Chapter 9 - krishna

Krishna (pov)

hello guys .... I'm krishna Raj and the CEO OF Raj groups and I'm also a farmer I'm soo happy as a farmer...and i must proud to be a Farmer and i grow only organic vegetables ,paddy ,wheat,fruits Etc...

and i betrayed by my Ex girl friend Anita she taught I'm just a farmer and now she wants me back because she know I'm the chairman of Raj groups .... now she wooing me like there is no tomorrrow ....leave her i will explain this again in our journey

after betrayed by my soo called girlfriend ...i just never enter into any new releation i just hate womens ....

I'm living peacefully now but my dad only wish is me to get married...

i don't want to get married but my father asked me first time he requested me to marry

i don't want my father got depressed me ...

so i agreed to marry because of my father i know I'm selfish to take this decision to destroy someone happiness but i gave everything to my soo called wife but except my love ...

let me tell you guys one secret I'm the one who investigate Rita i learn that she deeply love in with Anil my best friend

I'm the one who suggested to Anil to propose her but i never taught she is not a selfish women i think she gave up on her love because of her father ....I'm impressed so I'm the who cutted Anil wrist slowly and I was the one who called Rita that Anil is attemted sucide

what I did is right their love is pure so I'm give my hand to support their love ....

the next day Rita comes to see Anil i also there to my suprise she said every thing about her love I'm totally going crazy about her how can she tell everything and ask my help to marry to anil...

okay ... i will help you both now go and get ready for your wedding ...

she happily hugged me and said brother i never forget this help of yours ...

I'm happy that i got a new sister Rita I patted her head and said go sis ....i take care of him

she smiling and said thanks brother I'm taking my leave now in all these time Anil acted like he is unconscious

now stop your acting are you happy now

he shouts me because I'm the who cut his wrist deeply ...

i laughed hard to see his expressions ...

after he discharge I went to wedding venue to get ready ....

when im going to change my dress one women pushed the door and stares at me like there is no tomorrow ...after she gained her sense she turned and want to leave i think she runs and banged her head to the door

she got hurted and coursing for her clumsey ness

hey wait.... i said to tell you guys i swear i don't know why i called her to be frank she is looking like a goddesses i like her dressing style she covers every part like as if someone stoles her beauty

hey ... whats your name i want to hear her name

she proudly said .Radha.... Radhaamrutha and wants to leave the room i suddenly calls her

hey kiddo...

she asked me in which angle did i saw her like a kid she asked and searched infront of mirror .seriously i really like her innocence and mostly her clumsyness ...

i offered her a chocolate

to my suprise she take chocolates without saying anything and ran away ...

I taught she is intresting ....and smiles slowly ..

after sometime i gathered everyone to one place and said everything and i sucessfully convince them and called Anil ..

my family got shocked to see Anil because he is my best buddy...everyone knows about him...

Rita father didn't agree but that kidoo is begging for her best friend ...

I'm staring at her completely without blinking and u saw her winking i feel my heart beat incresed by multiplely

she winked at Rita and i taught these two girls are planning something but to my suprise rita said a lot of heart touching words ...

After Murthy uncle hugged rita and said sorry to His daughter and sees me and smiles and i understand he ask me to bring Anil ....

i thanked him and ran to anil who is lifelessly going ...

my heart ached and calls him and said murthy uncle agreed to gave her daughter hand to you

i think he got suprise but I'm soo exciting to see his happy face he hugged me tightly and thanked him

after we are happy and Radha and me teasing them both....

murthy uncle calls our names combainly

Radhakrishna.... seriously i really liked this name RADHAKRISHNA

her father calls her to sit and i too went to sit far from her

murthy uncle tells me to sit besides radha ...

i slowly went to her side and sit i asked what they are calling us

she said she don't know why...

Radha do you love someone ...

she said honestly that she loves someone but why I'm bothered when i heared that

he asked who is that guy

she said guy not guys that time her mother beates her with a plate hardly

her mother how dare you ....

but this kiddo said those two boyfriends are their father and brother ..

i don't know why i feel soo happy when dhr don't have any guy in her life

after Aksah uncle asked her what do you about krishna

her answer is crazy but i feel good

I'm looking like a white chocolate and I'm a cool giy like a calamine and i like him

wow... i like when she describe me like her favourite chocolates

I LIKE HIM these three magical words are ringing in my mind

after Murthy uncle asked me what do i think about her

I said she is a good gir

Radha asked why they asked our opinions

they dropped a bomb on us

they wants us to get married ....

she said yes to married I'm soo happy but at the same time i feel I'm a selfish to destroy her happiness but i too agree to marry her

after half and hour they started our first ritual she is amazing looks like an angle she wear yellow colour lehanga and daisi flowers jewellery

i taught i don't deserves her she is such a navie and pure.... how can i destroy her hapiness when I'm thinking like that she bumped strongly i held her waist to catch her ....oh my god her skin is soo soft like a silk ....i can't take it anymore i scolded at her takecare kiddo ...

i directly went to my room and started punching wall with my bare hands ....

after we are meet in mandap she looks amazing... i know someday she will be death for me how can i endure when my wife is looking like a goddess

ohhh... god ....

that's when i saw Anita she come to my wedding because she know that my wedding is cancle she continuously touching me and i fell her touch is disgusting I heared Radha said I'm her' s and she don't endure someone touch what is her's

i looked at her and saw whom she is refers ....

i want to gave a slap to Anita but i endure my anger

and said to Radha as if I'm enjoing her touch

she wants me to gave a death glare to her but how i dont know how to threatens women...and i asked how

she started pinching my thigh and i saw her face but to my suprise she looks hapily and she didn't show any expressions ...

she even pinched me hard when i called her kid ohh.. god how can i take care if this new devil i gave a death glare to Anita but she didn't care any ...and she started touched my thigh again ....

after few minuits my marrige is compleated and now she is my wife .

i taught she will be crying very badly after saying goodbye to her parents to my suprise she laughs and make a sad faces to happy faces

i too happy ..for that

she hide her feeling very well when i saw her crying

i asked why ...

she said she don't want to leave her family ... but why she is crying now ...

i taught like that i hugged by her and she cried i lifted and i placed her to on my lap and cried in my embrance and sleep peacefull on my lap ..

after two hours of drive..we went to home

all are waiting for us but she is sleeping peacefully on my lap ..

i wake her and she asked why i didn't wake her

how can i i really liked her touch and i don't want to

she wants to get out of the car but i held tightly and come out of the car

kalyan started her to introduce to everyone and she started introduce herself I'm hardly control my laugh by her behaviour

my sis aarohi asked does she forget her pincode and she innocently asked me what is our pincode

that when i burested to laugh... she is amazing and she only made for happiness

we all went to our house and my mom take her to my room ...

i don't what to do now because its our wedding night

my only question is what to do.....

guys this is the biggest chapter i wrote

and let me know your taughts about my book by coments and review's

love you soo much guys .....
