What?! I was speechless as I read the title of part 1. Wait, wait, wait... I'm so confused!
"Posika, is what the part 1 title true?" I had pointed a finger at the title.
Posika took a minute before responding.
I was flabbergasted, how could this be...
"You sure?"
Part 1: A Slaughter by the Norse Gods.
Jotunheim, ????BR
Posika, a giant of Jotunheim, witnessed the fall of his people. The gods of Asgard stormed his home and killed almost all of his people. With the god's rampage, a population of 1000 giants were reduced to 240.
The only reason, Posika was one of the ones alive, was because he lived alone. The gods attacked the main heart of the giant population which resides in a city called Muohstr. Posika lived in a cottage in the hallow woods on the outskirts of the village, Flayngr.
The main city burned at a far distance from him. The only giants survived the onslaught were the ones that lived in the villages or the ones like him that lived alone in remote places.
Muohstr was the only city in Jotunheim and housed the majority of the giants.
Tears fell down Posika's face as he watched the city fall. Though he lived alone in a secluded place, his daughter, Johva, lived in that city. Johva and her husband Savivr lived in that city with their child, his grandson, Gotu.
Posika enveloped with rage, looked towards the horizon and beyond and vowed that he will fight each and every one of them.
The next morning, in his forest, Posika trained his body and his mind for what his about to venture into. He knew he needed the training as he hadn't fought in a long time. He was a mighty warrior back in the day and fought along side many of his brothers.
On the third day, Posika went to Muohstr to see the damage the gods had done. There he saw the city had been levelled to the ground. There was nothing left, not even the scavengers would come and be able to find anything. He's family who lived in this city was gone and all that's left was remnants of a city that once was...
Posika was about to leave until he heard someone laughing behind him. He turned around and saw someone he knew all too well. Loki...
Loki sat on a blown out windowsill and watched for Posika's reaction.
Posika roared as he laid eyes on him.
"You Monster!" Shouted Posika at the top of his lungs.
"Aww, I've missed you too, dear cousin."
"Why did you kill them?!"
"Wait, you don't mean little great-nephew was in the city?"
"That's there home! Of course they were in the city!"
"Oh dear. Maybe, you should've let them live with you. Hm? That way you wouldn't have lost them."
"You crazy psychopath!"
"Now, now dear cousin, no need for name calling."
"I can say whatever I want, you gods had just wiped out nearly all of the giant's population!"
"Well, it was for the best. Couldn't have a prophecy coming true, can we?"
"What prophecy?"
[Please press continue to proceed to part 2.]
Hold it! Is this the same Norse mythology from my world? But how?
"Posika, your Loki's cousin?"
I was floored... I couldn't believe it, Norse mythology. Could this be my world's Norse mythology we're talking about or could it be a parallel world situation.
"Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum!," my otaku self suddenly spoke up. "I smell the blood of an Australian. Be he 'live or be he dead, I'll find a way to make you my meme!"
"Do you think posika is like the giant from jack and the beanstalk or the giants from the BFG or maybe even the BFG himself?"
I ignored my otaku self and breathlessly looked at the continue button. I needed to know more, I needed to know if this was my world's Norse mythology.
I hovered my finger over the continue button for a moment before pressing it.
Part 2: The Giant that fought the Norse Gods.
"Ragnarök?" Asked Posika with eyes that pointed daggers at Loki.
"Yes... and I had this bad premonition that something would happened to me, so we did what we had to do."
"What the gods did was killed over a couple hundreds of giants! That includes your niece and great-nephew, cousin!"
"Does it look like I care?"
Posika reached behind his back and pulled out a battle axe.
Light glowed along the blade of the axe head. Glowing letters ran along the side of the axe and when Posika swished the axe to his side, a shock wave bursted out from the axe. The shock wave hits Loki directly but his image only wavered.
"Tsk... Always the trickster..."
"Oh you know me quite well."
Suddenly a bright blue light flashed before Posika and then a heavy weight stuck him. Posika staggered, in hopes to keep his balance.
"Giant! Your last breath would soon be extinguished!"
"Thor!" Posika roared as he readjusted his shoulder.
"Giant! Die!" Thor's hammer mjolnir flashed behind Posika and struck his back. Posika staggered forward and blood spewed from his mouth. Posika got hit twice by mjolnir but the third hit was a different story.
Mjolnir came down from the sky onto Posika but missed and struck the ground instead. Posika on the very last moment, rushed forward towards Thor.
"Your time has come, God!"
Posika pulled his axe back before he swung it forward towards Thor. A icy mist floated around his axe as glowing letters lit the side once again. Spiral waves of icy mist littered the air and froze anything that touches it.
Lighting surged around Thor's body and as the frosty mist were about a few centimeters away from Thor, the lightning crackled and zapped at the mist. It was like if Thor was wearing armour that's made out of lightning.
Posika swung his battle axe at Thor but the lighting around his body deflected his blows. Thor retaliated by launching mjolnir from every angle at Posika. Posika rather not fazed by his sparkly little hammer, dodged them all and kept swinging his axe at Thor. The battle raged on as Loki watched from the sidelines. Loki was enjoying himself as he watched a giant and a god battling each other and he didn't even need to lift a finger.
Posika axe lit up again with glowing letters but this time the colour of the letters turned from whitish blue to red. Flames spew out as Posika spun his axe. Posika conjured up a tidal wave of molten lava towards Thor, hungrily wanting to swallow him up.
At this moment, a voice rang out around them.
"What's going on here?"
Appearing before them was Odin, Tyr, Freyr and Heimdallr.
"Father, we need to kill him!"
Odin watched closely at Posika before pulling out his sword.
"Kneel down giant and give me your head."
Posika immediately charged forward but Odin's two wolves Geri and Freki blocked his path.
"Lay down your head giant!"
"Never!" Posika shouted a response before leaping over the wolves towards Odin. There the battle began, five gods and two wolves verses a giant whilst Loki watched the whole thing.
Posika fought his hardest against seven opponents but the numbers overwhelmed him. The gods were relentless as they all piled onto Posika. Posika tried many things to disrupt the coordination of the gods but to no avail. Waves of magma, blizzard storms, violent winds and earth shattering quakes were not enough to break the combos of the gods. Posika was outnumbered and outmaneuvered. He was also running out of stamina too as fatigue sets in. He would eventually lose the battle and they were ready to claim their prize, his life.
Posika felt the struggle with every movement as he attempted to dodge the god's attacks but he became more sluggish and the attacks started to connect.
"Kneel giant and give me your head!" Boomed Odin. " You've lost, show some decency and surrender!"
The two wolves circled around Posika and growled. Posika had no choice but to fall down on to his knees. He had lost.
[Please press continue to proceed to part 3.]
This is exactly like the Norse Mythology except that the events were different. I may not know much but I could totally see Mrs. Flann shaking her head at me right now considering she had non stop talked about it once during one lunchtime, the whole mythology of the Norse Gods and honestly, I had only listened to half of it.
Whilst I do find history of the gods interesting, its just the facts within them that shuts my mind off. Now if it was something like the God of war games or Thor Ragnarok from the Marvel movies than I would be more engaged. Yes they are for entertainment purposes and less educational but I'm a FTV teacher, what more could I say but that's what I know and teach.
Whether this was actually my world's mythology or not, the mere mention of the Norse made me curious about this world to our home world.
I quickly pressed the continue button to read the final part of the story.
Part 3: A whole new world.
Posika was on his knees as Odin raised his sword over Posika's head. Odin was preparing to slice Posika's head cleanly off his neck with one strike. It was then, Posika heard a horn sound before his vision blurred and he crumbled to the ground.
???, ???AR
Posika woke up from his slumber to the sounds of a young male's voice.
"Grandfather! You've finally awaken!" shouted a young man sitting beside the bed he laid on.
"Dad! Welcome back!" shouted his daughter, Johva who looked so much older than he had last seen her.
Posika reached up and touched the young man's face.
"Yes, grandfather!" smiled Gotu.
"Where's Savivr?" asked Posika looking around.
"He's out collecting firewood," Johva responded.
Posika nodded his head and looked around the room they were in. "Where are we? and how are you guys alive? I thought I saw the city burn..."
"Dad, we escaped the city before the gods came. Not many tried to escape but wanted to fight against the gods, but those that did fled before they came."
Posika nodded his head and tried to get up, but when he did, he saw his hands. They were not his but what looked like an elderly mans.
"Why are my hands so wrinkly? and how is Gotu so big? The last time I've seen the boy, he was only about as high as my knee..."
Gotu looked at his mother and Johva's eyes wavered.
"Dad... how do I say this. You've been asleep for hundreds... no thousands of years. A group of travelers came past our group, carrying a man's body behind them. At first we didn't know why these travelers were carrying him since they were struggling with the weight but when they stopped in front of us... they had revealed the man to be you, Dad. I broke down and cried when I saw your face. You were all batted and bruised. Slash marks covered your body..." Johva stopped and cried her heart out then and there.
"Grandfather, we had healed your wounds over time but that was a couple hundred of years ago. You haven't woken up since until now."
Johva nodded but kept on crying. Savivr came back with a pile of logs, only too see his wife crying and rushed over to her. When he reached his wife, Savivr saw that his father in law had finally woken up.
"Father!" Savivr gasped.
"It's good to see you too, Son." Posika smiled at the young boy he had once taken as his apprentice and was now a grown man, married to his daughter and had a wonderful young son.
Savivr had tears flowing down his cheeks but ran out of the room they were in. Not a moment later, from out the door, Savivr had ran out off, loud voices roared from the door and into the room.
Posika got up from his bed and walked over to the door. What he saw outside, astonished him. Thousands of giants, roared and cheered when they saw Posika popped his head out the door.
"Our Guardian has awakened!" One of the giants in the crowd shouted.
Posika retracted his head back into the room and turned to his daughter.
"Why are they calling me 'Guardian'?"
"Because you fought against the gods and brought our pride back to our people. You have protected us all."
"But I..."
"You did, the travelers told us this."
"Who are these travelers?"
Johva shrugged her shoulders.
It was then, they all heard a voice as a black electrified cloud of smoke filled the room.
[Welcome to your new family, Guardian of the Giants. Welcome to the Shadow Legion.]