Chereads / Minecraft The Adventure / Chapter 3 - Night Approaches

Chapter 3 - Night Approaches

Once Steve got half a stack of emeralds, the sunset reminded the voice of something. Suddenly, Steve was hurrying to a tree in the centre of the village, mined the whole thing, stole one of the villager's beds and fled to a hill. Steve tunneled into the hill and placed a door behind him.

Throughout the night, he couldn't sleep. Everytime he tried to sleep. A different unknown voice said that he can't sleep because there are monsters nearby. He repeatedly tried to sleep. Now, his vision was blocked by messages that said the exact same thing.

However, the green skinned creatures he encountered before seemed to be heading towards the village. There were also other green creatures that had no arms and had four legs. But, they wouldn't go near the cats roaming around the village and the hill. There were these black eight-legged creatures that the voice saw from "real life" called spiders. There were these creatures made out of bones. The voice identified these skeletons from a "biology class". The green skinned creatures were called "zombies" according to "Google". The ones without arms were called "creepers". They can explode!

After 12 long Minecraft hours(10 real life minutes), the sun started to rise as the moon started to set. The zombies and skeletons burned in the sun. Bones and flesh pile up around the hill and village. Spiders and creepers seemed fine. However, the spiders didn't bother Steve anymore. The creepers? Still far from the village and hill.

Steve had survived the first night. He feels like having breakfast now(He skipped all 3 meals yesterday).