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Holder Of The Core

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Fifteen Years Ago after a nuclear facility catastrophe an airborne virus has swept the nation leaving certain genetically adaptable individuals with destructive abilities. We call them 'Core Holders'. Due to the horrific epidemic majority of remaining citizens reside in quarantine camps. Kai, a near sixteen-year-old girl is rescued as a child and raised by her guardian Bobby. However, when they are separated after an attack she swears no matter who steps in her way undoubtedly she will get back to the man who saved her. But...Kai has secrets of her own.

Chapter 1 - The Life Of A Single Lonely Girl.

Things pretty much went to sh*t a long time ago in this world. Roughly fifteen years ago the American government waged war against a genetic plantation in Kansas City, through utter spite of refusing to cease experimentation as a last bout of desperation they released an airborne chemical that genetically adapted to 20% of the overall population. It invaded their bodies planting what can only be described as a bundle of kinetic and psychic energy that caused a physical phenomenon. In other terms, they were basically granted the ability to cause destruction using nothing but the energy from their bodies.

Subsequently, humans did the only instinctual thing they could and that was... fight. Power has a way of worming itself into our ego system, resulting in assholes who were just as normal as the rest of us to step on their high horse and try to rule. Of course, the American Military had a solution for that. That's when the mayhem really started, what started off as a small incident was irritated into full-blown warfare. Fire filled the streets, production halted as quarantine was implemented to stop further people from infection. That meant the economy quickly plummeted and oversea deliveries were also stopped in order to avoid worldwide corruption. And just like that, we were cut off from the rest of the world.

Thankfully the president ordered that certain designated areas be transformed into refuge areas for those affected during the dispute. Families flocked there for survival, barriers were put up to stop intruders and attacks from Core Holders or 'Cores' as we nicknamed them. Therefore I spent the majority of my life believing that those people were the deepest forms of evil hellbent on destroying the weakest links until I began my life here at Gate 3, a section quarantine area within Kansas City where everything began. It turns out...humans are just as evil.

I was told my parents were killed by a 'Core Holder' when I was nine months old. Amongst the ash and broken rubble 'he' found me. Bobby was my savior, a simple forty-two-year-old businessman disoriented from the blast stayed behind looking for survivors, which is where he found me...the only person left remaining in the Kansas City catastrophe. He took that vulnerable child and raised me as his own, taught me to be kind, to be strong. Not to be too trusting or too cold. Bobby is my everything however three months ago after a Gate 3 breach we were separated in the chaos and now he's at Gate 2 thirty miles away. I need to get back to him, I need to keep him safe. I owe him everything, even the very air I breathe. I don't care what it takes, I will get back to him...

My name is Kai and this is the start of my story.

Gate 3 is a small townhome to only two hundred people, the last survivors of Kansas City. It holds a refuge center in the middle where people could request food or supplies. Sadly, the majority of the town consists of houses. On the small corner near the front gate is a Medical group, it's the only place people can go if they're injured or sick but there are only two people available to treat the wounded. 'Core Holders' are corrupted but it doesn't mean they lack intelligence. Knowing that those medically trained were important to the last survivors during the breach they wiped out all but one professional doctor. Doctor Strass. Leaving him with the responsibility of supporting 200 people single-handedly. This is where I work...

Doctor Strass, "How many times do I have to tell you, it's under, over and around the thumb!" Colin Strass, age 35 and a man I've known my whole life. After Bobby picked me up he took me to this very clinic to get checked over. Colin was only a university medical student when he first met me but Bobby said he took a strange shine to me because I was the first kid that hadn't cried when getting injections, it sounds stupid I know but after dealing with nagging parents and screaming kids all day it must have been refreshing to get some peace and quiet. Colin isn't just a doctor but a genius, Bobby also told me that people all over America were fighting in order to get him to work for them. Working with him over this past year I can see why.

Kai, "Jesus I get it already, you'll get premature baldness if you keep shouting like that." She said tauntingly. Colin gritted his teeth before quickly glancing in the mirror brushing back his hairline. Kai tried her best not to snicker.

Truthfully Colin also liked to keep up appearances, a genuine neat freak as I like to call him. For thirty-five he doesn't look a day over 20. With a full head of nicely slicked back sandy brown hair and deep green eyes. Physiques are hard to talk about, to be honest. Ever since the food shortage people had been losing weight including Colin, I'd argued with the refugee workers about giving him better rations, after all, he is a lifeline to a lot of people but the workers here are rude and greedy. Colin tells me not to worry but after all, he's important to me. His long white doctor's coat hangs loosely from his broad shoulder straying all the way down to his knees, then, of course, his precious glasses no-one is allowed to touch. I always call them dingy and geeky but without them, he wouldn't be the brilliant man he is now.

After checking his hair annoyed he looked back to see Kai intensely following his instructions, slyly he smirked. Kai had a sharp tongue but really did give it her all no matter the task. Colin's nickname for her was 'tsundere' which meant someone who looks threatening from an external point of view yet internally golden in both mind and heart. In his eyes Kai wasn't threatening in any way, her problem is that her guard is always up too high. A girl who never complained never asked for anything and hated when people spoiled her, the complete opposite of a 15-year-old girl in this day and age.

Doctor Strass, "Better. Leon's coming for his medicine later on so listen out for the door." Kai rolled her eyes and waved her hand telling him she already knew. Silently he chuckled watching her heavy mind at work practicing dressing wounds, such an honest earnest soul he thought. Secretly he considered her a daughter. Bobby was his good friend after bringing Kai in as a baby, he even moved into the flat upstairs opposite Colin's room after his house was destroyed in the Kansas City blast. So...he watched her grow up day by day into the beautiful young woman she was right now.

Kai wasn't like the other girls in the quarantine, she could hold her own and wasn't dependant on anyone. With short pixie cut white blonde hair and gleaming sea blue eyes surrounded by long black lashes. The pinnacle of natural beauty. But she was a tomboy through and through.

Kai, "Oi what are you staring at?" Squinting unsurely she called out rudely catching Colin in the act, he immediately looked away.

Colin, "I'm just checking on your work and how many times have I told you to stop wearing Bobby's t-shirts." Kai looked at him coldly, there was a reason for that. His smell made her feel at ease and was the only thing keeping her going in his absence.

Kai, " Since when did you become a fashion icon huh? And stop slacking off we need a restock on compresses." Colin's face turned sour, her bad habit was showing again. Whenever Kai was angry she'd clench her fists too tightly making her nail pierce the skin. Quickly he strutted over and forced her palm open. Blood trickled down her fingers onto the floor.

Colin, "Come here." Before she could object he dragged her to the medical table. Colin was always like this; she couldn't get a papercut without him going on ridiculous. Kai looked at the curved cuts in her hands as he went to fetch rubbing alcohol to avoid infections. This was happening too often she thought looking at the other scars on her palm, it was a natural thing to her even as a small child.

Kai, "It's nothing just leave it!" Knowing the routine and the fact he would ignore her she put out her hands while he poured antiseptic on the wounds, Kai was so used to this it didn't even sting anymore.

Colin, "I should get you a stress ball." She clicked her tongue. Why did this clean-freak always have an answer for everything...

Kai, "Screw your stress ball I don't need it." Colin sighed this kid was always so stubborn. Kai's other bad habit was not looking people in the eyes almost like she was scared they would read her thoughts.

Colin, "Yeah well you need something, even if I cut your nails you still end up getting cut." It was true he did file them down pretty often so this didn't happen. Sadly it had been a lot more frequent since Bobby was separated from her.

Kai, "I don't know why I do it." She muttered under her breath. However, Colin had keen ears.

Colin, "It's a release mechanism, you hurt yourself instead of others. Part and parcel of being a teenager, if you want to hit me just hit me instead of doing this to yourself." Kai snatched back her hands suddenly and glared at his. Those pretty blue eyes could turn dark very intensely. Colin felt his stomach drop, he'd hit a nerve there.

Kai, "Stop lecturing me or I really will slug you." Angered by his comment she went to leave for the restock when he only made the matter worse through sheer worry.

Colin, "I know it's been tough without Bobby around. I know how much he means to you but he'll be okay Kai have a little faith in him." Like a whoosh of rage, she slammed her fist against the wall facing away from him. How dare he say that, when it was all lies...

Kai, "Faith? Listen, asshole I may be young but I'm not that naive to turn a blind at the fact that he's useless. I've been fighting his battles since I was ten if anything he has too much 'faith' in other people. I'm not upset because he's not around. I'm upset because I have no idea where he is or who he's with. For all I know looters might have mugged him for a f*cking meal ticket, so don't you dare tell me he'll be okay!" Colin stared wide-eyed, his mouth hung wide open...Kai had never been this upset about anything. True she had a bad temper but this wasn't like her at all.

Colin, "So you're saying you don't care that he's not here?" Hoping she'd open up a bit more he tried to pry just a tiny bit but her wall had gone up very quickly. With cold eyes, she turned around and gave a painful grin.

Kai, "Do me a favor and shut up for a second. I'm going to restock." Like nothing had happened she tottered on her way to the back. Colin slumped down for a second to compose himself. He needed Bobby back here and fast, he was the only one who knew how to handle Kai. People in the refugee camp called her the wild firecracker for a reason…

From the time Colin met Kai to now, she had come leaps and bounds concerning human contact. They never told her but she had to go through extensive exposure therapy because she had a phobia of being touched by others excluding Bobby, for some reason he could do it with ease. Colin had read about certain trauma's in relation to explosions as such but never found anything on Haphephobia. But it was part of an anxiety disorder so he used that as an explanation to her troubles.

If anyone would touch her suddenly as a kid she'd lash out in any way possible. Throwing things, hitting and biting people. Colin used to call her feral. Bobby would eventually calm her down but that phobia seems to have quirks even today he thought. Still, maybe he should be grateful Kai could make contact with others apart from Bobby. It must have been...lonely. Human contact is only natural.

"Um...Doctor Strass?" Colin jumped from his seat in a quite hilarious flustered state. Seeing it was Leon he quickly straightened himself up and put on a professional smile. It was rare for him to be caught dawdling.

Colin, "Excuse me I was looking at some notes." Leon just chuckled and nodded there would be no point arguing...unless you were Kai that is.

Kai, "Don't lie to the poor kid you were daydreaming. Yo Leon, how are you feeling?" Like a lightbulb, that cute little face seemed to brighten when Kai came back. Leon was like a little fluffy puppy with two big brown eyes, shaggy brown hair and a little frail frame. For a kid his age he should be taller but he had been born with a weak constitution and low red blood count.

Leon, "I feel better this week, Doctor Strass tried me with a different medication." Kai smiled and patted his head, resisting that cute little face was like sticking candy in front of a baby and telling them not to eat it. Colin got a quick flashback to Kai when she was 8, sure she was cute but far from cuddly. If someone had stroked her head let's just say they were lucky to be in a doctor's surgery.

Kai, "That's good to hear. I'm going to the park for training tomorrow, should we go together?" Leon beamed and nodded his head, Colin almost clicked his tongue. It always made him jealous of how good she was with kids. Everyone that came in would look at her like a goddess listening to her words like commandments.

Leon, "Why weren't you there yesterday, you're normally training on a Monday?" Kai whipped her head around giving Colin a pouty glare.

Kai, "That's because Doctor Strass over here has been working me to the bone, I'm wasting away." She said dramatically flopping over the reception counter. Leon furrowed his brows and looked at Colin.

Leon, "You shouldn't bully Kai!" Colin's mouth dropped open, was this kid seriously falling for that act? Since when was she an academy award winner! Colin tried to stay professional but as he glanced at Kai only to see a cheeky grin on her face his head imploded.

Colin, "I'm the bully? How can you not see how evil she is!" Leon looked at Kai who had a very innocent precious expression. If there was one thing she knew how to do it was feigning innocence. In Leon's eyes, she was an angel.

Kai, "Pay no attention to him, here's your prescription for this week. You better go before he blows again." Leon giggled and then froze seeing fiery daggers pointed at Kai. In response, she closed her eyes calmly.

Kai, "He's still staring at me isn't he?" Leon nodded.

Colin, "Are you a sorcerous, how do you charm kids like that!" Yet again, he blew up...Leon grabbed his bag and ran away laughing as Kai stood with her ears blocked. Hearing the muffled shouting dye down she cautiously removed her hands.

Kai, "Are you done? Why do you always get so touchy when I talk to kids?" He sat down at his desk and began violently scribbling signatures on his work. This happened every time people looked up to her, sure Kai was a devil in his eyes but oracle.

Colin, "I trained in treating children so why do they always flock to you when they come in?" Kai sighed, this neat freak really was hopeless.

Kai, "It's because you're always so serious. I mean have you ever cracked a joke, like your whole life. Besides kids are perceptive, they can tell who has a good air about them and who doesn't. Just because they can't understand big words they sure as hell know who to mess with and who not too…" Colin stopped writing, it sounded like she knew that from experience?

Kai, "Oh no you don't, I can't handle another one of your dumbass questions today." Colin always had an apprehensive look in his eyes when he was about to ask something stupid. Kai was good at clocking it. Unfortunately, it didn't ever stop him from asking anyway.

Colin, " you remember much about your childhood?" She gave a sort of tired look in response. Why did he care what she remembered, it was none of his business.

Kai, "Not really." Colin noticed it was brief and she avoided eye contact, Kai was lying. His mind was telling him not to push further yet his curiosity couldn't help itself.

Colin, "Even about your phobia?" Kai twitched and glared coldly, daring him to keep talking.

Kai, "Ah? You mean the touchy thing, why are you bringing up that now?" So she did remember, Bobby and himself never brought it up thinking she'd forgotten about it. And to regard it as simply a 'touchy thing'.

Colin, "When you said kids are perceptive about people, is that why you didn't like people touching you when you were younger?" Kai was starting to get agitated again, he was bringing up a dark time in her life. Even now not even she knew why it was such a big deal but what she used to feel…

Kai, "Who knows maybe it was just a self-defense mechanism, I don't like being surprised, to begin with. Anyway, you're not my doctor or my therapist so just drop it. It's five anyway so my shifts over, I'll let you lock up." Again she fled with that carefree attitude that brushed anything she disliked away like dust. Colin noted not to bring it up again or he'd surely pay the price.


Kai walked into the dusty cold garage, one of the only places she could release some stress. Ever since she was 9 years old, fight training had been a huge part of her regime. Mostly to deal with her anger issues but it was fun. It killed time in this godforsaken town. Harshly she pulled down her boxing bag making sure it wouldn't give way and like a trusty servant it obeyed and stayed put. Next came her music, one both Colin and Bobby despised but what other music would someone listen to when training. Of course, Rock and Roll was the answer. 'Kiss With A Fist by Florence and the Machines' blared into the hollow tin filling her with motivation. Quickly throwing on her gloves and shin gear her body started hard at work. Kai's favorite feeling was the vibrating sting that followed after hitting the latex bag, as well as the locking of her knees as she kicked it from the side. Most people said her efforts were a waste because soldiers were here to protect them but relying on others wasn't her style. They didn't deal with looters or gangs, only 'Core Holders' so who else could protect the community? Despite being slim her toned muscles could be spotted through her shirt and to many peoples envy she also had a vivid six-pack. Healthy body, Healthy mind as Bobby always told her.

Suddenly she halted to a stop. A squeak from the bag swaying side to side echoed in her head, thinking of Bobby had stolen all the energy from her body. Why did she have to think of him now?

Kai, "Dammit, where are you old man…" she whispered, pressing her sweat-soaked brow against the rough bag. Pain inside of her heart grew bolder every day he wasn't there. Was he eating? Was he warm? Is it safe? Those questions plagued her constantly day in and day out. Why couldn't they just transfer him already? Locked inside a pool of anger and worry it startled her hearing a rattle outside of the garage. People shouldn't be out at this time, everywhere was on lockdown was a looter. Kicking off her music and taking off her gloves she swiftly pinned herself to the garage door listening out for voices.

"We shouldn't you know she lives here!" A few voices were arguing about something in the back alley behind the doctor's surgery. It was dark so Kai couldn't see them clearly but that didn't matter these guys were messing with the wrong home.

"You know she patrols around this time, just shut-up and gives me a lift would you?" Kai had sneaked behind some trashcans during the debate to get a closer look. Stupid hoodlums she thought, what could they possibly loot from a doctor's surgery and then she realized they stored alcohol in the back for disinfection. Would they really go this far for booze?

"That asshole Strass had it coming anyway, always on his damn high-horse." Kai clenched her teeth, this was going too far. Just the thought of them hurting Colin made her blood boil. All she wanted was to have a nice relaxing night training before catching up on some sleep but as expected someone always gets in the way. Sighing knowing full well she'd get scolded for this without calling the soldiers she stood up.

Kai, "Three lost pussies, how lucky! What are you guys up too?"