Chapter 57 - 4 - class

So I created this pouch? Judging from the name, the world system was in every sense a gave values to combat in this world, in other words it gave stats a value. I wonder if people had stats that couldn't be given a value. What if there are decimals? Do they matter? Anyway, I should try fighting the slimes now. It didn't feel like this was my first time, twirling the dagger in my right hand, it felt like I danced through the swarm of slimes while my right hand casually swinged all around me. When I was at the other side of the swarm, I turned around and the slimes fell apart. Their corpse were converted to strange white particles that floated and disappeared into the air. Most of the particles floated towards me. At first I was cautious as they could be some form of poison, but I couldn't escape as they moved even faster than I did. As if permeating into my body, the particles dispersed inside of me and gave a feeling of growing slightly stronger. Was this experience? Well, it couldn't be anything else.

But that twirling dagger thing was strange, is there something I'm missing? Another message was sent by the world system.

'Open skill tab? Yes/No'


Skills: [Dagger proficiency-tier 2] [Storage magic-tier 5]

Moving on, throughout the week I would return to this place to test out the system. I had spend my best effort to estimate how my stats converted to real-time combat.

The first one was strength, for every 1 I could lift or hit with one more kilogram.

The vitality stat was how much I could regenerate back from my body, so it didn't correspond to damage values well and was rather random. Though it is random, it is still vaguely accurate, for example high damage may not be able to one shot low health, but it will still deal a lot of damage to the point the opponent is immobile.

Intelligence stat was based on how much mana you could control at once, the human body has a certain threshold so mana pool could be given a number. Obviously with rest, the mana pool goes back up to full or near there, indicating that the body is able to withstand controlling mana again.

Lastly the agility stat, it roughly converts to how many metres per second can the person travel at. Unlike other worlds, the agility is particularly broken in this one, as you can dodge anything if you surpass your opponent's speed. The condition is that, your speed has to be twice your opponent's for you to have a 100% chance of dodging their attacks.

That was all just what happens outside. At home, I would ask my dad various things about this world. I would pretend to be a normal curious child and even ask "What are skills? " to blend in the important questions. First notable information was that the skills that he used actually came from his class. Next I asked "what are classes?".

Strangely he hadn't realised I used the plural forms of class and skill when asking questions. If he did he would know I was faking it. Well, whatever, but I need to be more careful. My father answered that classes are like an attribute, a trait of humans, they give special stat bonuses and skills. My father's class was master merchant, it boosts his intelligence the most followed by strength and lastly his agility the least. These allowed him to do his job better. At least that was the reasoning behind that he gave me. Would this be like other worlds where combat classes are rare? Hopefully I get a combat class that I prefer.

On to the next question, "How do you get a class?". My father answered that you first needed to be 15 years of age to receive a class. This was rather trouble some as I didn't want to wait 9 years. There was also the location. Apparently I had to go to a local church, there was an ancient altar at the back of every church that when given ancient coins, would grant people a class.

Churches were actually built around these ancient altars in order not to destroy them as they are quite fragile and antique. High level priest would usually guard the altars. The king of this kingdom actually gathered the ancient coins in the churches, he then realised the coins that went into the altar came out of the bottom into the basement. Since all of these altars were under the management of the king, he placed a price on the ancient coins with the present currency and made lots of money from people going to the church everyday. Lastly, classes had four levels of rarity in which they would rarely evolve. Tier-C was for the common jobs that weren't combat oriented. Tier-B was for the common combat oriented jobs and advanced non-combat jobs. Tier-A was for the advanced combat jobs. Lastly tier-S was for the 'hero' jobs.

Around a second week of grinding slimes later, I was at level 9. Not bad If I say so myself. I think I should go and fight higher difficulty opponents tomorrow.

Name: Emily Shuu

Level: 9

Health: 100/100

Mana: 200/200

Strength: 30

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 20

Agility: 160

As I walked back home, the lights were off. Puzzled I walk with trepidation as I reach for the door knob...

"HAppy birthday!" the lights lit up and my parents shouted, an uncontrollable smile plasters ontu my face. Walking further into my house, there was a cake on the dining table. Surprisingly, the date system was the same as in the previous world in which we had the same 12 months and 365 days. Of course my birthday was different from that of my previous life's. "Did you want anything for a present?" (gerald)

"Do you have any books that teaches magic?"

"... It's a strange gift for a little girl, but it just proves you're my tomboy daughter." (Gerald) My father proclaims with a bright smile. Did my introvert personality really worry my parents that much? Hopefully they don't think I hit my head or something and try to fix it.


Beyond the tier-S 'hero' class there were also the tier-SS 'demi-god' and 'demon king' classes. Lastly there was the tier-SSS 'god' class. The most a regular person could reach was tier-A, legendary heroes would get tier-S. Only kings and a select few in the world could get tier-SS assuring their reign. This system ensured that you needed a whole balanced party of at least 6 heroes to fight 1 demon king. Did anyone get a tier-SSS class other than Zet, the god of reincarnation? That is a secret~