Chereads / arrange marriage or arrange love / Chapter 6 - finally they are married

Chapter 6 - finally they are married

why aren't you gave a death glare to her huh...


are you kidding me... she secretly pinched his thigh hardly without showing any expression on her face even she smiled to the relatives who is come and gave blessings to them ...

he stared at her expressionless face because he don't want to become a laughing stock in his own wedding he just angrily glare at her and hardly smiled to relatives...

he slowly said in her ear and said what you are doing kidooo...he said while gritting his teeth angrily

she even hardly pinch his thigh hardly when she heared kidoo from his mouth

who is kidoo...Mr dumbhead....

you... leave me stupid kid....

she glared at the girl who is touching her husband thigh inwardly...

Krishna saw where she is glaring... he come to his sense and gave a death glare to her

She smiled and slowly hold his wrist and smiles seductively

he directly glared to his mother who is happily chatted with Megana

mom... krishna calls her ...

Huh.... she comes to him and saw....

what the hell is Anita is doing to her son

Anita what are you doing here ....

what did i do aunt...

shutup and come back to your sense that where you are .

she dragged Anita to her and said if you dare to mess my son life i will never save you from now on

ohhh.... now you understand what is the meaning of death glare...she said slowly....

pandit said krishna to tie a black beads chain on Radha neck he did as pandit said

pandit gave vermilion to krishna to apply on her forehead

Radha saw his eyes when he applying vermilion on her forhead he smiled at her she too smiled and touch his feet because its the tradition of Indians who will touch their husband's feet because he is the one whom she is going to live with him for her life time and take his blessings for life long happiness.

krishna smiled at her and take a deep breath because he know she is one for him dad thank you soo much ..

after completion of marriage rituals Radhakrishna went to their parents and touch their feet for asking their blessings

Everyone whished to new couple

After few minutes

kamal said ... lets go we are going to late

Radha heart become soo weighted because she never thinks to leave her parents like this ... but she smiled at them and said Radha you are going to live with your new family so you must aware about your surroundings and you must take care of your in laws and mostly your husband Radha imitates her mother

every one laughed because of Radha naughtiness

mom we are going please take care and i will call you everyday and now please don't start your melodrama ....again

everyone laughed and they even think about Radha's leaving because she don't want to see her parents tears ...she smiled and sat in the car and said bye to Akash and Megana but deva is missing

dad where is deva...

where he is .... akash serched him but he is never find him...

okay dad let him know that I'm saying bye to bro... okay she said with smile

okay ... you also takecare baby...

i will dad bye she closed the car door and krishna says his goodbye to every one

Akash hugs his son in law and said please takecare of my daughter son...

i will dad .... from now onwards she is my queen i will take care of her you don't worry dad...

i hope you will....

okay bye take care he also sit and the car started to their New home of Radha....

i think you are going to cried for leaving your parents and i taught how to console you after he said while driving


he saw her face and shocked to see her tears....

what happend .... Radha why are you crying... he asked her ....

she just cried and hugg him tightly....

what happend...

i don't want to leave my parents...she bitterly cried in his embrace

he take her to on his lap and started driving again

Radha cried in all the time and she totally forget what she is doing to him and where she is sitting

after two hours Krishna stoped his car and he too hug her and said don't cry kidoo...

she didn't reply any because she fell asleep on his embrance after cried

i will take you to your parents house some other time kidoo...

Radha wake up ...he wakes her up while lovingly staring at her face which she placed her face on his chest

she sleeps peacefully on his embrace

Hey ... kidoo...he slowly patting her cheeks

yeah ....

we are here kiddoo...

where are we ....

in front of our house ...

she jerked and saw her surroundings and got shocked to see her position on his lap...

how long did i sleep like this she asked while hung her head low

Two hours....

huh...two hours why don't you wake me up

let's go every one is waiting for us ...


she slowly want to get out on his lap but he take her out while hugging her tightly

she blushed .....for his antics

everyone .. cheered to see the couple entry....