Chereads / arrange marriage or arrange love / Chapter 10 - Krishna insecurities and their first kiss

Chapter 10 - Krishna insecurities and their first kiss

Radha.... Krishna called her


hey kidooo...

hmmmm.... she shyly replies him

Kiddo...he slowly lifted her head by her chin

she didn't lifted her eyes because she didn't dare to see him

see me Radha.. she see him with blushed face ...

He wants to kiss her at same time he don't wants to destroy her ..

kiddo .... i wanna speak to you..he said while he hold her shoulders ...

I too want to speak with you she said slowly


no first you say...

no you first....

hmmmm....Krishna...i want some time to take our relation to next level

Radha....i was betrayed by one selfish women

she shocked when she hear his words and said who is that blind and dumb girl..krishna

don't you get angry...

why ...

because i loved someone

what next dont you get on angry on me

no ... not at all

he stares at in her eyes and said i losted trust in womens Radha....

do you love her till now

no not at all if i love her how should i marry you crazy he hits her head playfully

then .... problem is solved right...


krishna for me past is past everyone has a bad or a good past but we are the one who are living present and we have to moving with a flow of our fate didn't we she questioned him


don't you trust me ...

"..... "he calmly listen her words and don't know how to answer her question

krishna.. I'm asking you do you trust me

yes.... but not compleately



that small trust is enough for me and i will make you and show you that every women is not a gold digger krishna and one more thing if you have any idea to divorce me

no... he said

okay ... if you want to divorce me ..listen Mr Krishna if you have any idea like that i will show you different angle of mine ...understand

what if i divorce you mrs Kriahna Raj

do you dare with me Mr Radhakrishna.. she rised her eyebrow while asking ...

I'm not...he said and smiled heartily

that's good ... i will sleep on couch and you can take a bed

no... you can take a bed ...i will sleep on the floor...

how can i let you sleep on floor ...

hmmmm....okay let's sleep on floor okay its a lot of here you can take that side i will take left

what do you say Mr krishna

call me krishna... kiddoo...

then don't call me kiddo... and i have a doubt krishna

what is it...

why you always calls me kiddo...

do you have any idea when i saw you ...

ofcource your room ...

no kiddoo... when you got scolding by your mother while you eating a chocolate and she throw a tissues on your face ...

she shyly said ... that is why you called me kiddoo... you love chocolates

yes i crazily love in with chocolates....its yumm.....

she licked her lips and said while thinking chocolates...

its late shall we sleep...

before that.... friends... Radha said while she gave her hand...


now tell me your biodata....



do you have any idea ...what's the time now

krishna ... i can't sleep and its went away because of nervous

why...he want to tease her

because of this.. she showed the room decoration while blushing

what flowers.... he teased her again our wedding night right....that's it

ohh.... its our WEDDING NIGHT right..what should we do ...

what... what should we do...whole stepping back

that what couples do in their wedding night he stepped near her

she is taking a back steps till the wall is bumped her back...and the moon light is fall on Radha because she stand near at the balcony

Radha wear white colour saree and she wear a jasmine garland on her hair ..and this moon is giving her a much beautiful look krishna mesmerized by her beauty but still his insecurity is pulling him

but he closely near her and his one hand on the wall and another hand is lifting her chin ...

Radha you look soo beautiful ..... like a goddess he kissed her cheek .....and her eyes are widen because of its their first kiss...

do you want more he asked her while compleately pressing on her ..