Chereads / The Half-Blood Young Miss / Chapter 14 - Killian

Chapter 14 - Killian

It took her a second to regain her composure. Only after realizing she was simply reliving a forgotten memory was when she was able to clearly analyze her surroundings. She wanted to find some sort of hint as to when, where, and why she was locked up in a place like this.

Even slaves had better living quarters then this. No matter how many different ways she tried to look at it, this was imprisonment.

She took a closer look at her frail body, looking for clues that could help her piece together any information she could find.

Her body was smaller now, younger. She was currently seventeen in real life, but now she looked as if she was seven or eight years old. Her skin was covered in large green/purple bruises, and she could feel a sharp pain originating from her back.

She gently reached behind her to touch the source of the pain only to find her fingers coated and a fresh layer of blood. There were long and large bleeding gashes that weaved their way from the nape of her neck, to the small of her back.

[Ouch.. for just memory that f*cking hurts.]

She decided to ignore her wounds for now considering that this wasn't real, and even if it was, what would she use to treat it? There wasn't even a bed to sit down on. There was just mudd. Nothing else.

Her feet left a long trail from where she stood in the middle of the room, all the way to the iron bars infront of her. She tried to see if there was anything or anyone outside within view, and was shocked at what she saw.

Standing in a similar cell across a dark corridor, was a young boy around ten holding onto his cells bars. He looked at her full of concern and worry. As soon as she saw him, his name flashed in her mind.


He was an extremely handsome young man, and that was saying something considering how starved and beat up he was. He had dark long hair, almost as long as her own, and a pair of miss matched eyes that could captivate a kingdom with one glance.

One eye was a smoldering emerald green color, and the other a vivid crimson rd that was as endless as a sea of flames. He held a certain air to him, like everyone was beneath him. A charming confidence that even after living in such unforgivable circumstances couldn't waver.

When her eyes met his, it was as if a play started to preform right infront of her. Her body was no longer her own, and It moved according to what took place in the past.

The boy called out to her, his voice strong and unwavering. His eyes burning into her, making her stomach feel as if she swallowed a thousand fluttering butterflies.

"Mari, are you okay?"

Her younger self replied to him with tears building in her eyes. Her little voice almost too soft for him to hear.

"I'm okay... But Killian.. They're not going to keep me around much longer. I don't have enough mana... Their going to kill me since I'm no longer useful. " Sobs started to choke up her words, making her look all the more pitiful.

The boy, whom she now knew as Killian, looked down at the ground with a scowl. She didn't know what he was thinking, but she knew he was angry.

"I won't let them!" His words came out as a growl, and his eyes glowed with murderous intent. "When it's my turn, I'll kill them. I'll kill every last one of those bastards that used us as lab rats. No one will ever touch you again. I promise!"

Suddenly, a terrifying man's voice echoed through the corridor, catching both of them off guard.

"Oh yeah? For a brat that hasn't eaten in three days you sure do have alot of energy." An older man in his late forties came into view, laughing In their faces. "I should beat that out of you."

He was on the heavier side, and had a long black beard with several patches of gray in it. He felt evil to her, like the devil came to earth wearing the skin of a man.

"How about I teach you a lesson. Since you think you can kill me, I'll kill you instead!"

The older man slung open the boys cell door, and grabbed a handful of his hair. He lifted him into the air by his head, and threw him strongly against the stone wall knocking the breath out of him.

Marella call out for him in a panic.


The man didn't bother with her screams, instead he began to enjoy kicking the boy that was now crumbled onto the ground like a sack of potatoes. Killian never let out a single sound of pain, making the older man kick him even harder out of frustration. He aimed to kill him.

The boy moved his arm suddenly and swiftly, grabbing the man by his ankle. An intense red aura formed around his hand, and large flames began to incase the man's whole leg, melting the skin off the bone. The man screamed in agonizing pain while flailing his arms around like a mad man.

"This is for what you did to Mari!." The boy growled.

Just when his whole leg was nothing but charcoal, he took his fist and smashed it through the bone. Making the man collapse infront of him.

It all happened so fast that the man couldn't do anything to prevent it. All he could do was cuss and cry out in horrible in pain.

A long spear made of hot molten with a sharp tip formed in his right hand, and he aimed it at the blubbering old man's face. He looked down at him like he was a nasty bug that needed eradicating.

"And this is for me." His eyes seemed to glow in the dark cell. A dark crimson aura incased his whole body. It was so hot it felt as if even the clay mudd would evaporate. Murderous intent shining in his memorizing eyes.

He lifted the molten spear well above his head, and brought it down with force onto the old man's scull, filling the room the with scent of coppery blood a burning flesh.

Marella held her mouth shut with both her hands, suppressing the scream she felt building in her throat. Tears spilled onto her cheeks. She wasn't sad that the man died, but sad that her only friend had to dirty himself in such a way.

It should of been her to protect him. After all these years, he was the one and only person who took care of her. Though they were separated by the cell walls, he was always there to comfort her after she was brought back to her cell. He would even throw her his own bread to eat when they decided not to feed her that day.

She was mad at herself for being so weak.

The boy kicked the corpse over on its side, then quickly started to go through his pocket looking for something. Once he found a set of iron keys, he ran up to her door and promptly unlocked it for her.

Her small body collapsed into his strong embrace, both of them holding eachother as if they would die if they let go.

He brushed a patch of silver hair out of her face, and whispered into her ear. His warm breath tickling at her neck.

"I'll never leave you, Mari. It's okay. I'll never let you go."

Then everything began to fade into darkness once again.