The next morning Morgan woke up to the smell of something delicious as if she was back at the tavern in Hjälte. She went towards the kitchen/living area and she saw Akira at the some weird looking stove that did seem to have a flame and he was cooking some kind of meat in a pan. Akira finally stop for second and notice her "Oh good morning did you sleep well?" "Ah yes that bed was comfiest thing i've ever slept on. What is it filled with feathers, some type of straw?" "It's something from my world in fact everything from this house, to the stove, and even my clothes are all from my world." "How's that possible?" "It's something I can do I think of something and then create it without needing all the materials for them." "Ok and the windows there not looking out towards the forest?" "Ya because it's my home." "So is that..." "Could you stop with questions please. Breakfast is almost ready so why don't you take a seat." Morgan could tell if she pushed him any further she might not get anything out of him. "Ok" "Oh and sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night." Her face suddenly turned red remembering the incident "Oh no you did nothing wrong it was my fault for assuming anything last night." After what felt like an eternity Morgan went to sit down and Akira went back to finishing breakfast he placed the meat on plates and placed them on the table. Morgan couldn't tell what it was, but she took bite and it was delicious it was something she never tasted "What is this?" "Oh that's Serpent man tail." Morgan suddenly lost her appetite and push her plate away. "What do you think it was there really aren't any cows, pigs, chickens, or sheep around." "Well I wasn't expecting that." "Well if your not going to eat your clothes should be clean get changed and will head out." "Ok" Morgan got up head to the laundry area and to her surprise her clothes were clean "Ok there's still a lot that confuse me about this guy." She at first felt this unease about him as he always had a straight face he didn't smile and only would movie his eye brows to show any changes in his mood so she wasn't shore what he was thinking at times, but he saved her life and to that end she owed him. When she finished she came back into the living area and Akira was shocked with how changing into her outfit changed how she look. Seeing the outfit on her was like looking at character from one of those anime especially sense she cared a staff. She had yet to put her hood back on and as such he could see her hair was tied back in a pony tail which he found interesting. She noticed him staring and was feeling uncomfortable "What is it?" "You tie your hair back?" "Yes to keep it in place when I put my hood on." "Do you ever do anything different with it like putting it over your shoulder?" "What?" "It was just me thinking out loud come on we need to get you back to town." "Oh right lead the way." The two of them headed out into the forest and during there journey Morgan could hear something coming from behind them and before she could react a giant serpent bigger then the one her party had fought yesterday came up behind her she fell to the ground frozen in fear until Akira went in front of her. "No Hachiko she's friendly!" Morgan was both shocked and confused do to the whole thing "Wait it has a name?" "Well of course he has a name he's my pet." "Ppppet why is he your pet?" "Well I raised him since he was a hatchling I saved his life when he still was a level 3 and he took me and I've been caring for him ever since. Now he's a level 100 serpent and a protector of this forest." "Ok but why the name Hachiko?" "It's something from my world and no I won't say anything else." "Alright so how far to the town?" "No more then a fee more minutes. After this we part ways and you forget you ever saw me."