Tiny Lukz grasps his bat, he instantly thrashes it towards the imp like demon's body, as it wedges it's claws deep within his mother's face, digging them right into her skull! *SMASH!* Lukz blasts it free, sending it flying into his Chester draws. The almighty impact unhinges a plug socket, as well as knocking over a small, silver coated lighter, spilling its liquid onto a pair of thick red curtains, followed by dripping its remains onto the demons crippled body. Lukz rushes over to his mum, shaking her vigorously!
"Mummy! Mummy! WAKE UP!", he screams out, wiping away a surge of blood from her shredded scalp and face, only to see her completely unconscious. The demon quickly gnarls its crippled body back to together, when it pounces again, straight towards the back of Lukz's head, but he flings his bat around, battering the demon directly under his bed. A spark flickers from the unhinged plug socket, it glints lightly, until bursting into flames, consuming the thick red curtains! Elements of fire start to scale the walls, singeing everything it touches! Lukz's eyes dart around, searching for something to smother the flames with as they grow bigger and bigger, leaping from teddy to teddy, immersing everything in a dense orange smog! Kevin immediately darts in; his eyes draw straight towards his unconscious mother, with Lukz clinching onto her! A piece of ceiling collapses, scattering the flames further around, adverting his gaze as he shields his face!
"Kevin, help me get her out!" Lukz desperately cries, as Kevin stands stunned. His eye's focus on a pair of beady red dots, glaring towards him from underneath Lukz's bed. The demon flares its talons, then instantly leaps towards young Kevin, when the ceiling collapses again, engulfing it!
"HELP ME KEVIN!" Lukz screams out! Kevin quickly shakes from his stunned state, rushing over to help, grabbing underneath his mother's arms. The two young boys struggle to drag her away from the ever-growing flames! They both grunt and snarl, pulling as hard as they can to exit Lukz's burning room.
"What the hell happened Lukus?", young Kevin shouts in his high-pitched, winey voice!
"My nightmare! The demon from my nightmare attacked us!" He replies, petrified.
Kevin re-pictures the small glinting eyes staring towards him, their evil, menacing gaze was not of this world, "I think I saw it!" He screams back, astonished.
Lukz stairs towards him with a fearful expression glued to his face, as they both continue yanking their mothers' motionless body out his room. They pull her free, followed by placing her next to a small child guard gate which barricades the stairs.
"Lukz, open it. So, we can drag her downstairs. I will close your bedroom door!" Kevin demands. Lukz nods, clambering on top of the small wire fence, unclipping its latch. He hops back down, swinging it open.
"Okay, grab under her arms and pull!" Kevin adds. Lukz places his hands back underneath her static body, securing his grip onto her soft linen silk gown. *BANG!* The door fires open, followed by a ball of flames!
"KEVIIIIIN, JUUUUUMP!!" Lukz howls out! As they both briefly lock in eye to eye, he jumps! Still clasped tightly onto his mothers' body, Lukz leaps as well, to be suddenly yanked backwards, losing his grip! Tumbling downstairs, he smashes into each step, battering his small bones against its dense wooden surface! Kevin glances back towards his mother, noticing a pair of claws clinging onto her leg, *THUMP!* They both crash down, lying unconscious!