The town of Hjälte in the nation of the Asir Kingdom was a town of grand adventure and great wealth were hero's from other worlds and adventurers of high ranks could come to claim great fortune. That was unless you were Morgan Fröja who saw it as a way to stay feed and to keep a bed to sleep in. She was support mage for hire and was a former member of the church so she had no problems finding work, but recently she was having a string of bad luck with her not receiving pay for three jobs in a row and with only enough to get her through the week she had to hope that this next job went over well. She entered the local guild hall and when she did her nose was instantly hit with the smell of food and booze. When she first started this three years she had never smelled booze and almost threw up from it as the smell was so unbearable, but now she was use to it and didn't really mind it. She tried to think of what to say so she needed another job, but the whole place was full of laughter and idle chatter of grand adventures that she couldn't even hear her own thoughts. She was so lost in trying to think that she didn't notice the person at the front desk was gesturing to her, but when she did her eyes widened and her heart sank and now her thoughts were "oh God why him, why Arthur!" Arthur Axel was one of the guilds front desk employees who distributed jobs out to people, but Morgan hated the guy as she always felt uncomfortable around him she always felt as if his eyes were always looking her over as if it were a dire wolf looking over it's next piece of prey. She wanted to report him to the guild, but a fellow female mage warned her of it as Arthur's family the Axel's had a lot of influence in Hjälte and saying anything would be bad for her life as they we're know for making people disappear if they crossed and a couple of other female adventures had disappeared after trying to report him to. So she had to bear it for now and get her a job, as she walked to the desk she stared at Arthur as he kept gesturing to her he smiled wickedly as if hoping she'd be desperate. She got to the desk "Hello Arthur." " Well hello Morgan how are you doing this morning." after returning her greeting he sniffed the air which put her on edge "Ah is that a new perfume your using?" Nervously she replied "Yes it is." "Ah it smells lovely it would be perfect if you wore something more lovely then that." "What's wrong with it?" "It doesn't show your beauty or what you could use beside your skills!" The grin he made after saying that was almost enough to make her run, but she needed a job and couldn't afford to leave without one "Look Arthur I need a job badly is there any parties looking for a support mage?" "Well if your looking for one a hero and his party recently lost their support mage and are looking for a new one." "Perfect I'll take that!" "Alright" he walked me over to the party and introduced me to them "Charles Young I have a mage interested in joining your party." Charles Young was a man in his late twenty from Canada summoned by a wealthy baron to fight monster and keep his trade routes safe. "Is she a support mage?" "Yes I'am sir." "Perfect we were looking for someone with your type of enthusiasm." "Well I'm looking forward to the work." "Ok but quick question what's with the get-up you don't look like a normal mage?" "Oh that's because I was trained in the church as a healing nun." "Oh right you guys had this big religion around here and from what I've been told it no longer exists why's that?" "Well about three years ago a hero summoned to our world informed that God had passed on and was no longer living." "So in essence God is dead?" "Yes" "Hm well what ever happened to the hero?" "Nobody knows he hasn't been seen." "Well that doesn't matter what matters now is getting out there and helping a trade town that has requested our help so we'd better get out there and help them!" "Ok" "Alright Helen, Max, George, Sarah, and?" "Morgan" "Morgan let's get out there and help the town of Handel!"