A lot of times you hear this life hack when you fall get right back up . Funny you should mention that because when I started skating with one of my coaches whom I've known for a long time yuriy I would fall and I would put my hands out to help me up and cry when he wouldn't because he said to me Nope this is the first thing you learn in skating and in life. Like many times for new beginners when you fall you tend to get frustrated have low self esteem and some times you cry about it and cry for someone to help you but every single time you beg them to help you they say nope this is the first thing you do in life you get back up. well going back to the begining lesson of my skating story Well after numerous times of trying to get help from my coach I said you know what I can do this! I got up when I fell on my own and I kept going I remember my first skating solo to Elvis Presley's hit burning love and I fell flat on my face because I got caught on my costume instead of skating off I showed determination in everything I did by getting up and to keep going and I sold that performance
19+ years later I look back on it now as I got older and mature I thought hmmmm you know what i'll remember this life hack for the rest of my skating career and in my life . To my first coach who taught me how to fall and get back up yuriy I look back on that first day when I fell down and begged you to help me up all I have to say is Thank you yuriy thank you for giving me my first life lesson in skating. I'll never ever forget it I'll make sure to use that in my life and all the lessons you have taught me
so for anyone going through a rough time in anything going on in your life whatever if it's a new thing you try like ice skating or a school or a university ,or going through rehab getting help after a terrible addiction to drugs or alcohol ,stop smoking or vaping ,or a new job or a new anything a new parent or grandparent or newly married
Believe me you guys have your flaws and are not perfect so try not be hard on yourselves you see those skaters on tv they have bad days too but that doesn't stop them for being the best that they can be so my friends remember this life lesson from ice skating REMEMBER THIS MY FRIENDS