Chereads / Traveler X: Black out / Chapter 14 - Life is good

Chapter 14 - Life is good

Thirteen vampires are closing in on me, a few of them together some alone, none of them particularly powerful

A few of the vampires had in hoodies, some had on normal civilian wearing clothes, some were dressed in all black

But unless you could feel the chilling aura from these vampires, you would think they're just a bunch of vampires from different social groups, very diverse in race, so at least I approve of that

None of them very high level

A female one sees the vampire I killed head

"You killed Raymond, well that doesn't matter anyways it will be more blood purifying pills for me." blonde female vampire

"Oh my god ! Raymond....." Another female

vampire with frizzy blonde hair said eyeball coming from her head

"This shit is crazy." Male black vampire

"You guys don't have to fight me, just lay on the ground while I fight the rest of them." I say

"Don't listen to that shit, he's just one human let's get him."

"What about the last time, almost a year ago." Female brunette vampire

"What happened almost a year ago !?" White male vampire with short blond hair

"This bitch with magic or something killed a bunch of us." dirty blond hair

"Everyone shut up, if you surrender, after I kill him your next." Blond female vampire

The whole time I'm looking at my map watching more people come

"But..." The brunette vampire got scared and stopped talking

(It doesn't seem like they want smoke, alright I might let some of them go depending on how things go.) I think to myself

The first female vampire with blond hair attacks

She tries to rip out my throat with her claws, but I catch her a and start using lightning magic, shocking her


The next one comes after me, baring his fangs, throwing a punch, I catch his punch, twist his arm, making his back face me police style, then punch him in the center of his back, putting him down

All the teenage vampires come at me

"You youngsters are really arrogant." I say

"Your not that much older than us !" a male shouts

I don't use lightning because that could kill them, speaking of which the blond vampire I electrocuted is getting up

Damn purifying pills

Her healing factor isn't as fast as Amaya's, shit probably not enough to survive a serious attack from me

A black hand is coming at me in a punch I dodge to the side, and send a punch as fast as a cobra bite at his chin, knocking him down

A girl tries kicking me, while a Caucasian boy, tries to grab me

I jump fifteen feet back, and jump back landing a punch, right on his nose, as for the girl she gets a pimp back hand

I use force on that back hand and she crashes into everyone on the left

The fear in their faces is something I hate, because their just kids, which is why I won't kill them yet, I'll just beat them up cuz it's funny

A few vampires tries throwing fireballs at me, I smack the fireballs away

"He smacked the fucking fireball." one says

" Who is this dude, fuckin norotu" The black vampire say

"They really didn't teach you guys how to fight." I say as the same blond cocky vampire charges at me again, this time she's coating her fists in a blue energy

"Vampire aura huh...." That is the aura of vampires, it's basically Mana and aura in one for vampires, very convenient

Vampire aura was made based off of a few types of demons who has a sort of combination of aura and Mana together

Fun fact vampires aren't a natural race like werewolves, they were created by an evil God or demon who wanted to cause mayhem

The vampires are said to be designed off of different races, but at the same time meant to be abominations and insults to both the living and dead.

That's the reason why no matter how many blood purifying pills a vampire takes they will never be "pure"

Pure blooded vampires only have a few functioning organs. The heart, the brain, and reproduction organs.

Pure blood vampires are practically immortal, (I should know since I had to face a few of them in the the chamber) it doesn't matter even if you cut off their heads, they won't die.

The only ways to kill them is to destroy their hearts, use holy items or light magic, which is like a poison to them, sunlight, garlic, and fire

I don't know what God was drunk when he created vampires with those common weaknesses

Those guys take arrogance to new levels, they look down on most other races and don't get along with really with ANY race, in fact turning humans into vampires is extremely looked down upon by most pure blood vampires.

In fact the only pure blood faction of vampires in this world is in Siberia, Russia

The other pure blood clans are in the other world

All vampires can turn humans into vampires on full moons, just like werewolves.

They have natural affinities to darkness, not to mention able to communicate with bats and transform into them based off of practice and control

As for Dhampirs who have pure blood they all have the base powers of pure bloods and plus the other races characteristics, without the weakness like sunlight and garlic

Oh yeah I was in the middle of fighting wasn't I

She has her fist coated in vampire magic, she stops in front of me and let's the spell blast at me

I didn't want to ruin my clothes so I crate a magic circle in front of my face and blocks her attack

"Fu-" She didn't have time to talk

(Gravity press) I make everyone drop to the floor

"The big boys are here." I say letting the other Vampires know I'm aware of them

About twenty bats turn into Vampire form, and six come from the sky with bat wings for arms

"Damn human." One male with black hair says with a smile

"Weren't you a human at some point ?" I ask

" Yes but that was like.... twenty years ago" He says

" Look I'm about to stop holding back." I say

"Watch out he's dangerous like that last one !" The brunette calls our from the grass

" I can tell...He smells delicious, if we could manage to get a taste out of this one we may be able to gain a power." He says

"Hey who and what happened to the "last one" ?" I ask

"Some bitch who we had to team up to capture and even then, we still haven't got to drink her blood without her chopping their heads off." He answers

"Cool cool cool.....alright can you guys use some of that Vampire aura like these guys, of course right ? Let's get this over with."

"Attack, use the dark magic." He orders to the vampires while still in the sky now with bat wings

Dark orbs and bullets come from their hands

Low level dark magic

"Heh... Amateurs..." I say

I make six magic circles and aim them upward at the vampires in the sky

Small dark orbs shoot out from all over the black magic circles as if the spell was on rapid fire

The dark balls are coming at me at the same time so I teleport and leave my circles there

After a good fifteen seconds of firing I stop

All of them have holes in

their body or patches of skin missing

The spell I used was an "absorption" spell that absorbs cells on contact, so imagine just suddenly having thousands or maybe millions of cells be ripped off of your body.

They all fall to the ground

Scene change

All of them are still on the ground, I go ahead and drink a mana potion to refill my mana

I'm looking at the forty of them, they are looking back

"Please...don't kill us.", "I didn't want to be a fuckin vampire anyways." " We were forced."

" Oh shit were dead."

"Okay everyone stop panicking, I'm going to ask each of you questions, and if I don't like your answers...." Christian

I ask each of them these questions

Have you ever killed, why did you kill, how many have you killed, have you ever killed for fun, and was it by orders, and lastly have you raped another person

Now, I'm not that skilled yet in telepathy to just break into peoples minds, but when I focus on lower level, or tires people I can hear their thoughts that travel into their minds

Out of forty people all the teenagers and four of the experienced vampires actually passed my test, some of them have killed a lot but that was because they were in the "If you disobey my orders you die, then I go kill your parents and siblings !" situation

All of the teenage vampires aren't even half a year old vampires, the new ones are only replacements for the "experienced" blood suckers that were killed by someone else trying to stand up to vampires, she is some sort of wind user

Here is another interesting fact about the group of vampires in this city, they have been capturing both humans and non humans, and have been keeping them locked up down town

(Man telepathy is really convenient, glad I practiced for four years) I stab the vampires who failed in the heart, then burn their bodies, which is kinda unnecessary since they aren't pure bloods

"So about the rest of you guys I will give you my number in case you guys need help, but stay here cus your master is going to die today." Christian/ X

"You can't beat those two they are super powerful." The brunette says

"No way, this guy is a beast, there's no way he would lose to Micheal and Lora." Black vampire

"If we let you go they'll kill..." A crying female vampire

"I know, but they wont kill them because they wont have the time to, don't worry stay here and I'll handle give me your phones all of you, now." I say

"What !? Why ?" Vampires

"Because, one of you may fuck up and call your boss, stay here and when I'm done I'll come back and give you your phones, but for now.... run those phones." I say and hold my hand out

I take their phones and take the corpses phones too, then I head to downtown

It seems like it would make more sense to go and defeat the boss first, so the kidnapped people right ?

Wrong because they could end up used as hostages

So I head to the address I got from one of the older vampires, he was surprised that I knew about it

Even though I may not be hiding my power, I may keep the telepathy a secret for now

I arrive and see I'm at a local restaurant building, it's closed so I open a gate on the door and walk through

I follow my radar map to the dots, they are supposed to be locked up in the basement so I open a gate and appear in front of about twenty

Humans, and seven cat yokai( beastmen), and.... a strange woman

All in one area behind a what looked like a jail cell

"Hello I'm here to rescue you, don't freak put because I'm not a vampire and also don't scream either." Christian

"Let us out of here !" A small girl with cat ears screamed

"I take it your not a good listener huh." I say while touching the bars

"Freeze" I say out loud, and the bars start to freeze

"How are you doing that !?" A woman says

"Magic" I respond

" Thank god."

"Run" I tell the humans

They run out the building and that leaves the Yokai and...the woman

The yokais look like a family a man, a woman , and five children

Two of which could be around my age, two middle school boys, and a girl around ten

"Can you do healing magic, our parents were drugged." a yokai girl with short silky shiny black hair say, she seems to be the first born, she is tall about 5'9, good looking, she has big breast (though not as big as Amaya's rack) probably 20, with a wiggly black cat tail

"Please sir..." What looks to be the second blond hair and cat ears, and tail, 5'7, blue eyes, and ample chest, probably 17

"Yeah I can see about it though I wont say I'm sure I could do it."

The little boys are wary of me and their parents look like they could barely even talk

The Male I start from him since he's closest

He has brown short hair, and brown eyes like his oldest

I first gently take his hands, then, I channel my white magic into his hands

I release the mana all over his body, a feat that would take the average mid class

mage ten minutes, shortened to two minutes, next I find where the drug is, some sort of drug that constantly depletes stamina, and makes breathing hard

Lastly I make my mana consume the drug, and replenish his stamina while I was a it

"Alright you should be better now. Your turn." I say to the mother, who also has blond hair and blue eyes

"Are you a white mage, I feel like a brand new man !" He says with a smile

"Daddies better !" Ten year cat yokai with brown hair

"Papa..." A bow with brown hair and ears, the three kids run to the dad who hugs

I finished the process to the mom and the family starts talking with each other

" that that's over who and what are you ?" I turn to the beautiful and powerful woman in front of me

One would be able to tell she isn't human just by looking at her beauty, let alone the

power I feel inside of her, in terms of raw power she has me and Amaya beat, so far the only person I felt as strong as her would be that Nathan guy at the guild

She has long black hair that looked almost a dark purple, tied up at the top, with four small bangs hanging down her hair, with two shoulder length bangs at the side of her face

She was wearing a dark blue, short Chinese dress, with holes that showed off her cleavage and thick legs

Her beauty and body wasn't losing to Amaya AT ALL

"Ufufufufu aren't you cute and talented. My name is Phaedra" The beauty said with a non tooth showing smile

"I feel your power, there is no way you could lost to those vampires so how, were you overwhelmed with numbers ?" I ask

"Yes and no at the same time, I was passing through when I felt the struggle

between the vampires and this family of beautiful yokais, I didn't like what I seen so I stepped in and tried to help, then came vampires everywhere all over the city. Their two leaders were quite strong, I could barely handle them them and the others at the same time.

Some of them were only kids around your age so I couldn't kill wouldn't be right. Next they started grabbing random people and said they would hurt them if I didn't surrender." Phaedra

(Damn she is strong) I thought

"So if it's not too much to ask, why are you here ?" I ask

"Because I follow the winds and let them guide me." She answered smiling

I smiled and held back my laugh

She picked up on it though

"So your just like me huh ?" I say laughing

"Oh ?...." She says with a questioning face

"You like to travel...." I say smiling

"Fufufu yes...I love to travel." Phaedra with a smile and slight blush

(Wow...over the course of almost nine months I've traveled all over the world, sometimes with Amaya, sometimes doing my own thing.)

I think to myself

" based off of what I know about you, you are a nymph right ?" I ask

"Yes I am a nymph from Greece, a nymph is just another word for nature spirit, unlike those spirit fragments you call spirits, but yes I am a nymph in all definitions." Phaedra

(Ahh, she's talking about that wind spirit I sold to Gary) I think to myself

" Well I have Vampires to slay so I gotta...." I was cut off by the two cat girl yokais

"Excuse me, kind sir..." The oldest with black shiny hair says

"Yes ?" Christian

"We would like to become your servants and concubines, as thanks for saving us and our family. My name is Carmen" The dark haired yokai named Carmen with a red face declares

"And..... my name is star. " The teen with blond hair says also obviously blushing

(How cute, my cheeks are burning) I can't help but think

"Ummmmmm you two are seriously attractive in everyway, but you don't have too-" I start to say but is cut off by Phaedra's laughing

"Fufufufufufu They are not forcing themselves yokais take their love very seriously... would you reject two girls in front of their parents." Phaedra

I look at the girls family who is all smiling at me with expecting eyes

"Okay how old are you two ?" I ask

"I'll be twenty next February." Carmen

"Seventeen, but next summer I'll be eighteen !" Star said excitedly

"Can I ask what is your name Mister ?" Phaedra

"Christian..." I answer with a smile turning back to Star

"So your a minor, I don't want FBI kicking my door in." Christian

"Oh don't worry, in my clan sixteen makes me an adult." Star

"Girls hearts are fragile, Christian, especially yokais who have hard times growing attached to others." Phaedra

(She's right I have read how serious youkai's love is) Christian

"Alright...I will treat you lovingly, though I may or may not have someone already." I accept

"We know, we could tell by the ring on your finger." Star says looking at my hand

"Oh this is actually a space ring, I'm not married yet." I say with a wink

I feel big bulges on my back

"You are interesting I think I will help you with this vampire issue." Phaedra says pressing up against me

"....yeah..." I say trying not to show my flustered self

"Well I better get you guys somewhere safe until this is over, come with me." I say while opening a gate

This one thought is in my head as I have them over

( Man, Amaya is gonna beat the absolute fuck out of me when I tell her about this)