*Spoiler warning!*
This is a collection of all the things that have been named.
Hello, it's me. I think I will continue writing this story a bit. Do not expect any release schedule. Thanks, FlyingApple1234!
It has the Categories: Persons or entities; Mega-/ Gigastructures; How does FTL work?; FTL Network
Persons or entities:
Prometheus is the MC and an AI created by Humanity. He has many sub AIs and programs as his "conscience" spans multiple light years. His main processor is the Sol system dyson swarm. (His name is from the Greek God that created humanity.)
Thot is an AI made by Prometheus as someone who focuses on Science, his main processor is the Proxima Centauri system. (His name is from the Egyptian God of the Moon, Science, knowledge and writing.)
Hermes is an AI made by Prometheus as someone who should interact whit Alien life. There are many copies of him, later they will all fuse together when FTL is there. (His name is from the Greek God that is the messenger of the Gods.)
Lew Utselet (test_human_011) is the human survivor that Prometheus interacted whit. They life in O'Neill cylinders which orbit around Sol. Prometheus has made Humanity immortal and given them an Virtual Reality that simulates the Universe but whiteout Prometheus there. The humans cannot interact whit it and only observe. They live in an utopian society. (Don't worry, later the Humans will have again value. RAILGUN!!! ^^) (Utselet is Russian and means Survive.)
Aliens: The Civilization that is 360 ly way from Sol has picked up the results of humanity's destruction. They have a similar tech level as 2020 Earth as of now, also their governments fused under an Organization named United Nations. Also, the reason their planet is named Earth in their language is that in German the Name of our Planet is Erde (= Earth as in the thing that makes up the ground) and in Latin its Terra (= Earth, Ground, Country). So, I think it's reasonable to say that any species that lives on land names their Planet the same as they name the ground, any water species names their planet the same as they name water, ā¦ . I will go the THE EXPANSE route with them.
Mega-/ Gigastructures:
O'Neill cylinders are habitats that are around a 100 km long and are built like a cylinder, they spin to simulate gravity. There are always two of them build together so that the spinning momentum is canceled and not thrown out of orbit. They can house millions of people.
Dyson Swarms are essentially solar panels sticked together whit a battery, a processor, a memory unit and a radio signal sender and receiver. Those are mass produced and put in orbit around a star. They block out all the light and store it as energy. A part of the stored energy is sent with lasers to kugel blitz blackholes that act as infinite energy storage spaces.
Kugel blitz blackholes are artificial blackholes made out of energy. They act as batteries. Currently a sub AI of Thot perfects the energy extraction of kugel blitz batteries. They are no different from natural blackholes, only that they are made out of energy.
Laser highways are laser networks in and between star systems. They speed spaceships up to near the speed of light and the laser at the receiving end slows them again down. They mainly transport resources and are also used to send out one-way scouts to unused star systems.
How does FTL work?:
So, the FTL system I thought out works like this:
So, there is a gravitational wave pattern created by a blackhole that is in an equilibrium, so it neither grows nor collapses. This is it:
[unique part = ID][space-time-coordinates][radius]|[different ID][coordinate somewhere in the radius]|
The unique part is a sort of ID of that specific blackhole.
The space-time-coordinates are the 'true' coordinates of where that specific blackhole is in the universe. I know space is relative, so the coordinates. They work like this:
What orbits the blackhole and in what direction does it move? That star, there. Where on its orbit around the star is the blackhole? There. What orbits the star and in what direction does it move relative of the blackhole? The center of the galaxy, there. Where on its orbit around the center of the galaxy is the star? There. What orbits the galaxy/ in what direction does it move relative of the blackhole? There.
Is it understandable?
The radius is the area in which you can measure the wave pattern. Anywhere outside its indistinguishable from normal gravitational waves. The radius gets influenced whit how much potential energy is in it relative to the black hole. It works like this: The more potential energy there is relative to the black hole the larger the radius gets.
Anything that comes now can be influenced only by letting small kugel blitzes collapse somewhere within the radius. Where relative to the blackhole it changes the pattern corresponding to it. The nearer to the magnetic poles the larger the influence. To image it think of a sphere that covers the blackhole. Then the collapsing kugel blitzes can be placed somewhere on the surface of this sphere. They only way they can now influence the blackhole that is at the center is by collapsing them near to the equator of the sphere or at the poles. The distance from the kugel blitz to the blackhole in equilibrium does only change what the distance to the blackhole in equilibrium is.
The different ID is the ID of another blackhole in equilibrium. This prevents paradoxes, as the ID must first be sent to the other blackhole. So, the two blackholes must get the others ID.
The coordinate somewhere in the radius is self-explanatory. Blackhole one has the place where its Wormehole opens and Blackhole two has its.
Also, the two blackholes cannot have overlapping radiuses or else they both will destroy *everything* within the two radiuses. (Lets weaponize it!)
So, if one blackhole has the others ID and the place in the radius, the pattern will stay like it is now for so long till the other also has the ID and place in the radius in place. Then there will be a wormhole formed at the specified place in the radius. This will increase the amount of energy needed to keep the blackhole stable. After that instantaneous travel between the two places is possible.
What should be know is that there cannot be created such a thing as like in PORTAL where you can fall forever as the blackholes in equilibrium need more energy to be keep stable if you shoot something fast (near c) through it.
I think such a way of FTL should prevent paradoxes from happening, as the connection is formed to the time the ID of the two where put in, so if here on Earth a connection to Proxima Centauri is formed it connects to the time the latter of the two got the ID. If the ID was put in on Earth at the 01.01. and in Proxima Centauri on the 02.01. of Earth time then the connection connects the 02.01. of Earth time from Earth to the 02.01. of Earth time in Proxima Centauri. And not the 01.01. to the 02.01. . Also, if you slow the time of one of the ends down by bringing it near a Super massive blackhole, the energy consumption of the blackhole in equilibrium skyrockets and destabilizes [1] as the most efficient way of using them is if they have the nearest possible radius (in size not distance).
[1]: At the moment of creation both ends have exactly the same age. If the aging of one of the two is slowed down even only a bit (some nanoseconds) the amount of energy needed to keep the two stable approaches infinity and if then something tries to cross over they completely collapse, even if it's only light or gravitational waves which are everywhere (so you could say the collapse is instantaneous).
Yes, the whole FTL system is really artificial but I couldn't thing of something else that made sense and prevented time travel and infinite energy machines. Also, it will have a reason why the FTL system is as it is in the story itself.
FTL Network:
The first level is a Star whit a low production of energy which has two, one for the transport of energy and one for the transport of resources. It connects to a sub-hub.
The second level is a sub-hub, it is a normal star and has about 12 Anchors. 10 of these connect to five first level Stars and two to a semi-hub. 6 for energy, 6 for resources. It has 5 stars below its level.
The third level is a semi-hub, it's a normal star and also has 12 Anchors. 10 of these connect to a sub-hub and 2 to a hub. Again, 6 for energy, 6 for resources. It has 30 stars below its level.
The fourth level is a hub, it has a star whit a high energy output. It has a total of 20 Anchors. Of these 10 connect to a semi-hub, 8 to the nearest other hubs and 2 to a sub-gateway. Again, 10 for energy, 10 for resources. It has 155 stars below its level. The connection to the other hubs is so, that if something must be transported to the other side, or if for some reason one of the hubs doesn't function right the things can be transported whit another route. Also, a hub has a sub-AI that makes sure everything goes right.
Here everything repeats again.
The fifth level is a sub-gateway and has 780 stars below its level.
The sixth level is a semi-gateway and has 3905 stars below its level.
The seventh level is a gateway and has 19350 stars below its level. It also has a sub-AI to take care of everything below its level.
The eighth level is a gateway junction and has a connection to a total of 10 gateways, 5 to other gateway junctions and one to the next highest level of the FTL network. It has 195310 stars below its level.