I took five steps into the place and greeted the receptionist at the desk
This girl had short brown hair, blue eyes, and a decently curvy body
In human terms, she was beautiful, compared to Carmen who has black short hair she's just a back up that no one pays attention to...still good looking though
"Hello handsome master, I've never seen you before what could I do for you today ?" She said
For some reason I feel really good inside and now I feel like I'm falling in love with her....I'm being mentally attacked somehow
I shake my head clear, and immediately put my reserves into my fist, then increase the gravity of my fist
Just as I reeled my fist back, I stop and put my hand back down
"Sorry, I don't understand why you did that, but I first assumed it as an attack." X
"I hope master could forgive me, I was just testing him; my name is Quing Zia. What is masters ?" Quing Zia
( This is the second time in minutes a newcomer has broken through my hypnotic gaze.... He must be strong.) Quing Za said in her mind
"Just write me down as Traveler, and yes no hard feelings." I say
(Damn I almost lost my temper again, fuck.) I say in my head
"Hmmm...Okay, come right this way with me." Quing Zia
We went into the back hall into a dark room, the auction was just getting started
I was excited wandering about the potential benefits I could receive
What I'm looking for is resources to improve my martial arts, I never really asked how martial skills work or searched them before because I was too focused on the otaku dream of having magic in a magical world.
After doing some research and talking to Amaya I found that there are multiple types of martial skills, I mean there is probably a martial skill for every single situation
Out of all of them though, there are few that can infinitely evolve; Most martial skills once mastered, can only be improved by cultivation or extreme practice since learning or practicing martial arts or skills improve cultivation
Most of which that doesn't have a limit for improvement would be called "Rules"
While I was thinking these things about an hour has went past and now they are finally selling the interesting products
Besides me there is fifteen others here, I can tell by counting the dots on my map
"Now introducing the high grade lightning spirit, starting at five million USD." Female auctioneer
The prices went up, because of the value out of the sixteen of us here, even I offered 20 million but was outbid by some low level three guy for 30 million
here appeared to be a set of five who were big wigs
Two ogres and three demons, I could tell them apart by the quality of aura
The leader was an ogre that was stronger than me....no he was much stronger than me I could feel something beyond level four, probably twice as strong as the two level fours I've faced thus far and he didn't like being outdone
"Hey, pathetic human." Lead ogre said in an strangely human voice
This ogre had purple skin, green hair that stood up as if he was eletrocuted, and he was dressed in maroon robes, and a white toga
"What!? " A young man around my age said with attitude
The young man had creamy toned skin, sea green eyes and short brown hair, with bangs that was over his eyebrow, but not covering his eye, he looked mainly Asian, but also Caucasian...he was "Fair" so to speak
"If you know what's good for you boy you wouldn't let your arrogance get you hurt." The ogre says releasing killing intent
Now almost everyone is frightened, and the auction has been paused
I looked around, the brown haired guy didn't look scared, and their was one more here who had made eye contact with me across the room
He had long dark hair in a ponytail on his head, brown eyes and robust build the same as mine, arms folded
The way he was dressed you could automatically tell he was an martial artist
"Is there a problem ? I don't wish to stop the auction..." Auctioneer
"I think it would be in their best interest to leave." the ogre said to the auctioner
" Why should we leave if we are following the rules, is it that you are too poor to outbid us." The cultivator said in an arrogant tone
Laughs could be heard, but no one dared laugh where the ogre could see them.....Except for the three of us that is
The ogre stared at the three of us
The auction continued, and eventually ended and boy did I rack up
I got a forearm length spear that could pierce "all" they said, but I'll say most defenses for only fifty thousand ( since everyone loves swords so much )
An eastern magic manual on building your own pocket dimension for a whopping
30 million ( which is considered cheap )
So basically I'm broke again, I only have about a measly $400,000 left in my savings.
Its been a long day so I go home, by a space-rule cultivation manual, and lightning-rule manual, an eastern magic manual, and finally a mid grade scroll on cooking
A scroll is a very powerful, rare, and expensive item.
Why ?
Because a scroll can shoot knowledge right into your mind, but the thing is, scrolls
that grant high powered skills are rarely ( if ever ) sold, because then the value of the skill would drop, if too many people have that same skill.
For example flying, while back in old times the ability to fly was very powerful, too many people invented several ways to fly, and now it is a common ability.
Also making scrolls is a hassle too, sense you have to be able to use inscription magic in the first place.
Anyways, I look at the magic writing on the scroll and feel the knowledge of mid grade cooking enter my brain.
Before going to sleep I practice purifying the aura within my body.
( Gosh I cant wait till it's fully pure, once I do that it will become a high tier rank skill in martial arts)
The next day flashback to breakfast
I got up early and tested my new cooking skills
I cooked sausages, eggs, egg omelets, bacon, and chopped up fruits
Third person POV flashback
Amaya, Carmen, and Star walked in the kitchen with their tails wagging
Phaedra followed
"Good morning everyone." X
"Good morning." The girls said simultaneously
"Since when could you cook this well ?" Amaya asked
"Since last night I had an awakening. That with great power comes great responsibility." X
"So what does that heave to do with cooking." Star
"Nothing. nothing at all." Christian says while nodding
"So...today is the first day of our individual dates, and I can't wait to take a special light skin out, I have the whole day planned ! This will be a date like no other !"X
Amaya's tail started swaying again so I know she is also happy
"You seem excited for this, usually you do a good job at keeping me entertained." Amaya said with a slight blush
" Yes, and I know your going to love this one, but you must do something for me first." X
"What ?" Amaya
Summoning a blind fold and a smell canceling pill,Christian shows them to her and says
"Wear this blind fold. And take this smell canceling pill."
"Why !? What are you planning that includes making me blind." Amaya
"But the smell canceling pill doesn't make you blind." Star
Looking at her Amaya pouted and said
"Alright, nose-blind."
"But their is no such thing." Star said before recieving an elbow from her older sister Carmen
"Do you trust me ?" X
"Hmnnn...You seem trustworthy, even though you're a bit crazy."Amaya
Christian's face drops to the ground, because he knows it's true, due to certain things that happened to him before meeting Amaya, he is a little bit crazy.
"Hey cheer up, you may be crazy, but we still love you." Carmen says wich instantly cheers X up
"Good then without further ado, lets begin our date !" I shout standing up
"What an energetic boy." Phaedra says laughing
Flashback ends
Now I'm taking the blindfold off of Amaya
She looks and go's
"WHAT THE FU-" before I push her off of an airplane
I also jump out too.
"Hahahaha !" I'm laughing but I'm actually afraid of heights so I'm terrified
"ARE YOU INSANE !!!" Amaya screams partially because we are diving thousands of feet from the sky, partially because she is scared
" Relax it's just sky diving, look at the parachute pack you're wearing." X
"Oh... hahahahaha." Amaya changes attitude
"Really ? Just like that. How do just go from freaking out to happy that fast ?" X
"You don't think I been on a plane before, plus I can tell we were on a plane by sound." Amaya
( Dammit my surprise was foiled by her heightened senses.) I'm thinking in my head
I look and see that Amaya's werewolf features are out , her tail is wagging, and once again...my heart flutters, before I met this girl, I only fealt this away about my first crush in like...fourth grade, after that no one
"He he, you thought you were tricking me but I am untrickable." Amaya
" "Untrickable" isn't a word." X
"WHATEVER you know what I'm trying to say." Amaya
I can't help but laugh
"What are you laughing about and shouldn't we use the parachutes now." Amaya
"Yes and laughing because you are amazing."
We use are parachutes and hold hands while falling down
"So you're pretty excited." X
" Maybe,I've always wanted to skydive but never got the chance to, WHOOOOOO." Amaya almost howls
We come to a landing, and fall right next to some bullshit.
When we landed, Amaya said she heard a battle happening nearby, I could see them as dots, but since their was no killing intent aimed directly at me I wasn't alarmed to them.
Looking around I see we are in the middle of a field , and those dots are beyond the thick of the forest
Running in that direction we cut into the woods, and a few people, all in suites run past us
"Stop, who are you and what are you running from ?" X
Of course they ignored me and kept running but what I did hear was
"Out of the way. !" " You'll be killed !"
"Hey sto-"Amaya was saying but I cut her off
"No time lets keep moving." X
In the distance I could see hills and cliffs
"No time to climb, grab on ." I say and grab her hand ( Teleport )
"Out of the way. !" " You'll be killed !"
"Hey sto-"Amaya was saying but I cut her off
"No time lets keep moving." X
In the distance I could see hills and cliffs
"No time to climb, grab on ." I say and grab her hand ( Teleport )
As soon as we teleport to the cliff what could be seen is torn up ground, trees either burnt, knock down, or currently burning
There are about twenty young people here who are obviously in a uniform, so they are probably students
And it seems like they are being attacked, by dark cloaked figures using Ice and dark magic
These students feel like they are in the second or third layer of level one apprentice mages
Among them their is one student, the brown haired guy from the auction yesterday who is defending them, his power is only first level of wizard layer and he is facing mages of the second level
I stop Amaya by raising my fist in the air, I want to access the situation first
She looks at me and nods
( God I love this girl, for a fire user and a muscle brain she certainly is militant when it's time to handle business, just my type.)
"Focus dumbass." She whispers
"Oh yeah." I say
Anyways the guy isn't very much stronger than all of those opponents but he has what looks like....the fairy he bought at the auction
The fairy is using some pink fire magic, and the guy is using eastern lightning magic, fire magic, and dark manifestation magic to create sharp objects
That fairy is at least second layer of level three
All of them here are mages and not cultivators, there are about thirteen level two mages and two level three mages, six are holding the students hostage, while the others fight the guy and fairy
"Please don't kill us." "You won't get away with this." "Our school won't let you get away with this !" And a bunch of other pleas could be heard from these students
"A school of mages can not stop global organizations, especially us the DARK ONES." one of the cloaked villains said and made a sword of ice
I know what comes next so I make my presence known
"Hey if you ask me....your name is pretty generic." I say and release my power
Everyone stops and looks at me