P.O.V Lanius Frey
Standing at the top of the hill my mouth hung open in awe. The tower that Blair talked about, it was so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. It stood over a thousand feet tall, one of the largest structures I had ever seen.
The tower was about 150 feet wide, about 200 feet towards the top the tower slimmed down to about 50 feet wide. It really did look like a sword. With two long, white crystals around the top that looked like handle guards, the sky temple looked like a broad sword for some kind of titan. About every 25 feet or so a glowing tornado engraving appeared.
There is absolutely no way humans could have made this in less than 100 years, or even a thousand. I looked down into the valley and saw the ruins of a village. The village couldn't have held more that 20 families. Even if all of them worked on it since the beginning of time it could never be this grand!
"See Papa, that's the sky temple. Sky god is flashy!"
Blair shouted excitedly, waiting for my response.
"Yeah Honey, very... flashy."
The ruins of the village surrounded the temple. It seems more like they built a town around the giant sword. I tried to look more closely at the homes but it was obvious that there hasn't been anyone here in months.
"You grew up there Blair?"
"What happened to it?"
"Angry wind appeared one day, people said that flashy god was mad. Then everyone left, momma was a shrine maiden and had to stay. Then one day..."
Patting her head I kneeled next to her.
"You don't have to say anything else okay?"
I pulled her in and gave her a hug.
She still hurts, the scars will be fresh for a while. I just hope she can move past them.
"Lanius, let's head down into the village. We'll make camp in one of the abandoned houses."
"Yeah, we should scope out the area after."
Taking one last long look at the Sky God's temple I sighed.
"This has to be it, the trial of the sky god."
As we walked down the hill towards the village my eyes were glued on the bottom of the tower. Even from so far away I could see the stationary tornado.
It was in no way a normal tornado, it's color was black, it was smaller than most tornadoes I've seen before. only about twenty feet tall.
But I could feel a menacing presence within. Almost like an angry guard dog.
"Lanius, Lanius!"
"Pay attention, pick a house for camp."
Nodding I pried my eyes away from the creature for a while. Walking through the rather large village I couldn't help but feel a deep sadness. If I had gotten here sooner maybe Lux and I could have defeated the monster and save the town from its untimely end.
Stopping in front of a mostly intact one room house, I waved Lux over.
"Hey, this building still has all its walls. Better than most houses we've seen."
"Alright, I'll set up camp. Go grab some fire wood."
"Yes sir..."
I tossed Lux my bag of holding and began walking towards the Sky temple. I couldn't wait I had to see this tornado up close.
"Don't be stupid Lanius!"
I turned around and sighed.
"When am I not careful?"
"I stopped counting after the Elder forest!"
Flipping him the bird I walked towards the Sky temple.
Okay I'm only going to look at the tornado. I won't fight it, but... If it happens to swing first...
Hiding behind a rock I was maybe 40 feet away from what I assume is the entrance, can't really see behind the massive wall of wind.
Trying to get a better look I might have... stepped on a twig. The crunching sound so loud it sent a tiny echo throughout the area, letting the creature know I was here.
Many small objects floated around inside but the moment it heard the noise two small orbs stopped. Glowing a dark crimson red, like eyes they were fixated on my location.
A low guttural roar erupted from within, a smaller orb began to glow between the two red ones. The red orbs began to float to the side of the tornado, as the orbs began to exit the wind the sides began to bulge out around them.
Long wisps of wind stuck outward like arms on both sides... I now finally recognize this monster!!
When I was younger my father used to tell me of all the monsters he had encountered back when he wandered around from place to place.
This creature is known as a Wind Elemental. Created at the dawn of time most these monsters were forged by the gods to do basic tasks before they created humans. Luckily this one is one of the smallest types. Dad told me the one he saw was an earth elemental the size of a mountain!
A long gust of wind that was barely visible launched toward the rock. Hiding behind it was a mistake.
When the wind collided with the boulder, I could hear it begin to crack under the pressure. Rolling out of the way I was inches from being decapitated.
"Holy sh-"
Getting blasted by a massive wall of wind I felt my chest tense as my feet left the ground.
"V-Vine Prison!"
I shouted out in reflex as I plummeted head first towards the ground, shielding my head with my hands vines began to shoot out from the small green orbs inside my balled up fists. Surrounding me moments before I collided with a rock.
"Holy crap... I didn't even see that coming!"
The vines began to unravel as I regained my composer.
"That's playing dirty!"
Thinking back to the tussle with the wolf man I clenched my fist.
"Vine spear!"
The earth began to rumble as eight or nine vines shot from under the earth. Braiding themselves together they awaited my command.
Thrusting my fist forward the vine shadowed my movements. It shot forward launching at blinding speeds towards the blue orb. But to my disappointment... it had no effect. The moment it entered the elemental's body the sheer force of the wind ripped the vines apart.
One of its arms launched towards me, sending another wall of wind. I had maybe seconds to think of something, or else I was ending my quest early.
I need a shield, doesn't have to be flashy just effective. Fuck it ill just imagine a random flower and say shield!
"Sunflower shield!"
Speaking the words loudly the image of a large, round sunflower danced in my mind. Seeing the image I outstretched my hands and focused all of my thoughts on making it appear before me. I closed my eyes and felt the flow...
Opening my eyes I was met by a giant green sunflower! The wall of wind collided with my glowing sunflower, ruffling the pedals I felt a light breeze brush against my cheeks
Hold on a second! Its worked like that this whole time!?!?!?! All I have to do is picture something in my head and concentrate on it hard enough? I can make anything?
"Lightning bolt!!!"
Pointing my finger at the tornado I smiled with sweet arrogance in my head.
One of its red orbs slowly floated there not moving. A low guttural roar erupted from the wind as I felt stream of knock me flat on my ass.
"If it was that easy, I wouldn't need to collect the spirit swords..."
Climbing to my feet I brushed myself off and acted like I wasn't embarrassed to the best of my ability.
"That wasn't very nice..."
I need something strong, something that isn't easily destroyed. What kind of plant is stronger than stone? Stronger than Iron!
I slid under a wind slash, giving me a nice hair cut. Hiding behind a tree I struck on something. brilliant.
Long ago a mighty tree stood tall, taller than all the trees in the largest jungle in the world. The first tree ever planted by Gaia at the beginning of time. It's roots could certainly pierce even steel!
"Mighty roots of ths elder tree!!"
I slammed my fist into the ground, a rumble twice the size of the vine spear shook the ground beneath my feet. Ripping the ground apart a massive tree root launched out towards the sky, shadowing the movements of my left hand.
"Ha HAHA! It worked IT WORKED!!! Lux is gonna fre-"
Distracted by the sheer awesomeness that is my own brilliance I didn't notice the wall of wind coming until it was too late...
All I could see as I fell was the sky. When I hit the ground everything went quiet, like for a split second the world was numb.
Don't pass out. Don't, pass, out!
Sitting up I coughed and gasped for air, I hit the ground with so much force it felt like I had crushed my lungs. Slowly but surely I managed to get back onto my feet.
"Alright you made me mad!"
Anger welled up inside, so blind with rage I began to channel it into a spell, something alot more aggressive this time. This is it, my all or nothing!!!
"I'll see you in hell! Wrath of the Elder Tree!!"
I clasped both hands together and geld them above my head. With all the spirit energy that I had I gritted my teeth as I slammed my fists into the dirt.
As if an earthquake was going off the ground rumbled with so much force I was afraid the buildings close by would collapse. Erupting from the ground was a the sprout of a tree. It quickly began to grow, after only a few small seconds it towered over the Wind Elemental, dwarfing it by nearly twenty feet.
The branches began to twitch and twist with glowing energy. The tree I had forced to grow infront of me began to react to my will, the branches began to grow quickly shooting off towards the Wind Elemental!
I watched in awe as the branches pierced the wind barrier. They shot in all different directions chasing this small orb.
"Come on! Go faster!!"
Pouring all the energy I could muster into the tree the branches began to grow larger and larger. Moving faster and faster before...
The sound of a crystal shattering rang out, through all the chaos. The wind slowly began to calm down as the two red crystals slammed into the ground, creating small craters.
"Cool, no go fuck yourse-"
Just as I stood triumphant over a powerful foe I was stripped of my win by a sudden loss of strength. Falling down I landed flat on my back, staring up at the cloudy sky.
Lux will be mad I didn't wait for him, hopefully he comes by soon. I uh... can't move.
Finishing my train of thought I was blinded by a bright white light. Closing my eyes I braced for what I thought was an explosion.
A few seconds passed, then a few minutes. Finally I opened my eyes to find myself not looking at the sky anymore. Instead I looked at some kind of grey marble ceiling.
Closing my eyes once more my body finally collapsed.
A few hours later...
"Papa? Papa wake up!"
My eyes shot open as I sat up in a jerking motion. I held my head in my hands as it began to throb a slow, pounding, achy pain.
"Where... am I?"
Glancing toward my left I locked eyes with Blair.
"We're inside the Sky temple Papa. You slept for a long time."
"Okay I have many questions. How did I get inside the sky temple, how long was I out, and where the hell is Lux?"
"Uncle Lux is gonna be mad, Papa said he wasn't gonna fight it..."
"I know Honey I know. Wait where did you come from?"
Blair shrugged a little.
"I wanted to see the wind monster, but Uncle Lux said no!"
"So, and I'm just guessing here; you snuck away and followed me?"
Holding my head in my hands I mumbled under my breath.
"Lux is going to kill me. He's might actually kill me this time..."
Blair stood up from her spot and began to strike poses.
"Papa is so cool! I wish I could summon trees!"
Running around in circles she began to embarrass me by copying my spells and attacks.
"Papa was like Wham! A-And the monster was like Urg!!"
Shaking my head I spoke.
"Do you remember what happened afterward Blair?"
"Yeah I do! After the monster died you said 'Cool, now go Fu-"
"D-Do NOT say that word young lady! I meant after I collapsed."
Nodding quietly Blair spoke.
"After Papa fell over the door opened."
"Big bright light! It hurt my eyes a little, b-but I'm super strong like Papa! So it didn't hurt at all."
I got off the floor and dusted myself off. Patting Blair on the head I smiled at her.
"Yes; Blair is super strong, but we don't know what could be waiting for us."
Kneeling next to her I put my hands on her shoulders.
"There might be more scary monsters, so I need to promise me that you will stay close. If you wander off Papa will be mad. Do you promise?"
Blair stuck put her tiny pinky finger.
"Pinky promise Papa!"
I curled my pinky finger gently around hers.
Smiling she twirled.
"It's a pinky promise, those can't ever be broken."
Standing up I took her hand in mine.
"They're unbreakable; let's go Blair."
The room we stood in was quite small, especially for the sheer size of the tower. Probably not much bigger than the shack we chose to make camp in. Lining the walls were white crystals the size of my head, glowing dimly with a mysterious energy. The walls were trimmed with more gold than I have ever seen!
Directly ahead of me was a set of white marble stairs, embedded into the floor was a trail of white crystals leading to the next floor. I took my time scanning the walls, looking for a way out of the tower.
But it seem the trial, has already begun. The only way out of the room was up, no door or window could be seen.
"Lux is not gonna be happy about this one."
Slowly I made my way towards the stairs. Walking over one of the crystals it glowed a bright green color. Very similar to the color of Nature energy...
Standing at the top of the stairs we found ourselves in a much larger room. Left completely empty, except for a suit of ornate silver armor.
"Honey, I want you wait on the stairs here okay? I don't like the look of this."
"Yes Papa..."
Letting go of her hand I turned around and faced the armor.
I slowly inched closer and closer, readying myself for an attack. Getting within five feet of the armor I noticed something in between the Grieves on the floor.
A... Wind Elemental core crystal...
The armor itself looked old, very old. But for a suit of armor that looked so ancient it had an unnatural shine.
"Papa Watch out!"
A split second before I stepped closer Blair shouted, saving my life. The armor wasn't shiny, it was glowing! The sound of metal clanking could be heard as a sword slash left a sizeable gash on my right cheek.
Jumping backward I landed next to Blair.
"Vine Prison!"
Vines erupted from the marble, surrounding Blair in a shield of nature.
"This is for your safety Honey, don't touch the vines. they'll hurt you."
Stepping forward I opened my hand. Feeling the nature spirits well up in the palm of my hand I shouted.
"Come forth, Blade of moss!"Grabbing ahold of the energy the Blade of Moss appeared before me.
"That was a close one."
"You... Will... DIE!!!"
The armor shook with every word it spoke, as it took another step forward I could feel the wind shift back and forth.
"I won't fall here!"
Clenching my fist I took off in a sprint, sword raised. The first strike, that's all I need! With a slash downward I was met by an expert block. Parrying my attack I managed to duck under another slash.
The wind was so loud, the noise bouncing off the walls wreaking havoc on my ears. All the training I underwent with Lux was useless!
Every time I slashed at it the Elemental blocked my attack, then would counter with another slash.
Not blocking in time I felt the sword cut deep into my arm.
Rolling to the side I held my arm in pain.
I glanced over at Blair, this was the best idea I had ever had.
Blair pointed at the vine prison, pulling her arm back she pretended to whip the wind elemental.
"You're a genius Honey!"
Opening my right hand I summoned a long slender vine. Whipping it back and forth I looked at the Elemental. I waited, assuming the armor would dodge I was pleasantly surprised.
Slapping across the face plate the creature didn't react. Like it didn't even see it coming.
"Its like it didn't see the whip coming. But it obviously wasn't strong enough."
Scratching my head I was at a loss.
"Papa! I have an idea!"
Running over to her I held my sword and whip in hand. She stuck her hands through the vines, ushering me to give her something. Taking the Blade of Moss in one hand, she grabbed ahold of the vines and tied it tightly around the bottom of the handle.
"Whip sword, the Mossy whip sword papa!" Cut the bad wind man in half!"
Smiling she gave me a thumbs up.
"The name needs a little work but I like the concept."
Stepping forward I smirked.
"Get ready you tin-can!"
I lifted the sword in my left hand and held the vines in the other. throwing the sword into the air I cracked the whip.
"Mossy whip sword!"
Using the momentum of the sword and my control of the vine I whipped the sword at the armor. Striking true an explosion of sparks and armor pieces were sent flying in all directions, followed by the sound of glass shattering. The ghostly figure inside of the ornate armor began to shudder. It's sword clanging to the floor caused Blair to let out an excited shriek.
"See Papa? Mossy whip sword is awesome!"
Holding her hand I smiled at her.
"That was a great idea honey, but sticking your arms through the vine could have hurt you. Please be careful okay?"
"Yes Papa..."
As the Blade of Moss faded out of existence I took the first step on the next flight of stairs.
I don't think I can keep this up another 98 floors. I'm still not used to the power of Nature's spirit. Not to mention the physical and mental drain it takes on mr. The energy couldn't be unlimited right? I feel like I'm made of lead, and my head won't stop pounding.
"Y-Yes Honey?"
"I'm tired, can we stop for a few minutes?"
She didn't seem tired at all, she's doing this for me. Have to stay strong, for her.
"If you're tired I'll carry you, but we need to find a way out quickly. We won't be safe until we're outside of this temple."
Gripping my hand tight she gave a silent nod.
Placing my foot on the last step I held my hand in a fist. Ready to fight.
Panning across the room my eyes locked with a window. Yes! We're only on the third floor, only about thirty or so feet off the ground. If I focus hard enough I could create a large enough bush to break our... fall?
As I looked down from the ledge I was at a loss.
I cant figure out how or why, but we were over 50 feet up now. I didn't make any sense! Looking out into the valley I could see Lux, he was shouting and searching for us... Just by the speed in his movements I could tell he was worried about Blair.
"Uncle Lux!!!! Up here!!!"
Sighing I patted her on the head.
"He won't be able to hear us honey."
The wind picked up as my head began to throb. A very posh arrogant voice dug its way into my mind.
/"Oh ho ho! You destroyed my dancing clown congrats human, the last person to make it past that was... Nobody! I'm just such an Amazing god, of course my trial would just be impossible. You'll make it no further I assure you. Not even you with your magics human. But I challenge you anyway!"\
Fading from my mind I grew angry.
"I'm gonna shove that sword so far up your..."
Blair exploded in laughter, Holding onto my hand she spoke with a grin.
"Wind god is Flashy Papa, he's funny."
I stopped walking. Did Blair actually hear his voice?
"Honey, did you hear a voice just now?"
Looking at me like I was dumb she spoke.
"Papa got mad, he kept calling you Human."
Walking up the next flight of stairs I screamed out of frustration.
"You have got to be kidding me!"
A giant gaping hole sat from wall to wall. There was no bridge only one, giant, hole.
Walking over to the edge I looked down. The hole dropped one hundred feet down to the ground below.
The room around me had nothing to climb across or walk on. The room itself was nothing but smooth grey marble.
Sitting down I thought about it for a while. As I thought up the plan the Sky god appeared in my head again.
/"Aw, little Champion giving up on the mission? Can't hack it in MY ILLUSTRIOUS SKY TEMPLE? You can give up if you want... You can just be a loser here forever."\
Getting up I smirked.
"Hey Sky God? I've learned a thing or two from my time with Gaia's power."
Channeling my Spirit power into my hands I Smirked.
"Wrath of the Elder tree!"
Slamming my fist into the ground the floor began to rumble.
From one edge of the gap the trunk of a mighty tree grew at blinding speeds.
Slamming into the other side I laughed loudly at the asshole of a Sky god. Stepping on the trunk I felt a tinge of deja vu.
Giving Blair a piggyback ride we walked across the tree trunk.
"Up Yours you stupid Dickhole!"
/"You made a stupid tree and you think your ready to trash talk a god? We shall see mortal..."\
His voice had dropped from his carefree joker tone.
Looking down she gave me a worried look.
"I don't think I liked that. His voice changed..."
Was he offended? I could feel a tinge of fear crawl through me. Like a gust of cold wind giving me goosebumps.
"What do you think is on the Fourth floor Blair?"
"The Sky temple looks slightly different then last time momma took me..."
Crouching next to her I scratched my head.
"Well, I did notice that we seemed to be towards the top of the tower. But we get a lot higher when reaching the next floor."
"Could it be the four papa?"
"The four?"
"Can I have a piece of coal Papa?"
Digging around in my pockets I sighed. Really wish I had my Bag of holding... Thankfully I found a small piece of charcoal from last night.
"Here you g-"
Grabbing the black piece of coal she drew for circles in a vertical line. In the first she drew a cute little sword. The second had a cloud. The third had another sword but it looked different from the others and the last circle had an eye in it.
"The first is a weapon... A Challenge to test your skill! The second was a test of your ingenuity. The third is another Challenge?"
"Papa, these are the giant crystal symbols on the side. The second sword was huge!"
Getting up I Summoned the Blade of Moss.
"Lets go Blair, stay close."
"Yes Papa."
Walking up the stairs I was blinded by white light.
/"I don't wish to harm the little girl, but you on the other hand... I would love to give you pain!"\
Standing next to the stairs to the top floor was Blair.
"I'm okay Papa!"
A giant tornado spun around the center of the room.Suddenly the wind faded and the upper torso of a man appeared.
"I... am...Sylph. S...hall...we?"
Holding out his hand he grasps the air.
"Come on! Nature's Protection..."
Glowing wooden armor appeared around my body, but I can't tell if it will be enough.
Dashing towards him he swung his invisible sword. Instinctually I dodged left, bad idea...
A massive slash carved up my right arm. Blood poured out as I dropped my sword and held my arm.
"How the hell? I was almost 8 feet away!"
Opening my hand I put it over my arm.
" Vine Constriction!"
Vines tightly surrounded my arm stopping the bleeding from killing me. How the hell do I defend against that? He didn't even move!
"Rose Thorns!!!"
Summoning a bunch of rose thorns I launched them forward. Slashing them to pieces he never moved from his position. It was like he couldn't...
"Come on Lanius.... Think!"
Thinking on all the spells I've used so far I came up with an idea... Have to test some things first.
"Wrath of the Elder tree!!"
As the Elder tree grew the branches began to launch towards Sylph. Swinging his air blade. He only managed to cut through half of them, Sadly none of the ones that survived hit him.
" Vine Prison!"
As the vines built it's prison around Sylph he slashed it to pieces.
"I got you now!"
Channeling the most Spirit I've ever channeled before I smiled.
"Elder forest!"
12 trees sprouted out of the marble around Sylph.
"Forest maiden!!!"
Branches shot from every tree surrounding Sylph. Blocking and destroying some of them he couldn't stop them all. Piercing his body made of wind it destroyed the core of his body.
Disappearing into the wind I could hear a slow clap in my head.
/"Boring... But you did pass. Now for the last test. Come on up, I can't wait to introduce myself."