I see then ray well I guess we'll get to know each other while we are in this war I said
Yeah I'm already far away from family ray said
Far away from family ?, where are you from I said
I'm from Germany on old earth ray said
Oh wow your really far away huh I said
Yeah indeed ray said
As my heart rate started to beat a bit more faster I started to feel like I was developing feeling for ray I thought to my self
well I am far away from home as well funny things is when I originally started to this journey me and my friends were only supposed to be here to help and explore other countries to keep an eye out then later we were forced into this war with out any notice I said
Where are you from general Emily ray said
Just call me Emily we are team mates after all and we are off duty for now so it's appropriate to say our regular names I said
Yes indeed sorry about that ray said
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