Hey Emily I'll be honest when I meet you and the elf race I though well they are so much different than us and highly advanced with so much more knowledge but yet why did my race decided to kick the elf race over 200 years ago from both old and new earth ray said
Yeah I know that I have heard that the elf's government in their space federation are planing to sign a paper to allow both the elf's and humans to co-exist on a unexplored solar system called B-1778Alpha or project Xinnkal I said
Yeah the main reason I joined was to be with a girl I like ray said
Oh you have a crush on someone haha that's wonderful I wonder who it could well I guess only time will tell huh I said
Yes indeed that's for sure but I hope they will be able to notice sometime soon ray said
Yeah hopefully that does happen but it does take a bit of time for the person you like to accept your feelings plus with this war it would be bad to be in a relationship during this war we are in I said
Yes indeed ray said
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