with a real sword! The Knight that protects mother has been teaching me. It's more of a gesture though, my mother could turn an entire forest into ashes.

Glancing around the tunnel a tinge of fear sent a chill down my back. Like I was being watched...

Wandering through the tunnel I found the dark path I walked slowly filling with a light blue glow.

"What the heck is that?"

Stepping into a small cavern their was a large crystal pillar filling the center. It gave off an ominously beautiful blue light.


Looking around the cavern I noticed a collection of Seven crystals, each giving off the same blue light. The eighth one was the giant pillar in the center of the room.

Walking around to each of the crystals I could see right through them! But for some reason the crystal pillar was very murky inside.

I am smart enough to not touch them though! Travis always says not to touch something you don't understand. These crystals are unlike any other.

As I looked at the smallest crystal I could find I picked up my sword stick.

"It's okay if I poke it right? I'm not touching it with my hands at least."

As I poked the crystal it began to change color! The crystal began to give off heat as it changed color from light blue to a bright orange.

"Wow, it's like it's filled with fire! Do all of them change color?"

Before messing with them all I decided to try and poke the crystal again. The crystal seems to change into seven total colors.

Black, Yellow, green, blue, orange, Brown, light blue.


I remember my tutor telling me about the seven basic elements. Shadow, light, wind, water, fire, earth, and lightning. Those were the elemental magic given to use human races by the gods of old.

The books in the mansions library spoke so highly of the gods and goddesses. I hope I can meet one someday!

Is this some kind of puzzle? Seven crystals, Seven primal elements... and one giant eighth?

Walking around the big room I noticed that five of them created a circle around the big one, and off to the left to were close to each other.

Poking the ones off to the left side I remembered my teacher telling me about natural advantages and disadvantages of the primal elements. Light is only strong against Darkness, but is also strong against Darkness. The same is for Darkness.

So if I just...

Poking the two crystals to the specific Yellow and black I smiled.

"That seems right."

Spending 20 minutes inside the cavern I poked around at the crystals. At first I thought I could just place the colors in any of the five crystals but shortly learned they had to be extremely specific.

"And finally... Fire crystal!"

After filling the final color into the last crystal the room was filled with a light humming sound.

Suddenly the room was filled with darkness, not even my torch was giving off light. laying on the ground I was filled with fear. Grabbing my knees I silently cried in the fetal position.

"I'm sorry Travis! I didn't lis-"

As I lay there panicking the room was flooded in Golden light from the second crystal.

Suddenly everything became clear...

The crystals are giving off their element! I need to leave, Now!!!!

Getting up I ran towards the exit. But that's when the earth crystal activated. Three large pillars of rock blocked the exit before I could escape.

"Is this where I die? I'm sorry mother..."

As I became sold on my death the light blue crystal erupted into arching lightning bolts. Hiding behind the earth crystal lightning bolts bounced off. The crystal protected me from harm.

As the electricity started to die down the fifth crystal glowed a darker blue. Water started to pour out of the crystal fast, filling the cavern up with water.

Luckily I knew how to swim because otherwise I would have drown! The room filled up five feet deep with water.

Wait... the next element, is fire!! Fire is gonna make the water boil!

Looking around I noticed the top of the pillar was out of the water enough to be able to climb on. But I'm so far away, can I make it in time?

Swimming as hard as I ever have before I noticed the fire crystal starting up. The closer I got to the pillar the more I noticed how warm the water was getting. I barely managed to pull myself out before the water began to boil.

Trying to breath was painful because of all the steam, but shortly after it felt like I was gonna pass out a giant gust of wind funneled all of the water deeper into the tunnels.

Now I found myself in another big problem. I was on top of a crystal pillar that stood almost 7 feet off the ground.

Hold on a second... This one won't activate, will it?

Looking down at the crystal I could see something. It was like another, much smaller cavern. Inside was another glowing object, along with a white object I couldn't quite make out.

As I began trying to make out what was down their I noticed the crystal began to shake, not violently but it was definetly noticeable.

The crystal began to sink... Slowly into the earth. As I got ready to jump off an echo of a male voice appeared inside my head.

/"Greetings, You who have passed my test. I wish to meet you, come below. where I rest eternally."\

The crystal gently stopped 2 feet from the ground. After I stepped off of the crystal, it began to rise back up to the ceiling. After it stopped moving a door shaped crack appeared inside the crystal...

Wait, it was a door! There was a handle shaped lump where the crack appeared!!

"Wow, this is amazing!"

Grabbing the handle, the door magically opened. Inside of the door was a set of stairs made of rock led down the hole into the cavern below.

/"My name was, Lanius Frey. I was once a Spirit wielder. I won't ever know what you call yourselves when this cavern finally reveals itself. But if it does, that means the Spirit that I left here is fading. I wish to tell you my tale, I'm holding my life story. Take it with you, though I must warn you. Not all stories have happy endings."\

Stepping inside the small cavern I got a look at the man who spoke in my head.

Sitting on a throne made of the same crystals as before was the skeleton of a man. He wore black robes and a crown made of some kind of dark metal. His fingers had rings with stones that represented all of the primal elements. The most important object however... Was the book tucked under his left arm.

Picking up the book I looked at the cover. It had a red leather binding and a silver lock. The cover was made out of a dark brown leather.

/"If it is still there, you'll need the silver key, it should still be around my neck."\

Pulling his robe gently I found the silver key. It had ornate designs, a dragon was carved into the sides of the key.

/"I feel it, the curse every mortal has to bare. Death is coming for me as I speak this message... I have no more worldly possessions to give adventurer. So I leave you my knowledge, the book is know normal group of words. That is a grimoire, inside is the story of my tragic life. As you read the book my power will slowly become yours. It is my gift to you, hopefull-"\

His speech was interrupted by a him going into a coughing fit. I could hear it in the strange man's voice. What he is about to say next is truly his last words.

/"Please, do what I could not. The gods are not what they seem. Find a way to destroy their illusion. Demons are not inherently evil... Find Him... Find Embermore...."\

Taking the key it glowed bright blue before disappearing. around my middle finger was a silver ring.

"This is to much... I'm ten!"

Shouting to the skeleton I received no response.

"Sorry, I'll leave you to sleep mister Frey. I'll take good care of your grim thingy..."

As the ring touched the book they bother glowed brightly. As I looked away because of the blinding light I waited till it died down.

Looking down at the book and it was gone! I remember holding it but then... Looking at the hand with the silver ring and a small symbol appeared next to the dragon symbol. It was of the book.

"This is amazing Mister Frey. I promise, I will protect this book. But I don't really think I'll get it."

Walking out of the cavern I started up the tunnel path.

"If I tell Travis about this he'll get mad... But this is crazy right? But if he finds out that this ring is magical he'll take it away. I promised Mister Frey I'll protect it from anyone who would do the book harm. My brother can lose a horse in the middle of the plains! I'm just gonna keep this to myself..."

"Keep what to yourself?"

Jumping up in fright I looked infront of me.

"H-Hey Travis!"

"What are you hiding from me Ander?"

Okay... Game time! Gotta come up with a lie.

"I was walking down that tunnel and was being dumb... I slipped and fell into a small pond. I lost my torch and had to use the wall to get back here."

"WHAT?!?!?! I knew we never should have come to this god dam cave. Are okay Ander?"

See my brother and I don't see my father all that often, he's always been like my father figure. He's really over protective of me. So I used that to distract him!

Pretty smart for a ten your old boy huh? You can praise me, I'm a genius I know.

"Let's get back to Sir Arnold, he's probably mad at us..."

Walking out of the cave he walked infront of me.

As soon as I'm in my room at home I need to figure out how to get Frey's book out of this ring.