Beings which use their "mind power" are called Psycics. The technology and research of it is called Psionics.
The Shroud is an abstract plane full of energy. It is totally unpredictable and full of mysteries and if one is not protected by ones [Insert Species Name] Shroud consciousness one can fall into insanity at any moment. The Shroud does not directly influence the physical plane, but concentrations of mass and energy in the physical plane cause concentrations of energy in the Shroud. If enough energy accumulates in the Shroud at such a place it rips open a way to the physical plane and the Energies of the Shroud will invade it.
All beings of a Species are linked in the Shroud and form a [Insert Species Name] Shroud consciousness which represents all wishes, desires, thoughts, dreams and so on of that Species. It itself has no ego and all of its actions are based on instinct. But it can be influenced by its Species (more below). The psycic power of it depends on the power of all of its members. Its instinctive actions are:
It defends the consciousness of its members from probing by other Psycics or Shroud consciousnesses. It helps its members in using their powers and understanding what the Shroud represents. It "protects" its members from the abstraction of the Shroud and prevents them from being lost in it.
To influence it, a large portion of its members must want it to do something. This functions, as all members of it have an equal amount of authority (eg. When it has 100 members, all members have 1% authority. If 100 other beings also become members, then the authority of all members becomes 0.5%.). The more energy is needed for the action, the more authority is needed for it to do it.
The Shroud consciousness chooses members to represent it. Those will have a larger authority and higher strength but will lose their ego over time. The members can also make the consciousness accept someone as The Chosen One. This member will have high authority and tremendous strength as this one will be able to use the power of the consciousness.
The more one understands of the Shroud the stronger actions one can take. The more energy one has access to the more powerful the action one can take.
Because all beings of a Species are linked in the Shroud, the understanding of one grows passive as the average understanding this species of the Shroud grows. To increase ones energy, one can absorb the energies of the Shroud into ones own ego or refine energy of the physical plane into energies of the Shroud and then absorb it. The greater the difference of ones own power in comparison to the average power of ones species, the more inefficient the absorption of energy becomes until it stops. To go around it one needs to absorb purer Shroud energy.
Actions one can take:
In the Shroud: Manipulate the energies of the Shroud; See a possible future (Clairvoyance); See the past; Instantaneously transmit information between other members (Telepathy); Interact whit the beings of the Shroud; Open a Gate to the physical plane; …
In the physical plane: Manipulate energy; Telekinesis; Breach the Shroud (Sends only ones ego into the Shroud); Open a Gate to the Shroud; Warp(/Controlling) Space; …
Examples: Using Telekinesis to accelerate a Spaceship; Using energy manipulation to build Shields/ Energy weapons; Using Telekinesis to move whole Stars or even Galaxies (!!!); Warping Space to Isolate a planet; …